Book 19: Kill Like A Gentleman

Title: Kill Like A Gentleman

Author: MyWickedWays

Main Genre: LGBT+

Sub-Genre: Detective

Number of Chapters: 35 plus extra chapters for fun

Recommended age of the readers: 18 and older

Mature: Definitely a Yes

Completed: Yes


Act like a saint.

Tempt like a slut.

Talk like a boss.

Kill like a Gentleman.

Elliot was given a task, and that was to infiltrate the mansion of the richest family in the country.

Of course, he got in, but what he saw inside was a family secret that he was not supposed to find out.

"Death never looked so fucking classy."

Why I liked it:

Where have you been? Oh my god! You haven't read this book?! Go, now. I don't care what you're doing. 

I know the books aren't in order but like: this book deserves to be the first one recommended, darn it.

This is not an author biased statement. Trust me when I say: you'll LOVE it. It's the best, ever book, created. It's dark, in violent sense and so damn sexy and fun to read. It's heart-swelling, heart-aching and just... it rips your heart out and stitches it back, okay? 

I've read it twice because I normally don't read books more than once and I just couldn't help it since I couldn't find another book that's as good as this. I'm waiting for someone to write something as good as this but... no, not one that's this good. 

Okay, that's enough of knowing my opinion, go and read it and comment hundreds on it and come back to tell me how you feel.

I still don't know why this book isn't that popular. Honestly, I think it deserves so much more because god, the plot, it's CRAZY!

P.S. This book will definitely drive you insane and keep you on the edge of your seat- or as to most reader, on the edge of your bed.
