Chapter 8: Sea Emperor Juveniles

My biggest appreciation to everyone for the "Happy Birthday" wishes and those who commented/supported my stories on my last updates. You guys made my boring birthday a miracle ;~; love you all!


(Y/n) swam nervously

In their hands, there's a substance that may cure this planet and every living organism - the Hatching Enzymes. (Y/n) can feel the fear in their chest waiting to take over. Perhaps it only wants to protect them but there really isn't any danger. It sits there like an angry ball propelling them towards an anxiety they just don't need.

The humanoid figure was gliding in front of the Sea Emperor Leviathan, the Hatching Enzymes ready for use. The Emperor looked with care and affection towards the human, but they couldn't admit that they were scared of what might come as well.

'It is time.'

Gently bumping (Y/n) with their giant snout, the Leviathan tried to indicate their support. After all, The (Gender) went for such risks for them, and the Emperor can't thank them enough. (Y/n) nodded, ready to place the substance inside of the Precursor's Egg Incubator. It's time for the babies to wake up from their stasis.

A loud clicking noise broke the silence of the Aquarium, followed by a low humming of the Precursor machinery activating. So far, Nothing moved. The Sea Emperor And their human companion eyed the eggs, Each one lay like a story waiting to be told.

A crack was heard. Small bubbles emitted from the five eggs, as their shells were shaking slightly. The Sea Emperor leaned, ready to meet their younglings' first seconds of life. In the meanwhile, (Y/n) shook with surprise and worry.

"Oh MA STARS!" - (y/n) swam to the eggs, staring at small claw-like limbs reaching out of the shells. Small turquoise tendrils were floating, when suddenly each Emperor baby hatched from its sleep. The Sea Emperor Juveniles were alive.

"It worked! Yes, yes!" - the (Gender) Human cried of happiness, while the colossal Sea Emperor purred in relief. Five babies were swimming aimlessly in different direction. As an insticting, (Y/n) tried to hold them as a human baby her/his arms.

"Ooh, here, I'm here... your momma is here..." - (L/n) gently cupped the juvenile that tried to blink at the Human in front of them. Small yet echoing whines were repeated from the babies who tried to speak for the first time in their life.

'ᴴᵘʰ... ᵐᵒᵐ

ᴹᵒᵐᵐᵃ ...

ᴹ...ᵐᵐᵐ ᵐᵃᵐᵃ'

"Th-They... they speak!?"

'My young are swimming with the shallows. I thank you, (Y/n).'

Happy Crackles from the newly hatched babies were echoing everywhere surrounding (Y/n)'s senses. The proud parent of these tiny cute babies was leaning closer onto the Human Survivor that held them. (Y/n) gazed in awe while chuckling, the juveniles were wobbling back and forth between (Y/n) and The Sea Emperor, as if cuddling for warmth.

"Awww, they're so adorable... hey there, baby. Your mom was waiting for you!"

'ᴹᵐᵐ.. ᵐᵒᵐ⁻ ᴹᵒᵐ

ᴹᵒᵐᵐᵐ ᴹᴼᴹ

ᴹᴼᴹ ᴹᴼᴹ'

"Okay, now every single one of them is whining this word. I'm not your mama, THIS is your mom..."

'ᵐᵃᵐᵃ? ᴹᵃᵐᵃ! ᴹᵃᵐᵃ!

ᴹᵃᵐᵃ...ᵐᵐ ᵐᵃᵐᵃ!'


A shadow of the colossal Emperor was covering (Y/n) and the babies from any harm. The Ancient Sea Emperor, now officially a parent, scooped (Y/n) closer to them, while starring in amusement. The kids relaxes into Their embrace so fully it's like they are one organism, melted together. The Sea Emperor has a look of contentment on their face. The children have everything they want in life right now, bouncing up and down in this Containment Facility with their big Mama Emperor.

'They are happy to see you as well. My young ones wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for you.'

"This is so cute! The beauty of birth... I must scan them to make sure they're healthy!"

(Y/n) was cooing at the young Aline fishes, while holding them close and scanning. One may agree, the young Sea Emperors were looking at the (Gender) Human as a mother for them too.

"I became a MAMA!" - (Y/n) bursted from laughter "oh Oh! You should name them all! I've been thinking of : Jeffrey, Billy , Samwise , Marshall aaaand... Sean. Completely random - what do you think?"

(Y/n) kept mumbling and mumbling, not minding the crackles and murmurs coming from the Sea Emperor and their five children. Those sweet leviathans kept snuggling onto (Y/n)'s arms as if she/he is an actual parent for them all. This is the first Leviathan generation to be born with a Human next to them.

'You gave me what I asked, my friend. Now I shall repay you with what you came for'

(Y/n) snapped out of their childish behavior. "What I came for...?" - (L/n) faced the adult Sea Emperor, their eyes widened with shock. They took a closer look at the baby leviathans, the human noticed a peachy-colored substance shining around. It was coming from the Jeffrey, Billy , Samwise , Marshall and Sean!

"Is that...?" - (L/n) glared at the substance. It was the cure - the end of their journey. Turning back to the Sea Emperor, they looked with worry and shock. The Sea Emperor could only nod of approval.

Enzyme 42 was here.

"I-I... I'll be back in some time. Meanwhile, I'll leave you alone with you kids, alright?" - (Y/n) nervously announced, while their scan tool collected few samples of the rare Enzyme 42. Five Leviathan toddlers started to swim to their human mamma upon hearing her/his voice.

'ᴹᵒᵐ...ᵐᵐᵐ.... ᵐᵃᵐᵃ...?

ᴹᴬᴹᴹᴹᴹ, ᵐᵃ...'

"Don't worry, sweetie, I'll take just a minute. Jeffrey, Billy , Samwise , Marshall, Sean - Don't miss behave 'kay? Love ya!"

'ᴶᵉᵉᶠ...ʲ... ᵇ⁻ᵇᶦˡˡᶦ..

..ˢ..ˢᵃᵐ... ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ,

ᴸᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ, ˡᵒᵒᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ'

Already forgetting which one is Billy and which one is Jeffrey, (Y/n) cuddled all of them together, not minding the small blue noodle-like tendrils in her/his face.

The Giant Sea Emperor Leviathan watched the (hair-color) human swimming back up to the surface of the Primary Research Facility, where they spent time researching and resting. Emitting a loud exhale, the Parent Sea Creature was now worried.

There's a reason why the Sea Emperor didn't trust the Precursors. There's a reason why the Native couldn't achieve the Enzyme 42. But now, The Leviathan was scared for what might come to their friend once they cure themselves with this substance. Whatever it might be, The Alien Giant hoped that (Y/n) shall be safe.

'Please, be careful.'

Circling their children, the Sea Emperor kept their calming nature for the sake of their babies, not minding the awful tiredness and pain lingering in their scaled limbs.

"Enzyme 42 acquired"


If your a female reader, then it will suit you for the babies to call you "mom"

If your a male reader, it's even better for the alien fishes to call you "mom"

And the babies will be oftenly referred as : Jeffrey, Billy , Samwise , Marshall and Sean! If any of you dislike it, please tell me. I can change it in the future. 
