Chapter 12: Other Guilds Kids

Wendy's P.O.V

I saw the girls and their daughters talking so I walked over to them and sat at one of the bar stools.

"Hey guys." I said when I sat down.

"Hi Wendy." They all said.

"What were you guys talking about?" I said.

"We were talking about who Sylvia and Rosemary likes." Ezra said.

"Oh ok." I said. Then all of the sudden the door opened and there stored a teenager and three toddlers. The teenager was a boy so was one of the toddlers the other two were girls. The teenager looked like Laxus with white hair. The boy toddler looked like a mini Romeo. One of the girls was a mini me. The last girl was a female Gray. Everyone stop fighting and looked at them.

"Oni-chan." The little female Gray yelled running to Storm.

"Snow how did you get here?" Storm asked.

"Snow don't know." Snow said.

"Oni-chan how did you get here?" Nova said. Star ran the the teenager and hugged him.

"Well I don't know. I was watching the three of them why our parents and the other went looking for you guys and then there was a bight light and then we were here." The teenager said.

"Well since you are here introduce your self." Reiki said.

"Ok. My name is Hunter Dreyar older brother of Nova and Star." Hunter said.

"Hey Snow tell them your name." Rin said.

"Snow name is Snow Fullbuster." Snow said cutely. All the girls awed at her.

"You two say your names." Hunter said.

"My name is Peter Conbolt." Peter said yawning.

"My name is Juliet Conbolt." Juliet said also yawning.

"They just woke up from a nap." Hunter said. Snow then jumped out of Storms arms and ran to Juvia.

"Mummy hold Snow." Snow said putting her arms up. Juvia then picked her up and sat her on her lap.

"Mira can Snow have a drink of milk please?" Snow said happily. Mira went and got her drink.

"Here you go." Mira said smiling. Snow stated drinking her drink. Hunter picked up to twins and walked over the were we are with Star. When the twins saw they got out if Hunter's arms and ran to me.

"Mummy." They yelled. I strated blushing like mad. They both put their arms up for me the pick them up. I was about to the Hunter picked them up for me and sat them on my lap.

"Thanks." I said blushing.

"Your welcome." He said. He is so nice like Mira. He went and sat next to Star. The other boys walked over and sat at the bar. Nova then sat on Gale's lap again.

"Hey quick question, what year is it?"

"It's xxxx and yes mums already pregnant with you." Nova said. He looked at her wide eyed.

"So are there any other kids in other guilds?" Mira asked.

"Yea. There is 5 in sabertooth, 3 in Lamia scale and 2 in Blue pegasus." Gale said.

"What are their names, how old are they and how are their parents?" Lucy said.

"Well I will start with Blue pegasus. There is my best friend Cora Lates. She is 18 and she is the daughter of Jenny and Hibiki Lates. Then there is Kash Akatsuki. He is 16 his parents are Sherry and Ren Akatsuki." Nova said.

"In Lamia scale there is the twins Piper and Phoebe Tearm. They are 4 and the parents are Chelia and Eve Tearm. Then there is Ultear Vastia. She is 12 and her parents are Meredy and Lyon Vastia." Sylvia said.

"In sabertooth there are the triplets Marie, Mark and Mason Eucliffe. They are 20 and they are the kids of Yukino and Sting Eucliffe. Then there are the twins. Iris and Ivy Cheney. They are 16 and they are Kagura and Rogue Cheney kids." Rin said.

"Wow." We all said.
