The Chamber of Secrets

The second year begins the same as it did all the way till Diagon Ally at Harry and Hermione's reunion 

Hermione hugs Harry so happy to see her closest friend again which she had a close look at his broken glasses after his first flue powder trip and again fixed them with the Repario spell.....again making Harry feel more silly he really needs to remember that one so when Hagrid left them to it we get the rundown with Gildory Lockheart and the Malfoys first appearance when Hermione stood up to Lucius Malfoy about fearing a name Harry spoke out that he'll never be afraid to mention Voldemort's name which impressed Lucius more but not the way he stood by Hermione given she's a muggleborn 

 Running down from there the flying car whomping willow Mangray Gildory's pixies to the quidditch training scene when Draco calls Hermione "Mudblood" 

Instead of Ron Harry stands up to him for her and Harry didn't jinx Malfoy to eat slugs he used that.....freezing spell Hermione used on Neville when he tried to stop them from sneaking out in the first one

When Draco dropped down frozen Hermione smiled at Harry for the way he stood up for her the Slythirin team ran away as the Gryffindor team and Ron laughed at Malfoy and amazed at that stunt 

Hermione was still down for what Malfoy called her and in this universe Harry comforted her instead of Hagrid given Ron wasn't puking out slugs in this one 

Hermione smiled and for the first time she kissed him in the cheek which....builds up Harry's secret crush on her more

Sadly Harry's stunt on Draco got Harry into detention with Snape instead of Gildory in this version 

Instead of answering fan mail Harry was doing late night potion exams 

Which is where Harry first hears the Basilisk's voice Harry asks Snape if he heard it but knowing him he replied 

Snape: Mind your exams Potter. 

But Harry was too creeped out by that voice but later when his detention was over Harry fallowed the creepy voice through the hall and ran into Ron and Hermione still getting us to when they found the bloody message on the wall of the Chamber of Secrets being opened and finding Mrs. Norus petrified 

When everyone gathered around Filch still accuses Harry of petrifying his cat till Snape tells the staff Harry was with him but....he mentions to Dumbledor of Harry hearing a voice given he asked if he heard it which.....draws Dumbledor to glance at Harry

He was more curious and puzzled to know he heard a voice like he knows something about it where Dumbledor has Harry fallow him to his office where we see it early than we do in the old version Dumbledor asks Harry about the voice but Harry just says he's the only one who heard it Snape didn't hear it not even Hermione and Ron in the hall 

Dumbledor explains he had a student who heard voices too but didn't say who it was 50 years ago and were both startled when Dumbledore's pet phoenix Fawkes caught fire 

 That's when we get Dumbledor explaining the abilities of a phoenix when Fawkes is reborn from the ashes 

We still have Hagrid coming in defending Harry but Dumbledor tells him he does not think it was him leading to Dumbledor asking him if there's something he needs to tell him but Harry still says nothing and Dumbledor dismisses him and he turns away this time leaving Harry to still ask the sorting hat if he put him in the right house with his answer still thinking he would be better in Slythirin 

So we rundown from McGonigal telling the students about the Chamber of Secrets all the way to when Harry and Ron becoming Crabb and Goyle by Polyjuice potion where they talk to Malfoy about the Chamber of Secrets

When Draco says he hopes Hermione dies it's Harry who snaps and nearly attacks him but Ron holds him back and Malfoy is dumbfounded with them and all Harry says 

Harry: I.....have a stomach ace too. 

Ron tells Harry to calm down and soon start changing back when they arrive back to the girls bathroom to find Hermione as a cat 

Harry comforted her and covered her when Moaning Mrytle and Ron laughed at her 

You may remember from the deleted scenes Harry and Ron showed Hermione in the hospital wing Tom Riddle's diary well after finding the diary it was just Harry with diary showing it to her

Hermione tells Harry she actually heard about Tom Riddle from the previous Hogwarts years and find it odd....that nothing is written in the diary 

Going froward from when Harry see's the Tom Riddle Flashback to when Professor McGonigal leads him and Ron to the Hospital Wing Hermione is petrified 

Harry was in more deep shock than Ron was in the movie he even teared up holding her hand Harry was even tempted to tell Hermione how he feels each time he visited her in the Hospital Wing 

After the giant spiders attack in the forbidden forest Harry almost did.....till he finds the crumbled page in her hand and we get where Harry and Ron learn about the Basilisk 

So everything goes out the same from Harry and Ron learn Ginny Weasley was taken into the Chamber of Secrets all the way to when all the Basilisk victims were cured and when Hermione comes in the Great Hall and see's Harry she still runs to him and their hug is much touching and stronger than it was in the movie 

Hermione is even more impressed how Harry and Ron solved the case than she was before and even looks at Harry in the eyes sweetly building her own crush more 

Once Hagrid returns the second chapter ends here.......

(Coming soon Harry and Hermione's side in the Prisoner of Azkaban.....)
