Chapter 6: Bacterial Infection

Summary: a human and an alien fish discuss about the philosophy of life. You Are rethinking your reality, while the alien fish is wondering if you have babies.


(Y/n) flared her/his arms.

In the vast deep ocean of a Solus Planet 4546B, a humanoid figure was sitting next to an ancient 2600-year-old creature known as the Sea Emperor Leviathan.

The two sat, discussing all sorts of things about life ; Due to (Y/n)'s injured leg, she/he would stay with the Emperor, who always welcomed her/him with a welcoming look. So on a day such as this, they both were at ease, and there was nothing that calmed them more than the loving talks that they shared.

'My home used to cherish with life. So many different beings swam in the depth of the ocean. But now they're nothing but sand blowing on the seafloor.'

The map of brown scales on the Leviathan back told of the most incredible journey. Their scars told worries of the past and worries of the present. But mostly they were so deeply ingrained they told a story of a wise Sea Emperor who lived through 27 centuries to that moment; to stand here as a captive specimen in this Aquarium prison.

"We also had giant creatures swimming in the ocean back on Earth! We used to have Whales, dolphins... but they all went extinct around 2150."

'What a remarkable name - 'Earth'. 'Earth' also had an ocean?'

"Yeah, There are many familiarities between your home and mine. it's just... we humans have nearly destroyed our planet - many creatures and lives were gone. And our oceans are polluted now."

'To only imagine, a place beyond the stars with life thriving on it, just like it used to be here. You must be in great sorrow, away from home.'

"Well, I guess, yeah. It's been a year since I crashed on this planet..." - (Y/n) tried to ignore the traumatic memories that occurred when they first arrived here. After all, she/he is the only Aurora Survivor.

'Do not fret. I am sure It'll all be over soon. And you'll be able to get back home - to your herd and your younglings.' - the Alien Emperor was more than interested to know how (Y/n) home looked like. More likely, they were interested how her/his offspring looked like back on earth ; they are probably missing their Mother/Father.

"Yeah, my- Wait? My younglings? Um, ahah no no no," - (Y/n) dumbfoundingly jumped from her/his comfort zone, as heat started to rise up to her/his cheeks. Did the Sea Emperor just assumed that he/she has kids? "I don't have, younglings or kids of my own."

'You... don't? Who do you have on 'Earth' waiting for you?'

The Colossus Leviathan stared at the embarrassed (Gender) whose (skin-color) skin started to slightly change in hue. The Sea Emperor was afraid they said something wrong about their kind that have caused the human to jump up in surprise.

"I have... no one, actually. I don't have kids because I don't have a partner to start a family with. And my parents are back on earth. They live on a different country, while I work overboard."

'No one. But your kind? Don't you communicate with your people in order to survive?'

"Not really. Humans don't need to stay in herds for survival. We have technology and jobs - everyone must work day and night just to feed themselves. I had few colleagues back on earth, but we only talked so we can cooperate. Not because we're friends. Humans are... not caring." - (Y/n) eyes told of laughter, of warm smiles and affection. But their voice clearly spoke of humanities lonesome behavior.

'But you are human - and you are caring.'

"'s just. We destroy our own homeplanet ; Resources are running low. That's why I am here - we humans build rocket ships to fly off into the galaxy in search for habitable planets, to colonize it. So if I'll return back on earth, humans will question me - get all the information that they need. And then come back here on this planet to colonize it as well. I may not know who were the Precursors of your planet - but I know for sure that we humans are worse."

(Y/n) thoughts turned to their childhood dreams, while sucking on the oxygen tanks that provided them breathable air. Once in a while they steal a glance at the giant Leviathan before them, who was listening in unbelief. The Sea Emperor May be the wisest creature on Planet 4546B, But they knew nothing about earth nor humans. Perhaps life on earth wasn't easy for individuals.

'Do you miss Earth?'

The (Gender) Human now glanced in regret, their eyes are seeming to search for an answer before replying carefully.


"Do I miss earth..? Do I ?" - whispering to themselves, the (hair-color) Human skipped in the middle of Auditorium of the Primary Containment Facility, her/his footsteps echoing in the alien base. this Precursors' lab is already as quiet as a mausoleum.

(Y/n) (L/n) walked back to the alien working bench, where they stored all the flora samples in safety for future reassure. Sitting still on cold metal chair, the Survivor had no strength to move. (Y/n) unzipped their swimsuit, revealing the ashened infected (skin-color) skin. Taking a med kit to heal their bitten leg, (Y/n) cursed. "Damn Crabsnake."

Everything went quiet. (Y/n)'s thoughts were the only voice in their head - they conflicted on whether or not they should head outside in search for more ingredients. After all, the Hatching Enzyme won't fabricating it sel-

"Ugh..." - (Y/n)'s heart throbbed. This time not because of the injury, but something else. "W-what... what is-Ugh!" They clenched onto their chest, the pain was spreading from the inside onto their skin. Screeching and scratching her/his skin, (L/n) bites down on her/his lip trying not to burst into tears.

The Kharaa. It's eating from the inside.

"No no no..." - the shaking human fell to the floor, their body failing them. Trying to reach for the scan tool, (Y/n) couldn't help but witness how her/his own hands are pulsating with bright green. A gasp of torture escaped them ones they felt the Kharaa reaching onto their neck and cheek bones. "No, I can't-"

Now trembling, (Y/n) messingly grabbed onto the scanner : "Self-scan complete. Bacterial infection has spread to the skin and pulmonary system. Medical report recorded to databank. It is imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection."

In the vast deep ocean of a Solus Planet 4546B, Non-Essential Systems Maintenance Chief; (Y/n) (L/n) was crying themselves to sleep in order to end their suffering.


Okay, but do YOU miss Earth? Do you have KIDS? Nah...? Okie. Thanks for reading ma fam.
