Chapter #3 His Eyes

The drive to my apartment is silent. Only the soft sound of rain pattering against the is car heard. Every once in awhile I sniffle and wipe my tears away. Liam has his hand on my thigh and hasn't taken it off once since we got in the car. He looks over at me about every minute or so making sure i'm OK. When he does I just nod and give him a little thumbs up. He then takes a deep breath and turns his attention back to the road.

We pull up to my apartment and Liam parks the car. I open the door to room 57 to see Rose.

"Hi baby!" I cry rushing over to her.

Her happy barks and squeals make me feel more at home. Liam comes in closing the door behind him and sits on the couch in my living room. I pull away from Rose and sit next to him. There is a long moment of awkward silence before he finally speaks up.

"So.........what now?" he asks putting his arm around me.

I lay my head on his chest and sigh, "I don't know"

"I wish this day was better but I messed it up" I admit.

He shakes his head, "Bailey look at me"

I look deep into his eyes. His emerald beautiful eyes. They're like the color of life. In fact they bring me to life, every time I see them. They glisten with compassion dart over me searching for a reaction.

"This is not your fault. I don't care that he's related to you, nothing that happened because of him today is your fault. Please don't ever believe that." he demands.

He throws me a worried glance and I close my eyes.

"But today was our anniversary and I wanted it to be special" I argue.

"Having breakfast at that restaurant with you was special. Do you not think so?" he asks frowning.

"No no no I do it's just I wish Justin didn't have to ruin it" I mutter, my face burning.

He looks at me again with those big, bright, stunning eyes and for a second I forget to breath.

"You have beautiful eyes," I whisper.

He laughs, "So I've been told"

He gets embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"I'm sorry for complaining, today was awesome besides the-" I trail off.

"So I was thinking" He blurts out, "Tomorrow I was thinking we could go swimming at Water Lily"

I grin from ear to ear, "Sounds perfect"

Water Lily is a small indoor pool not too far away from my apartment. It's open during the week and Liam works there from time to time. Whenever I go there I always joke with him while he's on duty. I go under water and he pretends to "save me" scooping me up. We both laugh and that's usually when I get kicked out.

"I have the key so since it's the weekend no one will be there. Just us." he points out.

"Just us" I repeat.

"Yeah" he reassures me.

I kiss him gently on the cheek, "I'm down"

He lets out a sigh of relief, "I'm glad"

I smile and stare at his lips. He blushes, cheeks turning bright red.

"I think this day could get a whole lot better" I whisper in his ear.

My breath tickles his neck and he shivers.

"How?" he asks.

"Like this" I say kissing him on his soft lips.

He accepts the kiss and cuffs my head in his hand. He kisses back each kiss more passionate and meaningful than the last. I run my fingers through his curly brown hair, it feels so soft. He puts his hands on my waist and I look down.

"What?" he asks frowning.

I giggle, "nothing"

He tips my chin up so I'm looking directly at him and kisses me again. I put my arms around his neck and relax. His lips taste sweet, like cherry candy. I can't get enough of them. We stop for a second and put our foreheads together. We sit there, both our eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

He buries his head in my shoulder and whispers something to quiet for me to hear. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug. He comes back in front of me and pushes my hair behind my ear.

"You look absolutely lovely right now" he utters.

Now it's my turn to blush, and right on cue my cheeks turn a light rose color. Speaking of Rose, I jolt and look around quickly to make sure she's here. I see her lying in her bed fast asleep and calm down again.

"What's the matter?" Liam asks brow furrowed.

"I was just checking on Rose" I respond.


I get up to leave but he pulls me back on the couch.

He makes a sad face and quivers his lip, "Please don't go"

I laugh, "I need to get a shower" I whine.

"Not right now though" he says in a childish tone.

I kiss him on the cheek before getting up once more, and again he pulls me back down. This time he kisses me for a long time. I regret to do it but I pull away knowing that if I don't get up now, I never will.

"I'm sorry" I say, "I'll be right back"

He gives me puppy dog eyes, "No C'mon Liam it'll be real quick"

"It's gonna be long" he complains.

"I promise I'll go as fast as I can" I promise before dashing to my room.

I snatch some clothes out of my drawers and sprint to the bathroom. I undress and turn the water on. I want to get back to Liam as soon as possible. I get in and jump with a start the water is way too hot


After I finish I quickly dry off and put my hair in a messy bun. I put on a pair of shorts and an over sized T-shirt. I check myself in the mirror before opening the door. I run back over to the couch and jump landing right next to Liam.

"Told you I was quick" I announce.

He chuckles, "Guess you were right"

I lay down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. I listen to his heartbeat and pay close attention to it. He holds me close to him and grabs a cover from the floor. He puts it over us and a warm tingly feeling washes over me.

I place my hand on his chest and focus on his steady breathing. I watch with curiosity as his body rises and falls with his breathes.

"I'm sorry for saying that today wasn't as good as I wanted it to be" I apologize, "It was actually an amazing day, and a great way to celebrate our anniversary"

"You don't have to be sorry" he says, "it's not your fault"

I smile and close my eyes.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too" he whispers back, closing his eyes as well.

Ok but the romance between them is EVERYTHING to me rn. Like how can you not fall in love with the characters! :)))
