Chapter 7: Self-Warping Unit

Eyyy, it's ma birthday! So I decided to make a new chapter. Enjoy.


(Y/n) took a deep breath.

This deep in the sea, even through their second skin, (y/n) can feel the temperature of the water drop. It isn't like a winter chill, bringing a shiver to the skin, but more like the welcome coolness of an autumn breeze. The lack of light that had bothered the human so much at first just became normal. The ocean was etched in charcoal, the once vibrant hues of the plants were no more than a vivid dream.

"Main objective: Membrain Tree sample

Location: Sea Treader's Path"

The good old Seamoth was moving forward without much noise. (L/n) held a stoic face. Trying to stay focused and prepared for any danger, they ignored any sort of burning pain that the kharaa brought within them. Without much effort, (Y/n) carefully lead her/his Seamoth between the rock and hills that created all sorts of tunnels and natural gates.

"Damage to plantlife on the seafloor suggests this may be the migration path of a huge, bottom-dwelling lifeform."

So far into the ocean, there were no signs for any Sea Treaders or even membrain tree seeds. Just hollow waters. A second later, an unnatural screeching was echoing from behind. The Human gasped, recognize the mechanical noise that were now engulfing this biome - it was none other than a Warper. And it was getting closer from behind.

«▖┅┗▖. ┣┗┏▛▄▖▜┏┣ ▚ ▖▞┣┗▖┗┣.»

"Warning : detecting a hostile Self-Warping Quarantine Enforcer Unit. Caution is advised, receiving signals..."

"Ugh, Not now, Those Warpers have been a lot more active lately... !" - the (Gender) keened under their breath. Although those bio-mechanical life forms were no bigger than a human, (Y/n) was still at an unease knowing that they might get teleported at any second. Cries and screeches of mechanical strays were now unbearable as the Warper set it's objective onto the (Gender) Human.

"New message acquired from a nearby signals. Translating the Played Message ;"

"Nine n᷅ȅ̙ͯw͓̓̔ ̶̡̱ͥbͤ̇͒i͊o̫l̺o̸͉ͩg̠͒͜i͎c͏a̾l͜ subjects designated. Mode switch: .... ..- -. - .. -. --. -..-. .- -. .- .-.. -.-- --.. .. -. --.

Sharing ... ..- -... .--- . -.-. - locations with other .- --. . -. - ...."

The Warper saw the shock register on (Y/n)'s face before He/she could hide it.

Gripping onto the SeaMoth tighter, (L/n) drove it with maximum speed; in front of them, An arch-like rock structure on the top of the Sea Treader's Path's looked like a large tunnel. (Y/n) grinned, her/his infected cheekbones burning with the Kharaa. "lets see how you'll like this plan."

"▖▞┣┗▖┗┣ ▚┛Subject 11783 destroyed. Mode switch: patrol. New targets unaccounted for: 1▖▞┣ ▚┛▘▞"

The Warper was swimming closer, when suddenly (Y/n) took a sharp turn within the rocks - causing the mechanical organism miss the human and to swim right into the walls of the rocks. The warper screeched, the impact caused a great deal of damage.

"Haha! Take that!" - (Y/n) drove faster, now trying to hide their sea moth under the rocks. The warper rose up again, it's circuits lighting up. It scanned the terrain, in search for the infected human that tried to flee.

"... . .- .-. -.-. .... .. -. --."

No signs of the human were found.

"HEY!" The warper's analyze mode was interrupted as it turned around to the source of the sound. "Say my regards to your little friends!"

With a yellow repulsion canon tight in hands, (Y/n) swam from behind the Warper and fired it with all it's potential power. That was the last thing the Warper saw Before It was blasted against rocks with intense force, causing hills to crack up and fall on top of the damaged warper.

"┗━▖ ▖┓┫▞┣ ▚. ▛▄┅┗▖ ▚ ▖▞┣┗▖┗┣ ▚┛▘▞━▖┅."

Not being able to fix itself, the Self-Warping Unit was shutting off, sending final message outside to other subjects. Below the scrabbled rocks, the warper now layed unmoved. (Y/n) lowered her/his repulsion cannon, making sure that this hunter was defeated. The (Gender) sighed - the place was quite again.

"We humans really do destroy everything... huh."

Emitting a loud gasp of air, a (Gender) figure stumbled on to the alien base. With a Membraine Tree samples in one hand, they Used a Warp Gate to back into the Primary Research facility; (Y/n) felt a rush of adrenaline as they got back to continue their research for the Hatching Enzyme.

"Warning! Calorie deficiency detected." - an echo of a hungry stomach was heard within the empty Precursor base. "I know I know, I'll get something to eat in a minute!"

Munching on a lantern fruit, (Y/n) tried not to smudge her/his lab work. On the Precursor Working bench were all sort of tools from Aurora but The Human's gaze was directed on the flora and fauna scans. "Alright... it's time to figure out how to create a hatching enzyme. For the Sea Emperor and the Babies."

(L/n) moved in choreographed silence as they drew pipettes of fluid from one tiny tube and transferred them to others. The hum of machinery was like a soft whisper in the background. The aroma was mostly of the setting agar plates but there was an undertone of bleach.

"Disposing Fungal Samples' fuel. Dissecting translucent bladder from the Sea Crown Sample. Ghost weed sample and Gabe's Feather Sample are successful mixed. Continuing drawing hypothesis..."

"PDA , Initiate Hypothesis - Rouge cradle sample emitting a burning reaction within the contact with a membrane tree sample. Analyse the acidic substance."

"Initiating Analysis."

After few hours, The laboratory was as quiet and cold as a morgue. In this dimly lit alien lab, There is no movement of any kind. There are lights, but like the stars in a night sky they do little to lift the blackness, showing only the activity of the hardware - (Y/n)'s fatigue body was sitting on a chair, slumber took over them hours ago, as it seems that they were asleep while waiting for the Enzyme Results.

Breathing heavily, a small beeping noise woke (L/n) up from their dream. Perhaps they saw the Sea Emperor in her/his dreams. Or their babies swimming happily in Safe Shallows. (Y/n) rubbed their eyes in confusion, they gazed at the fabricator. How many hours were they sleeping?

"Hatching Enzyme's fabrication is successfully complete."

In the far reaches of outer space, a native spaceship contacted a foreign yet familiar signal from their Self-Warping Quarantine Enforcer Unit.

".. -. ..-. . -.-. - . -.. / .... ..- -- .- -. / .. -. -.. .. ...- .. -.. ..- .- .-.. / ..-. .-. --- -- / .--. .-.. .- -. . - / - . .-. .- .-.-.-"

a distorted picture of a (Gender) Human shooting from a repulsion cannon reappeared on a screen, while a group of individuals studied this new information.


If you'll see a Morse code text in future chapters, and would like to know the translation I'll leave this for you :

Guess who we gonna see next chapter?

I deeply apologize for any typos on my stories, since I tend to rush them something. I'll try my best to fix that. Thank you.
