Chapter #17 Wrong Idea

We arrive at my house and Oliver insists on walking me inside. So I put in the code and we walk in through the front door.

"Nice house you got," Oliver says.

"Oh don't lie" I groan, "It's pretty bad"

"No I kinda like it" Oliver admits having a look around.

"Want anything?" I ask entering the kitchen.

"Nah I'm full" he says rubbing his stomach.

I grab a bag of chips before joining him in the living room. I sit down next to him and he puts his arm around me.

"So where are you from?" I ask shoving a handful of chips into my mouth.

"I was born in Minnesota and we loved it there. But we had to move here for my mom's work" he explains.

"Oh sorry bout that" I mutter.

"What about you?" he demands.

"I've always lived here" I say.

"What do your parents do?" he questions.

"My parents are dead" I utter.

There is a moment of stale silence.

"Oh- ummm... I'm really sorry about that" he tells me quietly.

"Don't be nothing's gonna change" I point out.

He nods slowly and reaches for a chip.

"Hey!" I yell playfully.

"Really I can't have just one?" he whimpers with sad eyes.

I sigh, "Fine"

He thrusts his hand into the bag and takes a handful of chips.

"That's not just one!" I point out.

He laughs, "Good job, you can tell the obvious"

I shake my head giggling.

"Why do you have to be difficult?" I ask.

He focuses on the question for a bit, "Cause it's fun"

I roll my eyes, "Wow"

He finishes the chips quickly and licks his fingers.

"Ewww" I say, making a face of disgust.

"You don't do that?!" he gasps in disbelief.

"It's gross," I claim.

"What!" he exclaims. "It's just common sense to lick your fingers after eating chips. You know to get all the salt or crumbs off"

I shrug, "Doesn't make sense to me. You just wipe your fingers off with a napkin or something"

"You are so weird" he sighs, shaking his head.

"Hey no I'm not!" I imply.

"But that's why I like you," he admits.

I stay quiet and he brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear. His blue eyes stare into mine and he scoots a little closer.

"Your gorgeous Bailey. You know that? He whispers in my ear.

I run my fingers through his hair breathing in his strong cologne. He smiles and rubs my shoulders gently.

The chemistry between us is so strong I could cut it with a knife. He nudges my lip with his thumb and I blush madly. Then he kisses me softly like a butterfly's wings.I delicately taste his lips which are bitter like coffee. His arms are around me and I could feel the warmth of his skin.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he runs his hands down to my hips. Everything seems to be going great until I remember Liam. How he used to kiss me just like this. How we cuddled up next to each and watched movies every weekend. How he used to tell me he loved me no matter what.

I pull away from Oliver and open my eyes. He looks shocked, like he doesn't know what to say.

"What happened?" he asks.

"I just can't do this" I whisper, "I'm sorry"

He scoffs and looks from me to the floor.

"What do you mean? That was perfect and you just wanna throw it away like that?" he asks, clearly upset.

"Look Oliver I'm sorry. It's been confusing for me right now and I shouldn't have kissed you" I say unable to look him in the eyes.

"That's it" he growls scrambling up from the couch.

He stomps to the door and leaves slamming it behind him.

I rub my tired face with my hands and groan. What the hell was I doing? I can't get over Liam. Even when I have this great guy who was funny, and clearly liked me. I just had to throw it away just like he said.

I need to get over Liam. He has to stay safe. I try to convince myself this but every moment without him just seems wrong. Like something is missing. I check my phone, Liam has called my twenty times and there were over fifty texts from him.

I couldn't get over him and he couldn't get over me. Neither of us wanted to accept the fact that this was the best way to go. Not if the other person wasn't with us.

I trudge my way upstairs and into my new bedroom, falling onto the bed. I seem to become a part of it as the memory foam comforter forms around me. I toss my phone onto the nightstand and pull the covers up to my nose. Then I think of Liam one last time before falling asleep.

Hey guys I know this a pretty short chapter but it's just explaining how Bailey feels about Liam and all that. Hope you guys liked it.  <3 :))
