The Order of the Phoenix

The Order of the Phoenix begins half way the same as it did from Harry and Dudley being attacked by Dementors 

ALL THE WHOLE WAY TO.......when everyone discussing where to practice their defense against the dark outs 

Ginny is who mentions Cho couldn't take her eyes off Harry which saddens Hermione she had plan to tell Harry how she felt now knowing from Cedric last year he felt the same but seems things really changed since the Yule Ball 

But after all the training in the room of requirement and Hermione looked back to Harry walking to Cho 

And saw them kissing under the mistletoe 

Hermione cries and walks away 

And later in the Gryffindor Common Room Hermione isn't there in this universe it's just Harry and Ron 

After Harry tells Ron about the snog with Cho Ron snitched on Hermione about her feelings for him which SHOCKED Harry to death 

Sure they patched up from the Yule Ball thing at the end of last year but Harry just thought he was in the friendzone with Hermione since then Harry was naive enough to think Hermione had some relationship with Victor Krum and just thought he should move on from her

But after what Ron told him......he was now more confused than ever 

But anyway after Harry's dream of Aurthur Weasley Snape's first occlumency lesson and the Christmas gift giving we come to when Harry tells Sirius he believes he's becoming more like Voldemort 

He even tells him about what happen with him and Hermione last year and he feels extremely guilty on kissing Cho more guilty how he avoided her last year 

  Sirius still comforts him that he's not a bad person that they all got light and dark inside them and what matters is how he chooses to act on them and that if he really wants to make up with things with Hermione he will always stand by him on whoever or whatever he chooses 

Hermione even heard them before she walked in on them and was touched by the heart 

So going from Hagrid's return all the way to Hagrid showing the trio Grawp when he grabs Hermione Harry was tempted to save her but Hagrid held him back when Hermione tells the big child to put her down 

And when he does Ron calls Grawp her admirer which she slapped him in the shoulder for so Hagrid still asks them to look after him while he's gone 

Running down from the second occlumency lesson with Snape all the way to when Harry's friends are captured by the death eaters when Lucius Malfoy demands for the prophesy or they kill his friend

Harry looked over to Hermione being held by one of the Death Eaters 

Fearing for the love of his life Harry did not hesitate on giving Lucius the Prophecy and soon Sirius and the Oras arrived 

But after Bellatrix Lestrange kills Sirius and Harry broke down Hermione held him back instead of Lupin both crying and Harry still chased after Bellatrix leading to the duel between Dumbledor and Voldemort 

 It went out as it did in the movie up until when Voldemort was possessing Harry his friends arrive and Harry caught a glimpse of Hermione and his love for her....FORCED Voldemort out of him 

Sadly that's how Voldemort realizes his feelings for Hermione and he locked eyes to her

Which made Hermione scared and backed up

Voldemort was gonna kill her in front of Harry and he yelled "NO!" that was when the Ministry arrive and saw The Dark Lord as he teleports away 

As word spread of the admitting truth of Voldemort and after Umbridge was fired and after Harry's talk with Dumbledor he met up with Hermione in the common room instead of meeting Luna in the hall 

They talked and Hermione was sorry about Sirius Harry was even sorry....about that thing with Cho and he was close....on finally telling her how he feels......

....I'm sure you're expecting he does here but.....he doesn't....

.....only cause Ron walked in on them telling them it was time for the feast

Harry didn't go as he didn't as you might remember from a deleted scene 

And when they students headed to board on the train when Harry says.....

Harry: Something worth fighting for.

Harry then held Hermione's hand who looked at him in curious but smiled at him as they boarded the train

(Love will finally be in the air in the Half Blood Prince....)
