Chapter #5 Chaos

"Get down!" Liam screams pushing me underwater.

He ducks right as Justin fires a gun several times. The shots are still loud underwater and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"You can't stay underwater forever" I hear Justin say.

There is a silence.

"I guess I'll just have to come to you" he mutters

Liam and I both surface sputtering and treading water. I see Justin walking towards us from the shallow end and start to panic. Liam puts himself in front of me and we both swim to the other side of the pool.

"Give me what I want" Justin grumbles putting his gun back in his pocket.

"Your not getting her" Liam roars.

"Don't make me kill you" Justin growls.

We arrive in the center of the pool and Justin is now at the edge of the deep end. Liam grasps my hand and squeezes it tight. Justin tosses his gun on a chair and dives in the pool after us.

"GO GO GO!" Liam screams.

We struggle to get to the other end and splash water everywhere.

"Bailey-" Liam says but is interrupted as he is pulled underwater.

"LIAM!" I yell diving after him.

Underwater Justin has his arm around Liam's neck and is trying to choke him. Liam opens his mouth and bubbles come out. I try to hit Justin in any way but his grip is too strong.

Justin stands up and Liam gasps for breath.

"Get off him!" I screech tearing at Justin's face.

He doesn't react and just pushes Liam underwater once more. Liam screams scratching at Justin arms. I can feel him fading against Justin's grasp. I try to put myself between him and Liam but Justin just pushes me back.

"STOP" I cry.

I punch his face, yank his hair, and kick him but he won't let go. I hope on his back and hit him wherever I can.

"Your starting to annoy me" he groans.

He puts his hand around my throat and holds me high in the air. I cough and sputter trying to breathe. Underwater Liam sees what's going on and thrashes against his grip. He launches himself above the water.

"Let her go!" He howls.

Justin looks at Liam and tightens his grip on his neck. Liam's face starts to go white and he struggles even more. Justin calmly just pushes him back underwater and turns back to me.

"If you let him go I'll come with you!" I shriek.

This gets Justin's attention. He pulls Liam out of the water with his hand still around his throat. Liam coughs and struggles to breathe. He's holding onto Justin's arm desperately trying to get him to let go.

"What?" Justin asks.

"You heard me" I say trying to breathe.

Justin lets me go and I fall back into the water.

"Just please let him go" I wail.

Justin removes his hand from Liam's throat and Liam comes up coughing, gasping for air. We both wheeze filling our lungs with oxygen. Liam looks at me with tears in his eyes and a scared look. Justin steps closer to me and away from Liam. I take a step back rubbing my throat.

Liam uses this moment to quietly swim the other way. He looks at me with worry in his eyes and I nod still looking at Justin.

"You'd rather give yourself up to save your precious boyfriend?" Justin whines.

He looks at me and laughs running his fingers through his hair.

"Wow I forgot how dumb you were" he says with a wicked grin.

I look over to see Liam at the edge of the other side. He quickly pulls himself up and runs over to the gun.

"Hey ass hole!" Liam cries, "Over here"

Justin turns to see Liam holding the gun and pointing it right at him. I take advantage of this and scramble out of the pool and over to Liam.

"Are you hurt?" he asks eyes darting over me.

"I'm fine" I assure him.

He turns back to Justin with piercing eyes and loads the gun. I can't take my eyes off where Justin was holding Liam. Right on his throat I can make out a bright red hand print.

Justin rolls his eyes, "You have no idea how to use that thing"

Liam turns the safety off and points it back at Justin.

"You sure about that?" he growls.

Justin's eyes widen and he puts his hands up.

Liam puts himself in front of me and we move slowly towards the door.

"It would be easier if you just came with my Bailey!" he cries, "You know I won't stop until I get you"

I swallow hard and look to Liam.

"Don't listen to him. He's just trying to get in your head" Liam mutters

"Next time I won't hesitate to kill your boyfriend" Justin declares with an evil smile.

We get to the door and Liam swiftly opens it. He keeps his hands on it making sure Justin can't get out.

"Get the mop!" he shouts to me.

I dash to the closet and snatch it running back over to him. He jams it in the door buying us some time to escape.

"C'mon!" he yells taking my hand making a run for it.

We open the doors to the entrance and Liam locks them behind us. We hastily get in still sobbing wet and Liam speeds away.

The car ride is silent with Liam still struggling to breathe.

I look at his neck again and run my hand over it, "Liam"

He takes my hand and holds it tight clenching his teeth. The mark is still red and I look in the car mirror to see there is a mark on my neck as well. It's not as red as Liam's but it's still there.

"We need to stay at your apartment for awhile" he declares.

"Why?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Because I'm scared Bailey" he says breaking down, "I'm scared he's going to take or hurt you"

I look at my feet and frown, I am too.

"I was so close to losing you today" Liam says tears in his eyes. "I don't ever want to be in that situation again" he sobs.

"I'm scared too Liam" I admit, "I'm scared for what he's going to do with me if he gets me"

"I didn't think he would be that strong" Liam cries, "I now know what he's capable of and why you have been making such a big deal out of his escape" "Promise me you won't go anywhere until he is caught" Liam begs wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I promise" I whisper.

I love that this chapter is all over the place. This is probably my favorite chapter in the entire book. :))))
