1. Harry

The war is over. Voldemort is dead. Harry should be happy and carefree, but he isn't. He, like his fellow classmates, was requested to return to complete his 7th year.

You would think, with the 7th years coming back and the 6th years becoming 7th years, there would not be enough room for everyone. Sadly, with all the deaths during the war, that is not the case.

Thankfully, Harry still has Sirius and Remus. All of the Weasley's, minus Percy, are alive. Percy died heroically, saving Fred.

The surprise addition, to his list of loved ones who survived, was his father, James Potter. It seems that Voldemort didn't kill him, just stunned him. Why Lily was killed instead of stunned, no one can figure out. For the past 18 years James Potter was kept in the dungeons of the old Riddle house. He was found when the wards broke at Voldemort's demise. Aurors were able to enter the premises and search it from top to bottom. They found him and rushed him to St. Mungo's for treatment. He was deemed healthy but had a lot of catching up to do. Especially when it came to his son Harry. James and Sirius became inseparable.

Hermione and Ron had a fling over the summer, but realized there was really nothing there.

Ginny. Harry hates himself for hurting her but after the war he didn't feel anything. Anything at all. Not just for her but for anyone else or even himself. He didn't think that was fair to Ginny, so he broke up with her. She and Ron were pissed at Harry for most of the summer, but then Ginny said she understood and would be there when he got better. Harry tried to explain to her that he didn't want her waiting around for him. He wanted her to move on with someone else. She wouldn't listen.

So here he is back at Hogwarts, trying to avoid his best friend and his sister because they won't leave him alone about his relationship with Ginny. Strangely enough he is getting along with Malfoy because he and Hermione managed to save Professor Snape, and Malfoy is grateful. He also doesn't have his father breathing down his back any more telling him how to act, who to be friends with, and what to do. Lucius Malfoy died in the war, leaving Narcissa heart broken and Draco free.

"Potter!" Harry jumped and squeaked in fright. He turned towards the source of the voice to find Professor Snape behind him. "What are you doing out of your dorm after hours?"

"Sorry sir. I couldn't sleep so thought a walk might help."

"So, the Savior of the wizarding world doesn't have to follow the rules as everyone else hmm?"

Harry hated being called that. "I'm sorry sir, I will head right back to my dorm room."

"You will do nothing of the sort. I am in need of ingredients from the Forbidden Forrest that can only be collected during the full moon. Which happens to be tonight. For punishment for being caught out, you will go and collect them for me, seeing as you need to stretch your legs a bit. Here is the list be quick about it."

Harry took the list. "Yes sir. I will be right back." Harry then left the castle and started heading for the Forbidden Forest. He wasn't afraid of it anymore. He had wandered it so many times. He would visit the Thestrals, and Firenze and the other Centaurs.

After about 45 minutes of hunting for potion ingredients, Harry was down to needing one more. As he searched, he heard a twig snap under a foot behind him. He turned around but didn't see anything. "Who's there?" Harry yelled as he discretely got his wand into his hand. No reply.

Harry suddenly found the last ingredient needed. Still looking towards the direction the sound came from, Harry gathers the last ingredient and places it in the bag he is carrying with him.

He looks in the direction of the castle and sees a grey wolf standing in between him and the castle. He has seen Lupin's wolf and this one is much bigger.  The wolf looks calm at the moment like he is studying Harry, but Harry knows that won't last long.  He doesn't want to hurt the wolf because it could be someone innocent and kind like Lupin, but he has to get back to the safety of the castle.

Harry throws a stupefy at the wolf and makes a run for it. The only thing the stupefy did was confuse the wolf a little. Once he realized Harry was on the run, the chase was on. Harry could see the edge of the forest getting closer, when he tripped. That was all the wolf needed to jump on his back and sink his teeth into his shoulder.  Harry screamed and then rolled over, dislodging the wolf. "Petrificus Totalus" screamed Harry. The wolf fell to the ground.

Harry got up and ran back to the castle.  He ran straight to Professor Snape's office. He was starting to feel lightheaded from the blood loss.

Professor Snape quickly moved around to the other side of his desk when he saw what condition Harry was in. Holding out the bag Harry says, " Here are your ingredients Professor." After which he proceeded to pass out and Snape barely caught him in time.
