~Lukes Pov~

I watched as the girl in the monster slippers walks into the house. She may be a little snappy but I have no room to talk. Plus she has every reason to be upset, three ghosts just came into her garage. I made it even worse by being so aggressive towards her. I feel really bad, she seems like a nice person. I don't know why but she just feels so familiar. I just can't wrap my head around who she reminds me of.

"Luke." Alex's voice wakes me out of my thoughts. I jump a little which makes Reggie laugh.

"Someone has a crush." Reggie teases while poking my side. "Can't blame you though. She's really pretty."

"Yeah she's pretty hot....headed. Hot-headed." I say correcting myself.

"Yeah, sure," Alex says while he and Reggie exchange knowing glances.

"Anyways," I say trying to change the subject. "it's been twenty-five years man. We should take a look around town to see what's changed. I mean c'mon, the freaking garage has floating chairs on the ceiling. Who knows what else is new."

"I want to see my parents, I wonder how they are doing. If they're even still together." Reggie said sadly.

"Yeah, I'd rather not... see my folks." Alex mumbles.

Reggie and I rub his back.

Alex never had a good relationship with his parents after he came out as gay. They were even more upset when they found out about us dating. They knew that I was a closeted bisexual and they threatened to expose me if our relationship didn't end. He's still my best friend though. I mean, I love him of course but just not in that way anymore.

"So any ideas of where we are headed?" Reg asks.

"I actually have a place in mind," I say as I grab their arms and poof out.

~Alex's POV~

We land on the top of the Orpheum. I look down and see people walking on the sidewalk and think about the line of fans that stood there twenty-five years ago, waiting for us to perform. It was gonna be great. I look up at the big bright blue letters above us and turn to Luke.

"Okay, so, why'd you bring us here? Just another painful reminder of where we never got to play." I say while patting his back. "Thanks, Luke."

"I mean boys, the game isn't over yet. I'm telling you, we've been given a second chance. Let's find some music, let's see how many clubs we can hit before sunrise." Luke says.

I don't know what he means by that but I'm just gonna go with it. This kid is always looking on the bright side of things instead of the facts.

I start to follow Luke but some strange guy in a top hat bumps into me. This is weird because alive people are supposed to just pass through us. Unless...he's not alive. I turn to get a better look at him and he just stares and smiles. It's a creepy smile that makes the hairs on my neck stick up. A familiar feeling goes through my body that reminds me of the Dark Room.

"Alex, you coming?" Luke yells.

I turn away from the strange man and jog to catch up with my friends.
