Chapter 22

Isabelle's POV
     We've been at our place for a few hours now and the party is in full swing- we got booze and dudes, for the boys, booze, and bitches. Either way, there's a wide variety of options. I shouldn't be worrying about Vince or Nikki, especially when there's plenty of fish in the sea! This would be a whole easier to say if me and Tommy weren't dancing together in the living room right now. He's holding onto my waist while I dance with my back to him. We're just rocking back and forth and Tommy's singing the words to All Right Now by Free. Tommy has really been good to me and the only one who hasn't tried to get in my pants... At least so far. I'm pretty sure I saw Vince go off with another woman but I don't really care. Sure it hurt a little since we've been gettin down and dirty but the fact that I brushed it right off just goes to show that me and Vince are just fuck buddies and we won't be going on to anything else. That made me feel good, knowing that I don't have to feel like I'd be doing something wrong by liking or screwin someone else. I kept dancing with Tommy smiling, knowing that everything is 'alright now". Get the joke.. Because its the song that's playing. I open my eyes from my little thought moment and I look into the kitchen to see Nikki talking with some girl, they look both pretty in the conversation and having a good time. I could have sworn she was giving him 'fuck me eyes'. Yep. That 100% made me lose it. "Hey Tommy, i'm just gonna get another drink, give me a sec," I say walking towards the kitchen. "Heyyy Nikki!" I say playfully and wrap my arm around his waist.
     He puts his arm around my shoulder "Hey Iz, what's up"
     "Just wanted to let you know I'm pretty sure I saw Vince take a girl into your room" I lied.
     "Oh shit" He let go of me and ran towards the bedrooms. I looked at the girl who was now glaring at me.
     "Tootles!" I said blowing her a bitchy kiss. Yeah, ain't no way that was gonna happen. I go back to Tommy and bring him a new beer.
     "Aww, aren't you the sweetest!" He says gladly, taking it from me.
     "Hey Iz, Vince wasn't in my room?" Nikki said coming back up to me.
     "Oh sorry, must've had a few too many drinks"
     "Maybe we should get you to bed"
     "Are you kidding me? The parties barely even started!"
     "It's actually 1:30" Tommy chimes in
     "Ohhhh shit- that kinda sucks, I'm not even drunk!"
     "Tell that to eyes, Iz" Tommy says. "We should probably start kicking these people out anyway. It's gettin late"
     "Iz, come with me" Nikki grabs my hand and leads me to his room. "Just sit down" he lightly pushes my shoulders down so I lay on his bed.
     I sit myself up on my forearms and have my legs spread a bit. I stare at Nikki as he's going through whatever and he turns around and stares at me "what ya thinking Sixx" I ask biting my lip and smiling.
     He looks at me, then down, slightly laughing. "You don't wanna know."
     "Then why'd I ask?" I say sitting up and supporting my weight on my hands.
     "Do you want some water?" He asks, trying to change the subject.
     "Oh did you change your name?" I ask with a drunken smile.
     "I think you need some sleep"
     "I think I need some di-"
     "Isabelle!" Nikki cuts me off with a short laugh.
     I purse my lips and smile "what?" I ask innocently.
     "You're drunk, you need to go to sleep"
     I stared drunkenly at him and a slight droop in my lips, thinking about nothing. I stand up and walk slowly to Nikki, wrapping my arms around his neck. I don't know what I was about to say or do but it doesn't matter, because I fell to my knees anyway.
Nikki "caught" me "ok, yep, you're definitely going to bed." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bedroom. I'm pretty much unconscious at this point but I can still feel what's happening around me. He lays me down and pulls the covers over me, thinking I can't hear him. "Aww.." he says looking at some old teddy bear I have in the corner of my bed. He places it in my arms and I quickly grasp it. He tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Iz.. sweet dreams" he said, letting his hand run down my arm as he left. The door closes and I quickly fall asleep.
     The next morning, I woke up to someone screaming my name. I also am surprised to wake up in my own bed. "Isabelle! Can you come here please!"
     "ONE SECOND!" Fuck man, just let me sleep!!!! I throw the blanket off my legs and stomp my way to the bathroom door. "WHAT DO YOU WANT- oh hey Nikki"
     " look terrible"
     "And you look like a wet rat! What do you want"
     "I want you to stop waking up on the wrong side of the bed" Nikki laughs
     "I SWEAR TO GOD NIK-" I take a deep breath "how can I help you" I tilt my head with a sarcastic smile.
     Nikki laughs again "Can you help me dye my hair"
     "You can just do it yourself? Plus why do you need to dye your hair, it's already black"
     "A Lot of it washed out during my shower, now, can you please just help me? It's easier that way." He gives me puppy dog eyes.
     "Fine. Sit down on the counter and turn around"
     "Thank you" He says like a child.
     I pour the dye and put on some gloves and begin to apply it. I start at the back of his roots and work my way down, it takes about 10 minutes. "Ok, turn around" He scoots around and shoots me a smile. I blush for a second but continue to work. I put more on the top of my head and massage his scalp.
     "Mmmmm" he relaxes and closes his eyes
     "What, you like that?" I laugh a little because its cute as fuck bro.
     "Mmhmm" he slowly nods his head. I continue to massage the side of his head with one hand and reach the other to scratch his upper neck. "Mmmmm" he groans, resting his forehead on my shoulder. "Ugh oh my god I love you" he groans again. It caught me off guard causing me to stop for half a second but not long enough for him to notice. What caught me even more off guard is when he rested his hands on my hips. I couldn't stop smiling, for obvious reasons. His hair is so smooth and touch sends chills through my body. It almost makes me sad to think... 'I love you too, Nikki'. Shit.
