There's a first time for everything

Emma p.o.v :

Today makes it two weeks since we submitted our project, and two weeks since I and skylar became  friends and two weeks since we started  having sex and before you ask no we are not dating, she's not my girlfriend we are friends that just  have sex, right now am in my literature class and we are reading a book titled 'Oliver Twist' the book is really good but am not in the mood to learn am quite horny and my teacher is not helping matters, with her tight jeans that brings out her ass,ugh where is Skylar when I need her...finally the bell rings and am out with a dash, walking the halls looking for sky, I found her at my locker, the moment our eyes meet I knew we both had the same idea immediately we walked together to my car to go to my house, her hands were all over me, she kept squeezing my inner thighs, God I am so hard... We finally arrived at my house and to my dismay my aunt's car is parked out side meaning she is at home fuck!!! I guess we are gonna go to our usual spot at the deserted park where we fuck in my car... I started pulling out the driveway to go to the park when she told me that we should go over to her place, to say I was shocked was an understatement because anytime I ask if we could go to her house she always say no!? But now here she is saying we should go to her house without me having to ask and when I confront her, she only said 'there is a first time for everything ' so I drove to her house with her directing me, we got there and she opened the door and it seems we are all alone, the moment I locked the door she was on me, her hands around my neck and her lips on mine and her legs wrapped around my waist, I carried her up to a room which I guess is hers because of the decor, I lay her on her back and climbed on her using my hands to support myself, we started humping each other, I took of my jacket and my shirt and took of my shoes leaving me in my compression shorts and sport bra and she was already naked I took my time to look at her body caramel skin, full lips,ample boobs, tight waist, big ass, toned stomach damn!! (Skylar is Camilla cabello) I crashed our lips again together in a hot and needed kiss, she tugged on my compression shorts and I took it off,  I started kissing her neck, sucking on the spot between her neck and her shoulder and she moaned loudly gripping my hair, I placed kisses all around her collar bone and I took one of her nipple and sucked on it, she cursed under her breath, I grabbed her other boob and squeezed, and trailed kisses  down to her thighs I kissed her inner thighs and then her mound and trailed my tongue along her slit as her breathing increased, she took a handful of my hair in her hand as her hips crashed harshly on the bed as she forced my face hard into her pussy, all this roughness was making me even more turned on than I already am,  I sucked hard on her clit and tugged on it several times as her hips bucked up and down and she kept saying sweet nonsense to me and when she couldn't take is any more she came on my face and tongue. But I was far from done with her, I have been horny all day and still have an 11inch hard on to deal with, so I raised her legs up to my shoulders as I rubbed my dick along her wet slit hearing the sloppy sound only made me harder...i couldn't wait any longer I positioned my dick at the entrance of her pussy... 'ugh lskghahdkgsbsk' she is so wet and tight it's like she gets tighter any time I fuck her, I think am gonna ask her about that later, but as for now am gonna concentrate on this hot,wet,and delicious flesh in front of me. I pushed my dick all the way in and stayed there for some seconds and then I withdrew it and banged it back in with an amazing force watching her open her mouth in a soundless scream, and her back ache of the bed, I kept my speed high slamming into her as hard as I can as the head board of the bed banged against the wall and sweat dripping down my back and her forehead, I could feel her walls sucking me in and her moaning get louder I knew she is getting close so I added more force and I had her trembling beneath me and her pussy realising her juice around my cock, seeing her cum made me go close to the edge and I withdrew and palmed my cock as I sprayed my seeds on her stomach. We were both breathing really fast as we lay next to each other and I spooned her. I love how we could have sex and still hold each other with out catching feelings.
When I woke up it's was already 5pm, so I easily untangled myself from sky's warm body as I went into her bathroom to clean up, when I was done, I walked into the bedroom to find her awake and still in bed, I told her I had to leave since it was getting late and she asked if I could stay a little longer and I asked why? and she said she wants me to meet her parents and that made it the second time today she has surprised me and when she saw the shock on my face she asked me to stop being silly and remember what she told me in the car and I asked her 'what' and she said 'there is a first time for everything ' I couldn't help but laugh. I wonder what her parents are like... Hmm

If u want me to continue the story pls let me know in the comment section. 
