She Saves You



I sighed, looking at the dark alleyway that what was ahead of me. "Do I really have to do this?" I asked my best friend, Y/BFF/N. She smirked.

"It's okay Y/N/N, it runs in your blood to be scared. You are the baby of the group after all, am I right? Anyways, lets just go back home with the others and tell them you backed down once again. I don't think they'll be surprised..." Y/BF/N teased. I pouted at her. She gave me a look, telling me we can go home now. With a huff, I clutched onto the sleeves of my jacket and started walking down the dark alleyway. It seemed abandoned for the most part, but I knew for a fact that some people lingered here.

"Remember that I have Coulrophobia and Eremophobia and I can pass out just to the thought of nasty clowns following me! If I die it's your call!" I shouted out at my so called best friend, but not looking back. If I looked back I would've been in her arms, telling her to run faster home because we will die. But I am here, going to conquer part of my fears and walk around this damned alley.

"Oh shit, yeah, you have multiple phobias for things- Y/N! Get back here! You might pass out or get kidnapped or get lost or something! Y/N!" Y/BFF/N called after me, actually sounding as if she cared. But I really wanted to prove my friends wrong. So I simply shook my head and kept walking. Bad idea.

I ended up walking for about 15 minutes or more. I bet it was at least 12. The biggest problem was that one of the rules were to leave my phone back at home. I have pretty messed up friends. So now, I was walking quickly alone, my phobia almost taking over me and tears in my eyes. I couldn't and wouldn't stop walking though. I have a strange feeling someone is following me, and me being the person I am is too scared to look back.

After 5 more minutes of walking, I lost it. I ended up curled in a ball against a wall, sobbing. I was too scared to look up, or get up, or even move anymore.

I heard footsteps, which made me tighten the grip around my legs. I felt really scared at the moment, maybe as scared as I've ever been in my life. The person sat down next to me, which made me scoot over to the opposite side.

"Hey, what are you doing out in the cold at this time? You shouldn't be here." I heard a girl whisper softly to me. I continued to cry though. I just wanted to be home, and in my bed eating food and being on my phone, not caring about the world.

I braced myself and looked to the girl. Woah. Her eyes...damn. She smiled at me before my eyes rolled back to my head and I blacked out.


I was walking alone with my headphones in, clearing my head out of the possible stress that tagged along within me. Ugh, I'm supposed to be home right now, taking a short vacation from the reality of the world. But no. I am here, in a dark alley, at 12:30 at night. As I was about to turn around and head home, I heard a small whimper and sob come from around the corner, where I was just walking. Walking back, the sound got louder and louder. Once I reached my short destination, I was given a glimpse of a girl who looked to be at least 17 crying. She seemed lost, and it made me feel the urge to help her. I moved over and walked up to her, and sat down, which made her scoot over in the other direction. I grinned at amusement. She's cute.

"Hey, what are you doing out in the cold at this time? You shouldn't be here," I said softly. She looked up to me and I swear everyone does that, that look in their eyes when they look up into my eyes. I shot her a cheeky smile, only to be receiving the girl limp in my eyes as she passed out. I sighed, knowing I was going to have to walk home now, but her in my arms. Shit, the girls are at my place. Ugh, how am I going to explain? When I stood up I was surprised to see the girl was lightweight. I looked down at her, admiring her features for a bit. She was pretty, even if her eyes were shut, had tear stains down puffy her cheeks along with a swollen pair of lips.

As I was walking home, I wondered why she was all alone at this time of night. And that nobody came to get her. She looked as if she were at least 17. She stirred a bit in my arms, before wrapping her slender arms around my neck. I smiled at this girl's cuteness. As I was passing by some of the residents nearby my house, I passed some older people. They smiled and asked me if she was my girlfriend, in which I blushed and kindly said no.

"Well I think you two would make a very cute couple," The old lady said to me. I smiled in amusement. What made no sense to me was that the were walking in the streets passed 1. I bid a quick farewell to the two, before walking quickly to my place. Once I got through the door I silently and quickly made my was up the flight of stairs, and into my room, hoping the girls would be asleep by now. I hoped to soon in life, seeing they were all awake, Normani and Ally looking enraged at my sudden actions. Camila and Dinah seemed to be more focused on the girl in my arms.

"Uhm, hey guys..?" I greeted, standing at the doorway of my room awkwardly. I shut the door and changed the girl's dirty sweater into my sweatshirt. I didn't really have to change her bottoms because she already looked comfortable in her joggers. The girls just watched me.

"What's her name?" Camila asked questionably. I shrugged.

"I dunno. While I was walking back home, I heard her crying. So I decided to ask her why she was around the area past 12 at night, but all she did was pass out in my arms. Either way, I wouldn't have left her there, she seemed so lost and scared at the time." I explained. The disapproving look in Ally's face gone away and she smiled at me.

"Don't ever do that to us again, okay? We were worried sick and you were gone for almost 5 hours." Nomani said. I nodded.

"Sorry guys." We ended up watching some movies before falling asleep. Dinah and Camila ended up on the floor, Ally and Normani on my couch, and me in my bed along with the girl.

The following morning I was awoken to the girl poking me.

"Whaaaa?" I asked groggily, rubbing my tiresome eyes. I turned to the girl, who had a small smile on her pretty face.

"Good morning..." I chirped.

"My name's Y/N."

"Mine's Lauren," I responded smiling in amusement.

"T-thanks for saving me last night. I would've died there, if it weren't for you." She thanked me. Unless I were going delusional, I saw her hesitate to give me a hug, but decided against it, and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt giddy right after.

"Wait, what do you mean you would've died out there?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. She bit her lip.

"I have many phobias, some like Coulrophobia and Eremophobia. In other words, I am terrified of a bunch of things, like clowns and being alone. I would've died because when you approached me I was going through an anxiety attack, thinking something was following me." She explained. My mouth made an 'O' shape.

"Then why were you alone?"

"You see, I have pretty messed up friends. Ever since we were little they'd make fun of me for being scared of lightning and clowns and stuff like that. We were playing truth or dare, and I got dared to walk around that area alone. Then you know the rest." She replied, her stomach grumbling. I smiled.

"I'll go make you breakfast, and then I'll walk you home." I offered kindly. More like commanded, because I wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Thank you, my Hero."

"Anything for you." I laughed, getting up from my bed. I felt a tug on my shirt.


"Who are the people in your room?" Y/N asked, cutely.

"Oh, they're just idiots I call friends," I respond nonchalantly.

Y/N laughed.




I winced in pain as I was shoved into the wall. My fragile body was so weak after all of the bullying in this past week. I was discovered by the internet that I was Camila's girlfriend, which made the living hell out of my school life worse.

"Please stop," I pleaded, tears rushing down my face.

"No, I won't stop you worthless whore. You don't deserve Camila. You don't deserve to live." The leader of the group told me, kicking my side. I gasped out in pain. They continued to beat me up until I started to see black dots.

Am I going to die? If so, God, please tell Camila I love her. If not, thank you for giving me another chance in this cruel world.

I felt another shock of pain wash over me, as I started to close my eyes.

I heard a scream, before everything went black.


I laughed along with the rest of the girls in the car. We were going to pick Y/N up from school early, I was going to surprise her. I haven't seen her in a long time, which hurt me. I knew it hurt her too. But what got me worried was that Y/N was getting bashed on for being my girlfriend. The internet found out about us after out new AwesomenessTV episode. There was a clip of Dinah and Lauren talking, but Y/N and I were coincidently kissing. Oops.

But now, I feel really guilty. I know she's been -and still is- being bullied. She doesn't know that I know, though. I think she's hiding it from me because she thinks it's for the best, trust me, don't do that. I've been bullied before, but not as much as my Baby. I'm not very sad or agitated she never told me she was being bullied because honestly, if I were in her shoes I wouldn't talk to anyone. The bullying has gotten to a point where she's had to go to the hospital, in which I remember she covered it up by saying she fell down a flight of stairs. The girls believed it, but not me. I knew her to well.

Once we arrived to the school, I was the first one to bolt out. I started making my way to her locker, the girls trailing behind me. I swear I had the biggest smile on my face, before I saw the sight I've always dreaded to see. My eyes widened and my smile turned into a full blown frown.

"Please stop," She pleaded in pain. My eyes watered.

"No, I won't stop you worthless whore. You don't deserve Camila. You don't deserve to live." One of the girls who surrounded my girlfriend spat, kicking her side. The girls, who now caught up to me gasped.

"Holy fucking shit, why the hell would they do that to her?" Lauren asked angrily. I just stood there, shocked. That explains the constant bruises and bleeding. That explains why Y/N had become so distant towards me. She probably started to believe what those girls were saying. I let out a scream, as Y/N curled up into a fetal position, crying. Her eyes started to close.

"Yeah, go die you ugly fat pig." The girl spat once again.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked angrily. Her head shot to me. Y/N went limp, making all focus go from that bitch to Y/N.

"Baby!" I screamed, running to her. The group of girls that surrounded her looked to me shocked. I scowled at them.

"Leave." I growled, ballistic they'd do that to someone so innocent and loving. Their eyes all widened before they all ran in opposite directions. I fell down, and crawled up to Y/N. I cupped her beautiful face. She was so beaten up. She looked lifeless. Tears fell down my face.

"Dinah, call an ambulance!" I heard Ally yell.

"You guys better run!" I hear an angry Lauren yell. By far, Lauren treated Y/N as her literal sister. She cares a lot for Y/N. The rest of the girls are really close to her as well, but Lauren and Y/N hit it off the best. Besides me of course.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion right after. But all I could see was Y/N. I had pulled her up in my arms, holding her for my dear life. The ambulance came shortly after. They put Y/N on a gurney.

"Y/N!" I wailed, trying to get to her, but Dinah and Normani had
me held back. The nurse smiled sympathetically, looking back into the ambulance room.

"There is room for one more." He said. Dinah and Mani let go of me, knowing I would end up going with Y/N.

During the ride I never let Y/N's cold hand go. I continued to cry and kiss her hand, treating it as if it were the very last slice of pizza on the earth, and God himself made it.


I paced around the room quickly.

"Chee, could you please stop that? You're making me dizzy just by looking at you." Dinah asked softly. I sighed.

"Sorry Chee." I replied back quietly, my voice strained. Normani pulled me onto her lap, whilst Ally rubbed my back. Dinah hugged me, and Lauren wiped my tears saying Y/N's strong and will survive.

"I love you guys," I choked out. They all giggled. "We love you too, Camila."

"Y/N L/N?" A deep voice called out. Our heads turned towards him. We stood up.

"We have good news and bad news." Ugh, with the freaking good and bad news shit.

"Y/N has made it and is perfectly fine, but she's broken a rib and it pierced into one of her lungs, causing her to have a hard time breathing. She's also broken her wrist, and has some bruises. She's been asking for you guys." He explained.

"She's on the fifth floor, room 303." He bid his farewell after we said our thank you's, before making our way to the elevator. The whole time up, it was really amusing. I was biting my lip trying not to laugh, Dinah had her eyes averted to the ceiling, Lauren was looking out of the glass wall, Normani was fiddling with her fingers, and Ally was trying to contain her laugh but would look back up to the four of us and giggle slightly. The door made a small 'ding' sound, before opening. I let out a small breath I was holding in, along with the others making me smile.

When we got into the room I sighed in relief. Y/N was laying there watching TV.

"Uhm, hello." Y/N greeted happily.

"Hi," We said back in unison.

"May I ask who you may be?" Y/N asked quizzically. Tears rushed into my eyes.

"D-dawg, you don't remember us?" Dinah asked, her voice shaky. Y/N looked at us questioningly, as if she were to try to remember.

"No, I'm sorry guys. I feel like I've known you from somewhere though," She apologized.

We had a short eye lock. She winked to me. Oh, that little bitch.

"A-are you sure you don't know us?" Lauren asked, quietly crying.

"Are you guys from Fifth Harmony?" Y/N asked. We looked to her and nodded.

"Oh." Oh? Wtf? Oh...? Oh..? Oh, maybe I should stop saying oh.

"Y/N if you're joking, I'm going to kill you." Normani threatened.

"Yeah." Dinah chimed in. Y/N smiled smugly.

"Then go kill me."

"Oh you little rascal! I got so fuc-freaking scared you little bi-female dog!" Lauren exclaimed, tackling Y/N in a hug along with the other two. Ally gave Lauren a disapproving look, before joining the small group hug.

"Ow, ow, owwww..." Y/N winced in pain. The immediately let go of her. I gave Y/N a small side hug.

"Thanks for saving me Babe," Y/N murmured quietly.

"Anything for princess."



I was sat at a small table at Starbucks, headphones plugged into my phone, and on my laptop. I was currently re-reading a very interesting story, it was called CC7. You should read it if you haven't already. Yes, I am that kind of harmonizer. Oops, sorry not sorry.

(For some mysterious kind of reason in this preference part of Ally's, it is Fourth Harmony. Just saying.... Did that make sense? Anyways, I don't really care, but yeah.)

I was a typical kind of college girl. Would go to Starbucks at around 6 in the morning, go back to my room to get ready for a run occasionally, then get ready for school. But today, today was different. It was Spring Break. meaning you have school off for a week. Today -or any day of this particular week- on campus has been very calm and collecting, seeing that many of the school's student's have gone home or have went on a short vacation.

I didn't really have friends, nor did I want to make any, because I would end up being the bad guy. I'd never have time for any of them, seeing I always do the work assigned at school in my room, hell, I don't even share a room with anyone. My parents (luckily) understood that I had no intention for me to make friends, so, with the massive amount of money they had and still have, they spent a small bit of it for me to get a nice apartment. Thing was, my parents always had wanted me to be that type of girl. Wear dresses that had a price that can feed a village/small town in Africa, wear 'caked' makeup on, paint my nails every other week, get my nails done, but no. I was an average tom-boy when I was younger. I loved playing instruments, not the cello or harp kind, the trumpet and drum kind. I also played piano and guitar, for the sake of my parents. I loved playing sports, volleyball, football (soccer) and basketball being my main sports back in the UK.

My mind wandered of to this particular book. It may have been a fan fiction, but I don't really care. I seem to be more engrossed to read a book that has teen characters, only so I can relate. I hate reading books about, like an old man and an old women fall in love but then one dies and everything goes wrong. I seemed to be walking back in the wrong area; there were two ways for me to get back home; the recreational park area, or to take a bus. I've mainly walked home, but I've made sure not to make any appearance here, since it was a break after all. All the boys that seemed to stay back along with people like me are the kinds who like to hit on people, for the sake of their popularity. And for some fucking reason, I'm one of those girls they hit on. Is it because of my dad's facial appearances, or because my mom is a model? Maybe both. Or maybe, because everyone knows for a fact in this school, that my parents are famous.

"Hey Y/N!" Someone called. I pulled out on earbud, groaning.

"Yeah?" I shouted back. Ugh, the guys on the football team. As much as I loved football, I hated these guys. They think just because they get sweaty, and they show off their abs, have their freaking shorts and cleats on they think they're very hot. Ew. Another thing; I'm not into male kind.

"May you pass that ball?" He asked, the boys around him snickering. I rolled my eyes, and kicked it as hard as I can, causing the call to fly to his crotch area. He groaned loudly in pain. He also falls to the ground. Right at the same moment, a football -that I didn't notice in the spur of the moment- came flying towards me, directly at my head. Before it hit me, a hand came right in front and caught the ball, just millimetres close to my face.

"T-thanks," I mumbled, shocked at what had just happened. I looked to see a shorter girl than myself, looking furious.

"Troy! You fucking idiot, I saw you! You were throwing it directly at her face!" She shouted, angrily, making me back away in shock. For a small girl, she had lungs. I pushed up my glasses.

The dude that she was referring to, whom's name was Troy, put his hands up in defence. Douche.

"She just hit my mate where the sun don't shine, had to get a little revenge. And plus, she would've caught the ball anyways. Don't worry about it Ally," He said with that voice. Eww, he was a lady's man. Ugh, fucking asshole. The girl who he was talking to, who's name was presumably Ally, rolled her eyes, threw the ball back at him, and flipped him off. There was a momentum of the boys having a round of 'oohs'. I smirked.

"Are you okay?" She asked as if that had never happened. She dusted my shoulders off. I smiled, biting my lip.

"I'm alright. It's just a ball," I said truthfully, finding her concern an amusement to me. She gave me a look.

"Yeah, a ball that would've hit you really hard that you'd maybe fall down and could've given you a concussion." She shot back. I had nothing to say, since she was literally predicting what would have happened. So instead of saying some rude remark or anything, I said; "Witty. I like." I changed the subject, making her smile this time.

"Just be happy I saved you," Ally said, playfully glaring at me.

I smiled. "Okay, Ally, a mysterious who had just saved a person who is a jerk face." I mumbled. She laughed. Goddammit, god, please kill me with her laugh. Please.

"You aren't a jerk face. Troy is a jerk face. I'm sorry 'bout him. He likes to think that making fun of someone is cool." She explained.

"He thinks he can make fun of this?" I asked with an amused smile, flexing my arm. Ally's eyes went wide. "I- uh, no?" She stammered.

"You're cute. Thanks for saving me." I told her and shot a wink, before continuing my interesting journey home, leaving a flustered- looking bewildered Ally.



At the age of 4.

"Okay class, we'll start off by doing some stretches, then we will continue off from the routine for our upcoming recital." Our ballet instructor, who's name was Claudia, explained. We all nodded.

"But one more thing, we have two new students in our classroom. Y/N, can I trust you to help them out with the routine, they may not know it." Claudia asked me. I nodded, happy she trusted me. Two new students walked into the room. One with really green eyes, and one with dark skin. They were both really pretty.

"Wow, they're pretty," Dinah, one of the two friends I had, whispered to me. Camila nodded. Camila, Ally and Dinah were my best friends. Ally wasn't in this class, unfortunately.

"Y/N raise your hand." I did what I was told. The two girls looked to me. "That's Y/N. She'll help you or show you to the bathroom if you need anything." The two girls nodded, before walking up to me with really big smiles.

"Hi!" The two greeted in harmony, making me feel intimidated.

"H-hi! I'm Y/N. I'm 4." I replied back, smiling as big as they were. "These two weirdos are my friends. I call them Mila and DJ." I introduced the two, who were looking at the girls stunned.

"Hi, I'm Lauren. This is my best friend Normani, we are 5." Lauren said to them. I stared at Normani.

"My mom said it's rude to stare." Normani playfully glared at me.

"My mom said it's okay to stare as long as they're pretty." I replied back, smiling cheekily to her. She blushed.

"Okay class! Let's do our warmups!" Claudia instructed.

Whilst I was teaching Lauren and Normani the routine, Camila and Dinah made fun of me for tripping in front of Normani and Lauren. It was this kid who tripped me, her name was Ashley. But Dinah and Camila didn't see she tripped me. I'm sure if they did Dinah would've punched her in the stomach again. Overall, I just don't like her, she's mean to us.

While going through the routine, Normani had asked to go to the bathroom. So I simply tugged her out of the room and made my way to the bathroom, showing her the way. Whilst walking there, a man had clamped a hand around my mouth and picked me up. I started screaming, making Normani become alarmed. Coincidently, there was a metal pole, maybe for the ballet bar. She -with all the willpower she had- hit him in the face, causing him to drop me, and fall to the ground, his face bleeding. Normani -amusedly- kept hitting and kicking the man though.

"Help!" I screamed out, catching all the people's attention who were around Normani and I. Men and women started running up to us, making the man get up quickly and run. With my heart pounding out of my chest, I pulled Normani into the tightest hug I've ever hugged before.

"Thank you, Manibear." I whispered, tears rushing down my face and falling onto Normani's leotard. Normani rubbed my back.

"It's okay, Y/N. You're okay." She whispered back.

"Hey, are you alright? Did he hurt you?" A woman asked, crouching down to my level. I nodded, afraid to talk to anyone but Mani, Lauren, Mila and DJ at the moment.

Normani kept me in her embrace.

"It's okay Y/N, you are alright. See, nothing happened to you." Normani whispered. I clutched onto her, crying a little.

"Th-thank you for saving me." I cried out quietly.

"You're welcome, boo."



I was at the Hansen/Amasio's resident, helping Dinah take care of her younger siblings, seeing the adults went out somewhere.

I was currently tied up in a chair, more then 10 kids hitting me with nerf guns or those toy swords. Like, I was tied up really tight, it was actually hurting my wrists a bit. We were playing this game called 'Save The Princess' game. I didn't really know how to play so I was just winging it.

"Ahh! Help!" I fake cried out, making all these cute little children laugh. Regina crawled up onto my lap, and smacked my face, her hand covered in whipped cream. I laughed.

"Gina!!" I shouted, pretending to bite her. "You were on my side!" I continued, attacking her with kisses. She giggled out loud.

"It Dinah's idea!" She told me, before another kid slapped my leg and arm again, with much more whip cream. Once I knew for a fact I was covered in whip cream, I screamed.

"Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio! Get you ess out of the friggin' kitchen and help me out!" I laughed, watching as Dinah smugly walked out of the kitchen, trying to contain her laughs.

Once she saw me she gasped, her eyes wide. "Guys! I told you not too much! You killed the princess with whip cream!" Dinah giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"Who tied the rope? Because dayum, it's really tight." I groaned, 100% sure my wrists had bruises on it. Dinah took them off, but had a grip on my wrists.

"Sorry babe," Dinah murmured. I grunted in response.

"Dinah, you are so dead," I said, while she took off running. I ran after her, smiling slightly at the sound of her giggling. Once I caught up to her, she had her baby brother in her hands.

"D, you're going to drop him!" I gasped. Dinah pouted.

"Trust issues, Bah Felici- holy shooooooo," Dinah rolled her eyes but cut herself of as she dropped Seth.

"DINAH JANE!" I yelled. Seth started crying. I picked him up, and rested his head on my shoulder. Good thing the floor had those foam mats, and that there was a blanket there...

"I'M SORRY SETH!" Dinah yelled, trying to contain her laughs.

"D, you aren't supposed to be laughing." I scolded. And she's older than me? Unbelievable. I rocked Seth in my arms until he fell asleep in my arms. I feel like a mother. I had a messy bun on, baggy and whip cream filled clothing, and I was shattered.

"Aw, I'm sorry Seth." Dinah whispered, kissing his forehead.

"And you, Ms. Y/L/N, you look so fuckin' adorable here. It must be illegal to be that adorable, especially by just holding a sibling." Dinah pouted.

"It should also be illegal to drop a baby like that." I shot back, making her fake glare at me.

"You should be happy I saved you from all those little children!"

"No, if you didn't take me out of that chair, Seth would've never fallen out of you arms." I retorted.

"Dayum baby, you really gotta spend less time with Lauren or Mani, and someone like Camila or Ally, so you'd be the weird or cute one in the relationship." Dinah said, wrapping her arms around my waist. I smiled into her touch.

"Not my fault you spend a lot of time on your phone. Lauren is just there, and I like sharing my mangoes with her. She is fair." I smirked.

"You are so gonna get punished for this once Seth is out of your arms," Dinah growled, feigning anger. I laughed.

"Nah, Seth is such a good cuddler. I think I'll go straight for him," I joked. Dinah grimaced jokingly.

"No you wouldn't! You love when I-"

"Okay please don't say that. I might drop Seth this time." I blushed, cutting Dinah off.

"What if I was going to say you loved it when I let you wear my snapbacks? Or buy you Starbucks?" Dinah teased, running her hands up and down my sides.

"Dinah, I am going to kill you."

"Y/N, I am feeling the love."
