Chapter 6: Adjusting

And so there she was, standing there in the middle of the yard.

She felt scared. Laura hadn't been small for very long, and she wasn't quite used to it. Her head was only just above the waving grass, and vibrations from the kids around her threw her off balance as she backed away and bumped into something. She spun around and there was a huge boy, and he was about to step on her! She ran from the shoe, but then he noticed her.

He looked down at her in fascination, and she gaped up at him. Laura flapped her wings, but they wouldn't work. They just hung useless.

"Come on, come on, please work!" She said under her breath.

People started crowding around her.

"Hey! Look at the new hybrid!"

"Awww! She's so small!" one laughed.

"Let's see if she can lift weights." one smirked.

"She's like a butterfly!"

Laura, of course, stood trembling like a leaf, trying to back away, but then Trudy came.

"Hey, guys, stop it! Leave her alone!"

The other hybrids protested as Trudy scooped up Laura in her hand. "I'm going to throw you up in the air, okay? Then you can get a headstart and fly."

Pressure fell upon her as Trudy's hand rushed upward. "Wait, what?"

Trudy tossed her in the air and Laura, after a fearful second in mid-air, flapped her wings as hard as she could. And just like that, she was flying. Trudy clapped her hands and smiled from below.

She swooped and glided in the air. It was breathtaking, soaring up there above everything else . . . well, almost everything.

"Getting used to your new wings?" Asked Benjamin as he coasted beside her, dark, speckled wings barely flapping, his dark eyes studying her.

"Oh, um, yeah, I guess. Just not my new height." She replied, looking away.

He shrugged. "I guess we all have to make sacrifices." He banked right and flew away.

She sighed. Now, what was she supposed to be doing? Oh, yeah. Looking for gaps in the fence. The fence was made of strong metal cord, very stiff, unbreakable with close together vertical lines. She flew over to it, but was stopped by something that was going on.

A bull hybrid was fighting a wolf hybrid, and everyone was making a big fuss about it.

"Fight, fight, fight!" They chanted.

It seemed as though the bull hybrid had thought the wolf hybrid had stole some of his food, and the wolf hybrid was denying it.

The bull hybrid tried to take a jab with his horns at the other, but he ducked out of the way just in time, so that the bull hybrid jammed his horn in between the fence.

The crowd cheered. Apparently the wolf hybrid had won. The bull hybrid pulled his horn out of the fence and muttered something under his breath.

Laura looked upon the scene, and was disgusted. Why- wait. A gap! She had to tell Trudy!

"Trudy! Trudy!" She yelled as she flew over to the obstacle course.

"What, Laura?" she looked up from the weights she was lifting.

"I found a gap!"

Trudy grinned. "I knew you did! Show it to me!"

Laura flew over to the gap, teetering with excitement. This could be their way out!

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