"Are you insane? Turn that off now." I said while storming into the garage. "My entire neighborhood could hear you."

The boys stopped playing and looked at each other with shocked faces.

"Woah, what did you just say?" Luke asked, stepping towards me. "People can hear us?"

"Yes and so did my dad and my brother," I said

"Wait wait wait, so only you can see us, but everyone can hear us?" Alex asked. "I mean what kind of ghosts are we?"

"Who cares man! People can hear us play." Luke said jumping and fist-bumping the other two.

"We might be dead, but our music isn't," Reggie said with a smirk.

"That's not the point-" I started before my dad walked in.

"Hey Julie, I just wanted to check on you. Are you alright, you look a little red?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine dad," I answered quickly.

"I didn't interrupt anything did I?" He asked while looking around.

"No, I was just thinking," I said

"Well, I just wanted to talk to you because, well, I wanted you to know that I'm not mad at you at all. Things have been hard for me and Carlos but I can't even imagine how it must have felt for you. We all lost her, but you seeing it happen..." His voice cracked as he wiped away a tear. "I just wanted to say that I am sorry if I made you feel like I don't care about your feelings. Your mother loved you Julie and she always will."

I turned away from him and took a deep breath.

"It's okay Dad, I know," I said with a shaky voice. "I'm okay, I promise."

"Okay Mija, I'll leave you alone then. But it's getting pretty late, you should head to bed soon. I love you." He said before placing a kiss on my head.

"I love you too Dad."

As he walked out, I walked over to sit down at the piano and rested my head on it.

"Are you okay?"

The sound of the voice made me jump. I looked up to see Alex looking down at me. I forgot they were here.

"Oh, um, yeah I'm okay," I said wiping my eyes, making sure they were dry. The last thing I wanted was for three strange ghost boys to feel bad for me.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about your-" Reggie started but Luke hit him in the arm, letting him know to shut up.

Thank you, Luke.

"So um, do you play?" Luke asked, trying to change the subject.

"No I don't, the piano was my mom's," I said shaking my head quickly.

"Oh." He said.

"So listen I know finding out that your dead must be really hard for you all but, you can't stay here," I said. "My dad is already watching over me 24/7 so I don't really need him or my brother hearing me talk to air. Or else that might land me another talk with Dr.Turner."

"But, we have nowhere else to go, Julie," Reggie said quietly.

"Sure you do, you're ghosts. You can go anywhere." I said, getting up and walking out.

As I walked up the steps to the patio I heard a rush wind and saw Luke appear in front of me.

"Woah," I said jumping back. "I never knew ghosts had teleportation skills," I said with a smirk that almost immediately went away once I saw the furious look on his face.

"How selfish can you be?" He started. "Three guys just find out that they're literally dead and have been dead for the last twenty-five years and now the one place they ever thought to be a home is getting taken from them. Our instruments are here, you can't take that away from us. Music is the only thing I really lived for. Playing just now made me feel alive again, it made all of us feel alive again. We can play our music Julie, that's an offer no musician would ever turn down. Just ask your mom I'm sure she'll tell you-" He stopped.

I turned away quickly, feeling my eyes start to burn.

"I'm- I'm so sorry. I forgot."

"Look, I can tell you've had a bad day, but three guys just found out they've had a bad 25 years." He said. "You gotta let us stay Julie."

"We won't make a mess, we promise."

I turned to see Alex and next to him was Reggie.

"Well actually I promise to make sure these two don't make a mess," Alex said while gesturing to Luke and Reggie. "I've always been a pretty clean kid, so."

I giggled and wiped my tears.

"I am really sorry about your mom Julie," Reggie said.

"Thank you," I said with a smile. These boys weren't so bad. I sighed. "I guess you can stay."

They all jumped and high-fived each other. Luke went to high-five me but stopped before realizing that it would just go through me.

"Thank you, Julie, so much," Alex said.

"Yeah, no problem. Just no more...rocking out when I'm not there." I said.

"Got it," Luke said.

I smiled and looked at all of them before turning around and heading for bed.
