Chapter 7: The Edge

"Now, Laura, we don't have much time.'' Trudy said, glancing around fearfully. "I'm going to need you to fly through the gap. After you-"

''Wait, wait, wait. Fly through the gap?'' Laura cut her off as she raised an eyebrow. ''What about watchguards? Sensors? Security towers for goodness sake! What about that?'' she looked up at Trudy.

"Look,'' she sighed deeply. ''I know there's a huge risk, but you're the only chance that any of us have. There's someone out there who can help us. Someone who can set us all free. I've heard it echoed around our prison for months now. Someone who lives out there,'' she pointed out into the far desert. Laura looked at it, and saw the heat rising up from the sand, making waves in the air, just proving how endless and searing it was.

''They call them the Unchained, other hybrids that escaped from here somehow. You have to at least try . . . for all of us.''

Laura bit her lip as she looked around at all of the hybrids in the yard. Some took a quick glance at them, noticing what they were doing, and looked away to give them time. All of these little kids . . . She could do this for her friend, she could do this for all the hybrids . . . couldn't she?

"I will." she said to Trudy, with grim determination.

Nearby, guards watched and listened closely, hoping to report something to their officer.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The two guards marched into Mr. Black's office.

''Sir.'' the guards saluted.

"Why must you incessantly disturb me?" said Mr. Black, glaring at them. "I am about to receive new recruits. Have you not heard? Speak quickly, before I lose my patience."

Mr. Black was the head of the whole Facility, the one who started and nourished it. An advocate of Mr. Black in the government, who secretly supported his experiments with animal and human DNA, paid for the project and helped him build it. Everything was kept completely secret from most of the staff, and only his closest officials knew about the history of the Facility and what would happen once they finished the mind control device.

"Subjects S9572 and S9214 are showing suspicious activity," one guard said confidently. "we think they may be planning an escape, sir."

Mr. Black gave the guards a condescending glance. "Well, of course they are planning an escape. You do recall that I have microphones in every single cage and every square foot of land out there!"

He pointed in the direction of the prison yard and grinned menacingly. "The only reason that the fence is still slightly open is because I want her to get out. I want her to try to escape. Because when we capture her again, she will be experimented on more and more as punishment and no hybrid will ever try to escape again. Not like last time." he gave them a sharp and meaningful look.

The guards numbly nodded, and marched out to see to a certain little boy that had been experimented on with snail DNA.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Merry Christmas everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, I'll make the chapter longer on the next one.

