I walked into the living room, I sat on a bean bag close to the table in the middle of the room and sky stood up from her place on an arm chair close to where her dad was sitting and sat in between my spread legs and rest her head on my stomach, immediately I stiffened, I mean her dad was there what would he think, so I turned and he was starring at us, well actually at me like just starring. I swear i am starting to suspect that this man is a vampire, like he heard what I said he just smiled at me and looked away this man gives me the creeps, I lay my head back and closed my eyes and allow myself to fall into darkness.
    I awoke to someone shaking me I opened my eyes and was met with green ones for a second we just starred at each other till she said dinner was ready and I checked my watch and it was 7:30 and it was like she read my mind, like she knew what I wanted to ask her she just said' we eat dinner early here' all i did was nod my head, we walked together to the table and I sat close to sky and I was opposite Mrs Daniel and Mr Daniels was at the head of the table, I looked at the food it was chicken, rice, peas and salad well that's healthy, I prayed for my food and started eating I noticed sky was quiet the whole time we ate, which is unusually cause she never stops talking I looked at her and she was just poking her food, I looked at her mom and she was eating she noticed me starring and she smiled and I smiled back I then looked at her dad and he was eating too so I turned back to sky and I whispered ' OK' she looked at me and I saw it in her eyes that she wasn't OK, she just smiled, I made a mental note to ask her what was wrong when we were done eating, as I continued eating Mr Daniels decided to speak he asked me where I was from originally, I looked at him and I got worried not every body liked my country, I swallowed as I answered ' I am from Nigeria sir' immediately he looked up and I swear everything stopped, all I could here was my heart beating, he looked at me for like 7hr but it was actually for a second and said, " I have been to Nigeria twice and its a nice place, what of your parents are they also in California' I swear I have never been more happy in my life phew and I answered ' well my mom is in Dubai and my dad died last year, that's why we moved' Mrs daniels  looked at me and I saw warmth in her eyes and I felt like nobody aside from my family has ever looked at me like that I just looked at her and smiled and I said' please don't feel pity for me cause I have gotten over it and I have moved on' all this while sky was still silent. We finished eating and I helped clean up the table and I decided to go home, sky walked me to the door, as we got out I asked her what was wrong and she said we would talk tomorrow and she gave me a hug and I went to my car and drove home in confusion
