Chapter 13

Isabelle's POV
I woke up at 11:53 the next morning with a huge headache. "Fuck. It's too early for this." I rub my forehead with my hands. I sit up resting my head in my palms and sit for about a minute before I decide to actually get out of bed. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a bottle of Advil "No water... damn it". I set the bottle down and walked out of my room towards the kitchen. As I approach, I stop dead in my tracks when I see all the guys sitting at the table. There was also another guy I didn't recognize.
"Hey" Vince said, nodding his head.
"Heyyy" I said awkwardly standing in only a t-shirt
"Oh Iz" Tommy stood up. "This is our lead guitarist"
"Mick Mars." He said introducing himself and shaking my hand.
"Isabelle. Nice to meet you Mick"
"Likewise." He said sitting back down.
"How'd you sleep?" Vince asked eating something out of a bowl.
"Uhhh fine... just fine" I said scratching my head walking towards the fridge.
"I uhh, hope you don't mind. I told Mick what happened last night." Tommy said, looking in my direction.
"Yeah that's cool.. don't. mind. at all." I said trying to keep my cool.
"You good? Why Are you acting weird?" Vince questioned, straightening his posture.
"I'm not acting weird!" I responded with a slight pitch in my voice and a dyning face. "You're.. Weird- shut up!" I started walking away back to my room. Nikki and I avoided each other that whole time and he would be looking the other way of whatever way I was facing.
"Oh Iz!" Tommy yells at me. I turn around to Tommy and see Nikki shot his head up and is now looking at him. He looks like he's been drinking, but he kinda always looks like that, but not like this. "How about we do drinks tonight instead?"
"Yes. Please." I say in a relife, absolutely needing a drink after these past 24 hours. I walk back into my room, close the door and fall back onto my bed like a starfish. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I can't.. Believe.. I already fucked this up.." I say to myself.I graon and kick my legs like a toddler "how can I be so fuckin stupid?" I put my hands over my face. 'I hardly even know this guy and I already messed it all up!' I thought to myself "cant even be roomates with someone without fucking up something" i said quietly. 'You were only supposed to fantasize about it! Not actually do it! Stupid bitch" I thought.
The Boys POV
"She was acting weird" Vince says
"Ya think?" Tommy said sarcastically
"Well based on what you've told me, I wouldn't be expecting her to act.. Normal. Especially living with you horndogs." Mick added
"That's just Vince!" Tommy denied. Mick shot him the side eye. "Ok fine, all us" Tommy threw his hands up.
"Why are you getting drinks with her?" Nikki asked in an annoyed, cold voice.
"Becauseee, she's my roommate. She doesn't have any friends in the L.A area. She could probably use a drink after the night she's had. Want me to go on?" Tommy responded.
"Whatever" Nikki stood up walked right out the door without an explanation.
"We'll look who's acting weird now?" Mick said looking back at the door
"What the fuck is his problem?" Vince asked with a full mouth.
"Probably mad he hasn't got a date with her yet" Tommy and Vince laughed.
"Whoa wait. What are you talking about?" Mick asked
"Well we had this little bet going saying whoever could get with her first won a bunch of cash and whoever lost had to buy booze" Vince told Mick.
"Oh my god you guys are fucking insane" Mick said is disapprovel.
"Bu- but.. We called it off-"
Vince cut off Tommy "Nikki... called it off"
"Yeah well we called it off after what happened last night"
"Nikki never really liked it anyway" Vince added
"It just didn't feel right"
"Oh but it "felt right" before?" Mick said
"Well the 200 bucks and free booze would have felt great!" Vince added
"You're a pig!" Mick said, lightly slapping his face. They all sat in silence for a moment.
     "Where do you think Nikki's going?" Tommy asked
"Who knows. He could be going anywhere" Vince says getting up to put his bowl in the sink
"Somethings gotta be wrong. He doesn't usually act so rash" Mick added
"You think it could be Isabelle? He wouldn't talk to her and got pissed when I said we were getting drinks. Why does he even care so much? It's Nikki! He doesn't care about anything!"
"Well.. maybe he cares about her." Mick responded
Vince started laughing at Mick's response "Ahh Mick you may be old but you still have a sense of humor!"
"He's not that old... but he is funny" Tommy smiled.
"It's not a joke you fucks! Think about it... what if something happened and that's why he was avoiding her and maybe he was jealous that you were getting drinks tonight and that's why he stormed out! He probably likes her."
"Ha nice one Mick! Ya know, if you weren't such a badass guitar player, you could have been a standup comedian!" Vince said, slapping his shoulder and walking off.
"He's a fucking idiot I swear." Mick said to Tommy
"I don't really think he likes her. I actually think he doesn't like her being here. He wasn't exactly happy when I said we were getting a new roommate and I think that set his mind to not like her at all. Plus he said he wanted to distance himself from her because he doesn't want to get attached to another woman. I can go on and on but you know Nikki.."
"I guess... but it still seems like something happened between them. She didn't address Nikki either- so what are they avoiding each other for?"
Tommy sat there and thought about it for a second. "Nahhhhhh... now wayyy."
"Whatever you say Toomy!" Mick got up. "I gotta go, tell Vince I'll see him tonight."
"Got it Uncle Mick!" He then walked out the door leaving Tommy alone in the kitchen.
