Chapter 18: Traveling

Laura calculated that a trip from the edge of Arizona where they were, to Salt Lake City, Utah, would take about a month or two, if they were quick. You see, this time, all of the hybrids were coming on the journey. Most were excited, but some were wary.

A few weeks later, after some strengthening training and preparation, which was gathering up all the supplies they needed including weapons for self-defense, some healing serums in case any of them got sick, basic camping supplies and some food, (Laura and Trudy tested Neo on his cake-wishing ability and found out he was perfectly capable.) there was the travelling day. It was perfect, really, the sun shining, a gentle breeze blowing, and everyone rested, strong, and ready to go.

They set off at five a.m., and of course, everyone grumbled at this, but they had to have an early start before they stopped for the night and slept in the twenty-five tents they were bringing.

A few hybrids were chosen to stay in the Haven to watch after it and in case anyone came by.

Everyone worked out that they were going to bring a few costumes to wear in the big cities to disguise that they were hybrids. How they looked could make people scared, and anything can happen when people are scared. They wanted to reveal themselves in the right way.

So, with Neo and Lee in the lead, and with Laura and Trudy close behind, they set off into the wilderness, going north.

In the first few hours, Laura noticed that the landscape didn't change much, besides having more trees and mountains. It was really green and beautiful. It reminded her a bit of her home back in Georgia . . . Laura quickly shook off the thought.

They were making good progress, but after an hour or two, they started complaining.

"I'm tired. Can't we stop?"

"Neo, give me something to eat."

"I want to go back to the Haven . . ." Mumbled a raccoon hybrid.

With shocked faces, everyone slowly turned around. How could he say that?

"Giving up so soon, huh?" said Lee. "Rather be a coward than be set free, always wondering if you're going to make it to tomorrow, or if the Facility is going to snatch you up at any given time? Well, we're not like that. And that is why we are on this journey. If you want to go back, then fine, but you will not be a part of our freedom. So, are you with us, or not?"

The raccoon hybrid nodded silently, and they went on with their journey, every one of them sure of what they were doing for all the hybrids. They were fighting for justice and freedom.

After a few minutes, Neo let the hybrids have a break to eat and rest. He wished up a nice lay out of food, with mostly fruits and vegetables.

"Oy! What's this? Where's the good stuff?" said Lee with a teasing sparkle in his eye.

Neo smirked. "This is the food we need for the journey. This is good stuff."

"Not in my book . . ." Lee mumbled, but went over to eat anyway.

Laura alighted on a cube of watermelon and started to eat, scooping juicy red watermelon into her mouth. "Mmm." she said.

Neo chuckled softly. "Hungry?"

Laura spun around and wiped her mouth. "Oh, um, yeah." she said, embarrassed.

Neo smiled.

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After the break, a lot of walking, and a few more breaks, the sky grew dim and some of the hybrids started to yawn.

When Neo was about to tell everyone they should stop for the night, a blood-chilling howl behind them stopped them in their tracks.

"Wolves!" Shrieked a hybrid.

Everyone started running as fast as they could. But, Laura was stopped by a scream from behind. She looked back and gasped. Grey Wolves with glistening white teeth and a menacing snarl were gathered around Chess, biting her and clawing at her with their paws.

"Help!" Laura screamed desperately.

Jasmine, the wolf hybrid, turned around and saw what was happening, and stood beside Laura. "I can help," she said, "but stand back." Laura flew back a few feet, and watched Jasmine. Jasmine started to morph. Clothes faded into fur, fingernails grew into claws, and she hunched down on all fours. She was a wolf! She growled at the other wolves and attacked them. Jasmine fought the wolves off of Chess and howled triumphantly as they scampered away into the dark forest. Lee made sure they wouldn't come back by throwing a fireball in their direction. Jasmine morphed back into a wolf hybrid and Laura turned her attention over to Chess.

"Chess! Are you okay?" said Laura, looking her over.

James, the goat hybrid, rushed over and took a green cream and dabbed it over the places the wolves had bitten her. "This should help the wounds heal quickly, and ease the pain."

Chess moaned and started to get up.

"No, no, no. You have to lie down." Chess moaned again, and fell back to the forest floor, shivering. James glanced at Neo. "Someone has to carry her. She's too weak right now."

"Okay. Drieda and Zach will carry her." Neo nodded to them. "I think there's a spot ahead where we can stay for the night."

Once they got to the place, everyone started setting up the tents. Within a half hour, the tents were finished, and everyone was pairing up, boy and boy, girl and girl, for sleep so that they could save space instead of everyone having their own tent. They also figured out some shifts for the strongest hybrids in case the wolves came back.

Everyone said goodnight and fell into an unsettling sleep.

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It was the gray, rainy morning that had lulled the hybrids to sleep, tricking them into thinking it was still nighttime, and the hybrids got up late. Neo was walking around and shaking the tents. "Come on, we have to go! It's ten o' clock!" Neo sighed in frustration. How could they sleep in now?

After a lot of shaking tents and protests, the hybrids were up and traveling again.

After a few miles, though, Laura felt as though she was being watched. She glanced around, but didn't see anything. Something rustled in a bush and jumped out and pinned Laura's wings to the ground. Laura screamed as she was looking into the wild eyes of a bobcat . . . hybrid?

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