Book 7: AlphaxAlpha

Title: AlphaxAlpha

Author: chaosoblivion

Main Genre: Fantasy

Sub-Genre: Romance

Number of Chapters: 60 and going

Recommended age of the readers: 18 and older

Mature: Yes

Completed: No


What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by fate?

Well hell breaks loose!

Not to mention both Alphas have very high prides that neither one would like to submit. Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out?

Most likely not.

Why I liked it:

I'm going to be truthful. I've read this book twice, I think. But that's the problem: I don't remember it. When I stumbled onto it the second time, I was so confused because I swear I've read it before. But then, I read it anyways because it was so good.

I know, for a fact, that I liked it because I have it in my reading list but I just keep forgetting it. Most probably because I've read something similar but I don't know... I'm going to read it again.

It'd take some time but once I do, I'll update this.

This is a well-known book among the alpha topics; if you've read it or are going to read it, come back and comment on your thoughts! 
