
do you guys still liek hearing (or reading) about my day?

because i'm gonna talk about it again


i'm listening to fetus justin and my heart hurts πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

anywaaaayyys, on friday i was playing volleyball and i got hit in the face because my friend, kylie, spiked it and i slipped on a rock.

so i had basketball practice (on friday) and we were doing all sorts of drills right, and kylie passed it to me but i wasn't paying attention and i turned around and got hit in the face. -.-

but before that, me and kylie were climbing a tree at my house and i fell off the tree because i slipped. like am i prone to get hurt? someone pls just hug me and keep me away from getting hurt πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ or... keep me away from kylie. because i get hurt allllll the time whenever i'm w her πŸ˜‚

and then we were playing catch, and i tripped and fell because the friggin ground is unlevelled af πŸ˜’

award for most clumsiest person on wattpad goes to me *grins*

who tf grins for winning an award for being clumsy wtf (that's how you know i'm undeniably weird af)

and i then woke up today because my brother (who is two) kicked me in the face and was screaming the alphabet.



I was walking around a store with Lauren on my back, both of us bored of being home, and it made it worse that we couldn't go to the beach because of the last time we did.

We were playing chicken at the beach, Camila was on Vero's shoulders, Lauren on Lucy's, and I was on Keana's.

"We're gonna win this bitcheessss!" Keana yells, jumping around making me squeal. "Babe stop! I'm gonna fallllll!" I yelled, making Keana smirk up at me and jump around even more.

Yea, I'm dating Keana.

"I wouldn't mind you falling, because I'd catch you." She said cheekily, making Camila laugh and making some whipping sounds which sounded like someone dying. I would've laughed, but I was too focused on trying to hide my red face whilst being held up on Keana's shoulders.

"Okay stop being cute I'm still mad at you for dating my best friend, Y/N." Lauren joked.

"You hoe I thought I was your best friend!" Lucy feigned hurt, dropping Lauren into the ocean water. Camila started laughing giving me the chance to push Camila off of Veronica, making Keana and I win, for like, the millionth time.

"That was cheating! Lucy dropped me and Camila was laughing hoe!" Lauren pulled my arm dragging me down, pulling me into the water. (nobody can drag me down but lauren kay bye)

"No my baby!" Keana yelled, hugging me once I resurfaced.

"Keana Lauren's being meaaan," I pouted, making Lauren roll her eyes.

"Lauren you wanna square up huh? You wanna fight? Vero hold me back! HOLD ME BACK!" Keana played on, making me laugh. Camila and I started splashing water at each other as Vero 'held Keana back' and Lucy tried stopping the 'fight'.

"Yeah! Go Keana!" I fist pumped the air. "Hoi I'm not afraid to beat you up! You're still younger even though you're a tad taller!" Lauren said.

I then rolled my eyes and then noticed Taylor....and some dude. My eyes widened and I smirked.

"Lauren, Taylor. 11 o'clock." Lauren smirked, looking at Taylor as she squealed and jumped into his arms, kissing her boyfriend, who I recall his name was Ethan...I think.

"Man, I'm to gay to do that." I said out loud, making everyone laugh.

"You can do that, but only with me." Keana said possessively, hugging me from behind tightly.

"Yeah, but you'd probably fall and we'd probably die, because you have to be out of fucking breath before you let go." I joked, making her roll her eyes.

"So what are we gonna do about that?" Camila asked, and Lucy groaned, knowing that Lauren and I would now go onnn and onnn about them not dating anyone till they're 40.

Not my fault Dad did that to us till we turned 17.

"Oh my god it's Camren!" A fan screamed, making me roll my eyes.

"Good." Lucy mumbled, making me slap her arm. "That fan just saved me the boredom."Β  Lauren shot Lucy a look and Lucy hid behind Camila, hugging her tightly. "Camila loves me more." She mumbled, sticking her tongue out at me.

"I don't care. Keana loves me," I said, making Keana kiss my cheek.

"I feel so loved right now," Vero whispers, making me laugh.

"No Veronica you hoe I love you!" I said, hugging her.

"Since a fan disturbed my 20 hour speech, I desperately need to hit Taylor with a slipper." Lauren said finally. I grinned.

"I have a plan."

And in the end, Lauren hit Taylor with a slipper, but we also got arrested because Taylor's boyfriend caused a scene because we 'hurt' Taylor.

Still one of the best days of my life.

"Oh my god it's Y/N and Lauren!" A fan squealed. I started a YouTube channel one day of me dancing to Worth It in the studio with Fifth Harmony, and ever since, everyone wanted more. I did a video with Ethan and Grayson along with Lauren because Ethan's Taylor's boyfriend whom I've become best friends with.

I also became Vine famous for making vines of pranking Lauren because I went on tour with her.

"Yeah, I'm Lauren. Y/N's the hotter twin." I said making Lauren roll her eyes. "Lauren's smarter though." She said, making me smile.

"Can I get a picture?" She asked. I smiled, nodding. "Y/N, get off my back." I said, and Lauren got off my back, before crouching. "My legs hurt."

"Yo you're so out of shape, I've been walking around with you on my back," I giggled. She pouted and I rolled my eyes. "Just take the picture and you can get on my back again." Lauren grinned, nodding happily.

"What's your name, beautiful?" I asked, taking the phone she was handing me, trying to get a good angle.

"Lexa." I grinned. "Are you a commander? Do you love Clarke back?" She laughed at my lame joke and Lauren slapped the back of my head.

"I swear bro, you need to start watching The 100 because you're missing out on a lot. Keana and I's last date consisted a marathon of Glee, Grey's Anatomy and The 100." I said.

(i cried when george o'malley died and when calzona broke up)

"Yeah yeah. Just take the picture weirdo." Lauren rolled her eyes playfully. "If you did watch The 100, I called Raven, Vero called Octavia,Β  Keana called Clarke, and Lexa's right here. You can have Thelonious." Lauren made a 'bruh' face at what I said and I took the picture, laughing at Lauren's face.

"Hoe." Lauren mumbled, jumping on my back after I hugged Clarke goodbye.

"I love you too, Ren."


"Oh my god it's Camila!" I hear fans yell. I tilt my head. "Where?" I asked confused, making the fans look at me weirdly.

Oh yeah.

"Ohhhhh, I get it." I grinned, blushing at how stupid that must've looked. Sandra and Marielle, who were beside me, were dying.


"I'm Y/N, her twin, remember?" The fan's eyes widen and I laugh, as they start asking for pictures.

I was buying stuff for Camila since it was our birthday soon, and since she was on tour, my gift was to go with her, because she's been complaining that we need to spend more time together.

I told her we spent plenty of time together in the womb and she hit me with a slipper.



We were in the car, and Marielle was blasting music that varied from Half a Heart to That Should Be Me to Pillow Talk and XO making me feel ghetto af. (four songs i've been listening to lately)

"Honestly Marielle, you got a really ghetto ass playlist." I laughed, making her shrug.

"I named it 'emo' for a reason, y'know." She rolled her eyes, making Sandra, who was driving, laugh.

"Anyways, why'd you buy all that stuff?" Marielle asked, referring to all Camila's favourite candy and a giant teddy bear, with two onesies.

"I'm giving it to Kaks, for her birthday." I said, making Sandra hit Marielle.

"Oh the fuck? What was that for?" Marielle asked, rubbing her arm.

"Why don't you do that for me, Hoe?" Sandra asked, making me laugh.

"Yeah Marielle!" I played on, making Marielle glare at me.

"Shut up, you're the one who farted on Sandra for her birthday when she turned 7." I laughed even more, remembering that moment.

"I was only 5, turning 6." I defended, still laughing.

"Yeah and even though she did that, she loves me." Sandra stuck her tongue at Marielle, and I began to wonder how I was younger than the two.


"Okay, I guess I'm ready." I said looking at my room. My bed had a nike duffle bag and a suitcase along with a box, which was Camila's gift. "Okay nena, make sure to call when you get there. I love you," Mami said softly, kissing my cheek. I smiled as Sofi hugged my leg, begging me to stay.

"Here. I'm giving to you, so you can FaceTime me anytime." I whispered, crouching down to her level, handing her my iPod. "Shh," I whispered as her eyes widened as I gave her a king sized Snickers bar. She grinned, hugging me tightly. "I love you Y/N/N." She whispered and I kissed her head.

"I love you too, nugget." I whispered back.


When I got on the plane and was in the air, I started to text Camila.

me: how's one day before 18?
pry: weird. i feel like i can fly now.
me: you said that for your 17th birthday, and your 16th, and your 15th, 14th.
pry: shut up, i'm not afraid to square up on you.
me: i'm still childish to tell on you. :P
pry: honestly sometimes i wonder how you're 20 minutes older than me.
me: best 20 minutes of my life
pry: mom said you kept crying when you were born, prolly because you missed me too much, hoe.
me: i'm telling ma on you
pry: sometimes i think i'm older and that they mixed us up.
me: i love you too, see you when you get to miami. i'll probably be in your closet looking for MY sweaters again.
pry: in my defence they are really comfy. and no need to look for them because i'm currently wearing them :P

I rolled my eyes, texting Mami.

me: mamiiiiiiuiiiiusllsowjwql
mom: are you there now baby?
me: no, i think about an hour left. but tell kaks to stop being mean to me because she's bullying me againnnnn
mom: sometimes i think you're younger
me: maaaaAaaa just doooo ittttt i love youuuuuuuuiuuu
mom: even sofi is better at texting than you. but i'll do it, call me when you get there, love you
me: love you too mami

A few minutes later I got a text from Camila, telling me I was really childish and that Laurinah was laughing at my antics.

I then closed my eyes, letting myself fall asleep for this last hour before I get to Camila.


Once I got off the plane, I was bombarded by hugs by Normani and Ally, whom I called to pick me up.

"Yo Cabello! How's almost being 18?" Normani asked, ruffling my hair.

"Good I guess, I just wanna sleep." I confessed, yawning. "Y/N literally you look like you just woke up, and you're tired? Maybe you're Dinah's twin." Ally joked, making me laugh.

"I dunno, maybe I am." I said, rubbing my eyes, trying to rid of my tiredness.

"So you're staying till when again?" Normani asked, once we got in the car.

"Oh, I'm staying for the rest of the tour. I was supposed to come earlier but exams are a pain," I explained, rolling my eyes once I hear Ally and Normani squeal.

"I call dibs you're rooming with me tonightttt!" Normani called.

"Normani that isn't fairrrr." Ally argued.

"It kinda is," Normani shrugged. I rolled my eyes at the two, zoning out as they kept arguing.

"Why was your flight so late?" Big Rob asked from the driver's seat.

"Oh uh I wanted it to be late so when I came it would be closer to midnight because that's when it would technically be our birthday so I could surprise her."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you Y/N/N," Ally grinned, hugging my side.

"What's in the box?" Normani pointed out at the box that had banana wrapping wrapped around it.

"Random stuff." I answered.

"Okay, we're here." Big Rob announced.

I checked the time on my phone and smiled. 11:20. Not that early, not that late. And plus, I'll just stay in Normani's hotel room, getting things ready.

"Kay here. The room we're staying in is 315, we gotta hurry up, because Camila thinks were getting ice cream cake and pizza." Ally said, and Normani handed me a hotel room card.

"Our room is 312. See ya later, Y/N." I watched Ally and Normani walk into the hotel, with snacks and pizza and cake making me feel hungry.

Big Rob helped me get my things into Normani's room, and then left to his room, after greeting me an early happy birthday.

I got changed into one of the jumpers Camila hasn't stolen and random jogging pants, ready to go sleep whenever the time came when I fell asleep. I put my phone into my pocket and got my gift, and went to room 315.

"Happy birthday Mila!" I hear the girls yell as I approach the door.

I knocked lightly twice, holding the box up so it was covering my face.

"Uhm, hello?" Camila answers the door. "Hi. Delivery for Camila Cabello?" I answer in a man voice, making Camila open the door more, letting me in.

"Uh, it comes from Y/N Cabello, she wishes you a happy birthday." I say and Camila gasps. "Y/NNN!" She shrieks as I put the box down, and she jumps on me, hugging me tightly.

"You're here!" She mumbles into my neck, as I hug her back.

"Yep." I answer. "Happy birthday, older sister by 20 minutes." I say sincerely, as Camila wipes a few stray tears away from her face.

"Happy birthday, you hoecake." She giggles, and I roll my eyes.


"Y/N no!" Ally laughs as I throw flour at her. "Ally yes!" I imitated, making her crack an egg on my head.

"Oh you didn't," I gasped and Ally smirked. "Oh yes I did," She screamed as I started to chase her around the house.

"Come back here you little-" I yelled after her but stopped when I heard mom.

"What in God's name happened!" Ma yelled, making my eyes widen. Ally shushes me and we run upstairs.

Brandon jogs downstairs, looking at us weirdly as we rushed up the stairs.

"Brandon did you do this?" I hear ma yell, making me giggle as Brandon has no idea what was happening.

"What? No!" Brandon said.

"We're gonna get in so much trouble," Ally whispered, making me laugh.

We were 22, turning 23 and still getting in trouble by our parents.

Ally and I then took quick showers and got changed.

When we got down, ma and pa were waiting expectantly for us.

"Do you have anything to say about this?" Ma asked. I looked at Ally and she looked at me.

"N-No?" I ask, and Ally snorts.

"I don't even know what to do with you two. Just go clean it up." Pa told us, but was amused by the fact Ally and I were trying not to laugh and be serious.

"Okay Dad." Ally said, and then we went to the kitchen to clean everything up.

"Literally this kitchen had flour everywhere." I laughed. "Who's fault is it?" Ally asked, smirking at me.

"I dunno, someone who's short, she looks kinda like me," I teased and Ally rolled her eyes.

"You're short too!"

"Yeah, we're both short, but I'm taller." I said and she shook her head.

"Let's just clean this up." Ally declared, so I started to sweep the floor, cleaning it all from the flour and egg shells.

"Can we still bake the cookies?" I asked, once I finished cleaning the floor. Ally nodded, putting the rest of the eggs into the fridge.

"Yep. We finished the batter until you threw flour at me." She laughed softly.

"And since you did that, I'm not saving any cookie dough for you." I pouted.

"Allyyyyyyyyyy!" I whined, hugging her.


"Maaaaa Ally's being mean to me again!" I yelled, and all I heard was mom clicking her tongue.

"Nobody loves me backkkkk." I feigned hurt. "Nah Dinah loves you." Ally said.

"I know Dinah loves meeee. Normani loves me, Camila does, and so does Lauren." I said in a duh tone, stealing some cookie dough.

"Y/N!" Ally scolded, and hit me with a wooden spoon.


sorry ally's is short af


"Okay, from the top!" I yelled, and started the music.

I'm 19, turning 20, and I'm a dance teacher, on my free time. Whenever I'm not occupied teaching what I love, I'm probably on tour with my sister and her group, helping Sean choreograph dances and stuff.

Currently, I'm producing dances for the girl's new songs for their world tour.

"Like this?" Camila asked, and I shook my head.

"Uh, kinda. Do this." I did the dance move, and then put my hands on her hips, guiding her to do the move. She grinned as I told her she did it, koala hugging me.

"Thanks Y/N/N." I rolled my eyes, smiling. "No problemo, nugget."

"Can we take a break nowwww?" Dinah groaned. "Okay. But if you're buying food, buy me some too." I said, taking a drink of water.

"Kay, c'mon Lauren." Dinah said.

"Ooh Ally can we get some pizza?" Camila asked, once Laurinah left.

"Sure, but you still owe me so you're paying." Ally stuck her tongue out and Camila shrugged. "As long as I get to eat pizza."

And then left Normani and I.

"Uh, I don't get the dance." Notmani said, and I laughed.

"Everyone else didn't." I told her. "I knowwwwww. It's so confusing, you hoe." Normani pushed me playfully.

"I know it's confusing, Weirdo." I laughed. "Then why are you making us do it?" Normani whined, then looked into the mirror and tried doing it again.

"That was partially it," I said, and then did the dance move, but a bit better than Normani's.

"Do it slowly." Normani said, and I did, then she copied, and did it. Then she started to do it a bit faster, and then she actually got it.

"Kay, do it from the start." I said, and started the music.

When we got to a point where we haven't gone through the dance, Normani and I literally started to freestyle, and when the song ended, we hear clapping, and I turn around confused.

"I really wanna learn how to dance like that." Lauren giggled half shocked.

"I'll teach you." I winked, and she rolled her eyes. "I ended up buying you food. Dinah bought Normani."

"Aw baby, you're cute." I hugged Lauren, and Lauren hugged back.

"Thanks nugget." I stuck my tongue out at Dinah and Normani.

"Lauren loves me more."


Whenever Dinah is home, a disaster comes into our house, not because we fight, no we get along, a little too well.

Like for Christmas, we always go to mass at 9:00, but since there are so many people in our house and the girls take soooo long to get ready, we wake up at about 6:30, to have breakfast and get ready, so Dinah and I set the clocks to ring at 3 in the morning and since it was still dark out at 6, everyone believed it.

Long story short, everyone woke up, got dressed, and went to church, and everyone was confused as why nobody was at church.

It was really funny, but in return we had to do the dishes by ourselves for 3 weeks straight.

Those are A LOT of dishes. Especially because the first week even more relatives came to celebrate Christmas and everything.

The worst part was that we weren't aloud to open our gifts until after those three weeks.

And still, Dinah and I are still pranking everyone.

"I'm homeeeee!" I hear Dinah yell, and everyone yelling back 'DINAHHHH' but I still stayed in our room, thinking of a new masterplan.

A few minutes- maybe an hour later, Dinah came up, with lipstick stains everywhere on her face, looking really bored.

"Honestly, I was only gone for 3 months." Dinah joked, making me laugh.

"Welcome back, younger sister." I said, hugging her tight. She hugged me back, just twice the strength of mine, making me groan.

"Sometimes I wonder how I never broken a rib whenever you hug me," I said, making Dinah hug me even tighter.

"Because you're a teddy bear," Dinah replied, smiling in content, still hugging me.

"You miss me more than I miss you, Dipshit." I laughed, once Dinah let me go, gave me one last hug, then actually let go.

"Shut up Asshole, at least Seth loves me back."

"At least I didn't drop him."

"At least I didn't get vomit to the face." Dinah smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"You literally purposely spun him in those spin chair things and gave him to me right after." I winced, remembering the smell of my favourite sweater.

It took over 50 times to wash it before it actually started to smell a little good.

"Anyways, what's that?" Dinah asked, after putting down her suitcase on her bed.

"Oh, just a master plan." I said.

It wasn't really one of my best plans, I just wanted to saran wrap all of the doors and then start yelling there was a fire, in the middle of the night, when everyone was sleeping.

"Damn, how come we never came up of this before?" Dinah giggled.

"Uh, I think we did, but I think we were too short and we just did it to trip them all." I laughed at the memory.

"Okay, we'll do it tonight." Dinah said, and then we did our handshake.


"Okay, I think that's about it." Dinah whispered, smiling at all of our work.

We put whip cream on the saran wrap and closed the doors so that they'll open the door and run into whip cream.

"Okay, we'll just go downstairs and start yelling fire. Got it?" I asked, and she nodded. We had cameras inserted, so I can relive this moment for the rest of my life...unless I died after this prank.

We ran downstairs, and then went into the living room.

"One...two...three! FIREEEE! HELP THERE'S A FIREEEEEEEE!" Dinah and I yelled.

Suddenly we hear the doors being opened and everyone slamming into saran wrap. Then we hear saran wrap ripping open and people running down the stairs.

"Where?" Everyone yelled, now all awake.

When they all noticed Dinah and I were fine, Mom's eyes widened, and so did everyone else's.

"DINAH JANE MILIKA ILAISAANE HANSEN AMASIO AND Y/F/N!!" My eyes widened this time, and so did Dinah's.

And we ran out of the house.

kayyyy i'm done w theseeee. i need more ideas for imagines thoooo!!!11!!2!

olay, bye from me, ur fave weirdo. πŸ’•πŸ˜Š see y'alls next time
