The Philosopher's Stone

The story begins as it did in the original version all the way till the Hogwarts Express 

Where in this universe Harry actually meets Hermione first before Ron she still comes in looking for Nevelle Long Bottom's toad Trevor but Harry hasn't seen a toad since he got on Hermione happen to notice the tape keeping his glasses together and offers to show him a spell how to fix them 

Harry accepts out of his kindness from his mother's side 

And when Hermione pointed her wand at Harry's face 

Hermione: Acculious Repairo  

And the charm mended his glasses back together and Harry was amazed of how it worked and of course Hermione still recognizes him as she did in the movie and introduces herself Harry was more pleased to meet her than he was in the old version 

They talk a bit getting to know one another Hermione tells Harry all about her knowledge of Hogwarts and that she's muggleborn and Harry took it well given he lives with his muggle aunt uncle and cousin so they realize that's one thing they had in common and already got use to each other's company 

Ron still comes in asking if he can sit with them since everywhere else is full

 Harry accepts still but Hermione hardly acknowledges him accept for the introduction AND the dirt on his nose LOL 

So when arriving at Hogwarts and sorted in Gryffindor Harry bonds more with Hermione than he does with Ron

They still become best friends only Harry is more opened with Hermione in this universe Harry listens more to Hermione's knowledge and intelligence they even study for their exams together 

In the Flying Lesson scene when Malfoy took Neville's memberoll and Harry caught it when he threw that build Hermione's first impression with Harry she was amazed and proud of her friend for his bravery even when he made seeker for the Gryffindor Quiditch Team

On the Halloween scene when a troll is in the castle and attacks Hermione

Harry actually comes to save Hermione WITHOUT Ron he yells: LEAVE HER ALONE!

The troll still kept at Hermione but thanks to the essays he studied with Hermione Harry did master the swish and flick charm 

Catching the Troll's weapon and knocking him out 

Harry asked Hermione if she's alright and responds to a nod when the teachers came in Hermione still covered for Harry 

Hermione: I went looking for the troll. I read about them and thought I could handle it but I was wrong. If Harry hadn't come and found me....I probably be dead.

Professor McGonigal was still displease taking five points from but award five more to Harry for his bravery on saving Hermione even if it was sheer dumb luck Harry however still notices the bite on Snape's leg beginning his susception on him from the movie 

So the story plays out as it did in the original version till in the Christmas scene when Hermione was away spending it with her family Harry and Ron finally got a chance to get more acquainted since they didn't at the train  

Where Harry receives his father's invisibility cloak 

Ron tells Harry about his family and got a chance to get to know Fred and George more too Harry didn't meet them officially till his friendship with Ron build up so you could say it came later than it did in the movie and book 

So that was the official start of Harry and Ron's friendship

After Harry later discovers the mirror of erised

Instead of Ron Harry brought Hermione soon as soon she was back from her Christmas Break of course 

And of course Hermione didn't see his parents what she did saw....was herself being the top student passing every exam in Hogwarts and she asked Harry if it shows the future but how could it

That's when Dumbledor appears and in this tells BOTH of them what the mirror does and of course tended to move it to another place 

When coming to the dark forest scene with Hagrid he has Malfoy and Ron come with him this time and Harry and Hermione pair off both running into Voldemort when feeding off a unicorn

Hermione screamed in terror and both her and Harry fell when Voldemort approached them they held each other looking away till the Santore appears driving the dark lord away 

The Santore warns both Harry and Hermione to leave the forest even of what or who was feeding off the unicorn Harry realized that was the dark wizard who killed his parents

Hermione and Harry even tell Ron what happened which scared him more than the potion finals still Hermione even comforts Harry more than she did in the original that as long as Dumbledore's around Voldemort can't touch him 

And so everything plays out the same as it did till after the chess board scene when they tend to Ron after his sacrifice

Harry and Hermione's conversation was touching than before she tells him he's the bravest person she ever known and thanked him for everything and proud the way he was during their studies together this year and Hermione placed her hand on Harry's face and told him to be careful 

Harry promises he will and made his way where comes the Professor Quirell-Voldemort two-face for the Philosopher's stone 

And after that Dumbledor's talk with Harry at the hospital wing when Gryffindor wins the house cup that was when Harry and Hermione first hug

Coming early than it did Harry and Hermione's friendship grew more that night it was the first time......that build their baby crush to one another 

And then when we come to when everyone leaves for home for the summer after Hagrid gave Harry his photo album Harry and Hermione talk's about going home is more different when after Harry says he's not really going home he also says

Harry: Hogwarts IS my home.

Thus ending the first year 

(Hope you guys like this version as much as the old one hope you guys will like the H/Hr version of the Chamber of Secrets coming soon) 
