~Julie's POV~

I woke up at eight, which is pretty early for a Saturday. I had a dream last night, about my mom. Usually, I forget my dreams by the time I wake up, but this one still plays so vividly in my mind.

We were out back, near the garage, Luke was there too. He was talking to me, the same things he said to me last night. My mom was next to him, but he couldn't see her. She was just nodding her head and smiling. I looked at her, confused and searching for the meaning in all of this. She turns to Luke as he says, "Playing just now made me feel alive again. It made us all feel alive again." My mom turns to walk away but I call out for her. I don't want her to go. She looks back at me and smiles. "You got this Mija." She glances down at my hands and I see a dahlia in my palm. I heard my mother say the words "Wake up." before I opened my eyes.

I'm not sure what the dream meant exactly but I feel like there's something I have to do. Something that I have been avoiding for a year.

I head out to my mom's studio and open the doors.

"Hello? Are you guys still here?" I call out.

No answer.

"I walk over to the piano and my eyes get pulled to the sheets of paper on top. Those weren't there last night. Maybe one of the guys left it.

I pick it up and feel my stomach drop when I notice my mother's handwriting. It's the last piece of music she ever wrote. I take a seat in front of the piano as I read the title of the song. "Wake up". I wasn't sure before but now I know what I must do. For her.

I close my eyes and start playing.

(A.N)- Sorry for the short chapter!! I'm gonna start writing the next one right now so that I can hopefully get it published tonight. Also hello to all my new readers! Don't forget to leave suggestions and comments!
