Chapter 4: Kids P.O.V

Strom's p.o.v

Our parents are going crazy about this. I just hope that they don't find out that Nashi and I are together.

Rin's p.o.v

My parents are crazy. Mum has pass out and dad is trying to wake her up.

Sylvia's p.o.v

Sylvia is so confused about what is going on. Sylvia is going to ask Rosemary what is going on.

Gale's p.o.v

My Mum is blushing like mad and my Dad is just staring at her and me. I don't care if they find out about me and Nova. I just want to kiss her right now.

Reiki's p.o.v

Mum look like she is about to pass out let hope she does not. Igneel look so confused about this but he look so cute. No i can't think like that.

Rosemary's p.o.v

I wish they would say something and not just stare at us. I am just going to look at Sylvia and daydream about her.

Nova's p.o.v

My Mum looks happy, My Dad is confused and my Great Grandfather is cry and saying that his Grandson is grown up.

Star's p.o.v

Mummy looks so happy right now but Daddy is confused about what just happened. I bet Mummy and Daddy are going to freak out when they find out that Nova is with Gale and I am with Rin.

Igneel's p.o.v

I am very confused. Our parents are weird. I can see Reiki looking at me. I like him so much.

Nashi's p.o.v

My parents are weird. But I don't care right now all I am think about is Storm. Storm is the best. He is so hot.
