She Cheats: Lauren

Part 3.

"Y/N Y/M/N Cabello?" A distant voice called out. We all looked to the man who seemed like the doctor.

"That's us..." Camila answered rather hesitantly. We all stood up.

"Y/N's condition is okay, but due to the fact she died for a few minutes back in the ICU others think she isn't doing good, but on my behalf, I think she's going to be okay."

"She died in the ICU?!" I yelled along with everyone else, my now dried eyes widening. The doctor smiled at our reaction.

Smile again, and I'll flip shit.

"She's alive and doing well. She's sleeping now, but I think she'll wake in a few. She's on the fifth floor, room 1432." He said briskly before leaving. I rolled my eyes at the coincidence of the door number. I still don't like him.

"Hoi, room 1432! On the freaking fifth floor! What is lifeeeee?!" Dinah chuckled. Ally giggled quietly, Normani shook her head in amusement. Camila and I, we looked as if we were going to kill someone.

"He thinks it's funny that my sister had died for a bit in the ICU! Bullshit." Camila growled. I know rightttttt...

"Ooh, spicy latinas, 3 o' clock," Dinah murmured to Normani.

We all followed Ally going to the elevator. I bit my lip because of the sudden memory, looking up to the flickering red button above the elevator doors. Once we all made our way out of the elevator, I sighed.

"Next time, I'ma go take the stairs..." Normani mumbled. I smiled half-heartedly.

In this momentum of time, I didn't really want to talk. I felt so built up with regret, and guilt, and sadness, anxiousness and anger at myself. I felt so afraid, afraid of how Y/N'd react. Part of me didn't want to see her. I didn't because I knew guilt will wash over me due to the fact most of all of this is my fault.

"Lo? We have to go inside. We've been out here for five minutes waiting for you to open the door." Dinah whispered, cutting my train of thought.

"Okay..." I answered, voice shaky, walking backwards from the door. The girls looked to me in confusion, wondering why I'm walking from the door and not to it.

"Lauren. You can do this." Camila reassured. I shook my head.

"No...I can't. I feel like I'm in deep shit for this, and I don't think Y/N deserves to see me. I don't deserve her. I'm no good for her. She needs someone better in life, someone who can actually be there for her in life, and is actually smart, and would be one of the best girlfriends out there. And remember, she's only doing this for the money, right?" I grimaced at my last comment. Camila shook her head.

"Lauren, do you think Y/N'd buy an engagement ring that costed her a couple thousand dollars and just give it to someone? She may be a Cabello, that is immature and clumsy like me and weird and all that, but you must know that we aren't stupid. Y/N was gushing in the car just a few hours ago about proposing to you, and how she loves you so so so much. She said that she'd buy you a million more rings, but she said that you'd have to say yes to her just for confirmation. Lauren, you are so much better than what you think you are. Don't ever think less of yourself, because you are just letting all your insecurities win the battle you fought your whole life. You are beautiful Lauren, you don't deserve to think that way. You are beautiful. You are kind hearted. You are flawless, inside and out. You deserve something so much better then to be hated on. And don't ever think you aren't worth it, because you are so much better than just worth it. (This goes out to one of my best friends, . Don't think of the bad things that has happened, think of the good. ily.)" Camila says, making me tear up.

"Yeah girl, don't ever think you aren't worth it, cause you are. You are so brave. You are drop dead honest, and you are so freaking beautiful, from the top of your head all the way down. You are the boss of yourself. You have the decision to think good or bad of yourself, and you've been doing a great job at it, but now, you are just breaking it. Just take the bad thoughts, and hammer it down with a sledgehammer. All the good thoughts are going nowhere, and the bad thoughts will roll. We know that every girl and boy goes through a time like this, so know that you aren't alone. We'll be here for you, cause we have some everlasting love. Remember LYLAS? Love you like a sister? Well I know for a fact that I will always love you like a sister. Just, look into a mirror and see your drop dead gorgeous self. Just look at the way you smile. It's perfect. Look at your nose, also perfect. Look at your eyebrows and cheeks. Goals. Look at your teeth, I've heard some fangirls say that your teeth are a turn on. And that's just teeth. I'm pretty sure everyone has teeth. Look at your hair. It just cascades so beautifully and naturally. They are hair goals. Even though I like mine. Then look into your eyes. Just look at them, and see yourself. Your eyes are killer eyes. I thought my eyes were cool, but then I saw yours, and mine just inwardly died. Lauren, I think I just mentioned some of the titles to our songs and I may sound like an idiot for it, but I'm just stating the truth. I love you, the girls love you, our fans love you, your fam loves you, Y/N loves you. Don't ever say something degrading like that, or you'll get a poly beat down." Dinah said, pulling me in for a group hug.

"Aww, I-I love you guys too." I cried. Ally wiped my tears away, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, let's go and see Y/N now." I murmured, running out of breath due to the girls who think it's okay to hug the life out of someone. They all let go with smiles on their faces, making me smile.

I made my way to the door, and opened it.

"H-Hey guys..."


Hello! :) I know this update isn't about you and Lern getting back together, but I made this because I just had it stuck in my head for a few days now. I'll be making the last parts to it, and I just wanted to ask some questions. :)

1. Should I make one more part to this but you two end up as friends, or two more and you two get back together and I put like, a date part to it?

2. My friends, and some of you guys have been encouraging for me to publish an actual story? But like, do you want it to be Y/N, or an actual name?
