Chapter 8: Walking Home

Nashi's P.O.V

Mum, Dad, Igneel and I are walking to mums apartment.

"Were are we all going to sleep you only have one bed?" Dad said.

"For one you can stay at your place and the kids can share the bed and I will sleep on the couch." Mum said.

"But Luce I want to stay with you." Dad said.

"Fine you can stay too." Mum said.

"Dad where is happy?" Igneel asked.

"He is on a mission with Wendy, Romeo, Lily and Carla." Dad said.

Storm's P.O.V

Dad, Rin and I was walking to dads house. When we got there we went in the living room.

"So were are we going to sleep?" Rin asked.

"You two can share the guest bedroom but it only has a king size bed." Dad said.

"That fine we don't mind sharing." I said.

Sylvia's P.O.V

Mum and Sylvia are walking to fairy hills.

"So tell Juvia is Gray a good dad?" Mum asked.

"Yea dad is amazing dad." Sylvia said.

"Is Juvia a good mum?" Mum asked.

"Your the best mum in the world." Sylvia said happily.

"What is Snow like?" Mum asked.

"She looks like a girl version of dad but she has you personality." Sylvia said. By the time Sylvia was do speaking we were at fairy hills. We went up to mums apartment.

"So are we going to share the bed?" Sylvia said.

"Juvia don't mine." Mum said.

Nova's P.O.V

Star, mum and I were heading to fairy hills with Rosemary and auntie Ezra.

"So tell us a bit more about the future." Auntie Ezra said.

"Like what?" Rosemary said.

"Are their more kids in the future?" Mum asked.

"Well there is Hunter and Snow like we said earlier. There are Peter and Juliet who are 3. They are Wendy's and Romeo's son and daughter. Then there is Mat who is 13. He is Cobra and Kinana's son. Violet is 5 and her parents are Bacchus and Cana.
There is my cousin Fairy. Who is uncle Elfman and auntie Evergreen's daughter. She is 11 and I have more cousins on the way."I said.

"Don't forget that we have another sibling on the way too." Star said.

"Right both mum and auntie Lisanna is pregnant." I said.

"What!" Mum and auntie Ezra said as we walked in to fairy hills.

"Yep. Mum is a two mouths pregnant and auntie Lisanna is five mouths with triples." Star said. We all walked up the stares to mums room to talk more.

"So I am having a son soon and then a daughter then another daughter and now your telling me that I am pregnant with another kid." Mum said.

"Yep" Star and I said at the same time. Then the door open and there stood auntie Lisanna.

"Who are they?" She asked confused.

Gale's P.O.V

Dad and I were walking to our home.

"So I am just going to sleep in the guest bedroom." I said.

"How do you know there is a guest bedroom." Dad said.

"We live here in the future." I said.

"So am I a good dad?" He asked.

"Your the best dad." I said.

Rosemary's P.O.V

"Who are they?" Lisanna said. Me mum, auntie Mira, Star and Nova are in auntie Mira's room.

"Welcome back Lisanna. How was the job with Elfman?" Mum said. Auntie Mira got up and hugged Lisanna.

"The job was good and who are they?" She said.

"Well we there are ten of us and we are the future. We are the guilds future kids." Nova said.

"So what are you name and how old are you?" Lisanna said.

"We will tell you our name and our age but you have to guest our mums." I said.

"I am Rosemary Fernandez and I am 14." I said.

"I am Nova Dreyar and I am 18." Nova said.

"I am Star Dreyar and I am 13." Star said quality.

"So you two are sister and Laxus's daughters and you are Jellal's daughter." Lisanna said.

"Yep." We said.

"I will give you a hint their hair gives it away." Nova said pointing at me and Star.

"You have red hair so you must be Ezra's." She said to me.

"Yes I am." I said.

"Star has white hair and Nova looks a lot like Mirajane so your are hers." Lisanna said.

"Yep we are auntie Lisanna." Star and Nova said together.

"So who are the other seven kids." Lisanna asked.

"Well there is Reiki. He is Rosemary older brother. Then there is Igneel and Nashi Dragneel. Their mum and dad are Lucy and Natsu. There is Storm, Rin and Sylvia Fullbuster. Rin and Sylvia are twins. Their mum and dad are Juvia and Gray. Gale Redfox is Levy and Gajeel's son." Nova said.

"Gale is also Nova's boyfriend. " Star said.

"Rin is yours." Nova said.

"Wow. So who is the oldest?" Lisanna said.

"The oldest is Reiki." Nova said.

"So you guys have any other siblings that are still in the future?" She asked.

"Yep they have an older brother and another sibling on the way." I said.

"Wow. Mira you have four kids. Do I have any kids in the future?" Lisanna said.

"No but you have three on the way." Star said.

"What!" She said.

"Yep your having triples congratulations." Mum said.

"Wow. I am going to bed night." Auntie Lisanna said.

"Good night. We should go to bye." Mum said.

Rikki's P.O.V

Me, dad, uncle Laxus and master are walking to master and uncle Laxus's house.

"Tell me a bit more about the future." Master said.

"Well your not master in the future." I said.

"Who is?" Dad said.

"Uncle Laxus is master." I said.

"What really I master?" Uncle Laxus said.

"Yep your master." I said.

"When will he become master?" Master said.

"In about two years." I said.

"Wow." They said. We then got to master's house. It was a six bedroom house. The same one that they live in the future.

"Well I am going to bed night." I said as I stated walking up the stairs.

"How do you know your way around?" Uncle Laxus said.

"I come here every day to hang with Hunter in the future." I said.

"Oh ok." Uncle Laxus said.

"Good night." I said.

"Good night." They all said.
