Book 21: B1OOD

Title: B1OOD

Author: MyWickedWays

Main Genre: Vampire

Sub-Genre: LGBT+

Number of Chapters: 46

Recommended age of the readers: 18 and older

Mature: Yes

Completed: Yes


(The Midnight Chronicles: B1OOD)

Noctis Marius IV - the last living highborn vampire - has finally turned 121-years-old, which means he is now at the right age to look for his wife and continue on his bloodline before the 'Blood Moon' occurs.

But when Noctis meets 34-year-old physics professor Arthur Bain, the vampires' existence ends up being at stake, and the world's balance will once again crumble.

Why I liked it:

One of the best vampire books I've read. So worth it. So different to the typical Wattpad Vampire books. A must read if you're a lover of vampire themed books. 

The main character's looking for trouble and the other just falls into it. It's the best honestly. It's good, it's fresh and it's definitely bloody.

And note this: the second book is called '2EAT' and the third is called 'TEAR3'. It's not out yet, both of them, but waiting for it because book one is just so good.
