"--up! Alina, it's just a nightmare! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see two green orbs staring straight at me. Unclasping my hands on the sheets, I followed the strong urge to wrap my arms around Sam. I could feel my hair sticking to my skin as sweat dripped down my body. My body was shaking uncontrollably as I felt the fear run through my veins. 

"It's okay. You're okay. I'm here." Sam assured me repeatedly in a soft and gentle voice while rubbing the back of my head and hugging me close to him. As seconds pass by, I began to feel weak and I let myself slump into his arms. I notice the moon was almost setting.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice strangely raspy. Sam carefully pulled me away slightly for him to look at my face. 

"You were screaming as you slept." He whispered, wiping away the hair that stuck on my forehead. 

"I was?" I asked, mostly to myself rather than to him. "But I do not remember anything." 

He looked at me like I had said the strangest thing. 

"I'm sorry," I said as I unhinged myself from him. My sweat had made his clothes wet and I believe my arms wrapped around much too tightly around him. "I..."

A sharp knock echoed sharply around the room. 

Sam stood up and went to his dresser to grab a towel for me to use. "It might be news from your house." He quickly crossed the room and opened his mahogany door. I began to wipe the stickiness off of my skin.

Amon came into the room and looked shocked as his eyes landed on me. "Man, you're a mess." He joked as they walked towards me, I looked at my disheveled state in embarrassment. Sam sat beside me on the side of the bed, giving Amon a warning look to which he replied with a laugh and his hands up. 

Sam gently started helping me wipe myself. "I can do it," I smiled at him, stopping his hand. I did not want to cause him any more trouble. Sam simply nodded at me and dropped his arms, facing Amon.

"Tell us what you saw." 

"By the time we got there, multiple demons had appeared around the house." Amon started, making me inhale sharply. "We couldn't get closer, we can't even see who was inside the house. So, we waited it out. Our current numbers were not fit to fight off a hundred class C demons." 

"What happened to Adonis?" I could not help but ask the only question that rang inside my mind. 

Amon tilted his head lightly to the side. "After a few minutes, every demon at a five mile radius was gone. No one was left inside, we searched." 

"Are you certain?" I asked, my voiced laced with horror. Has Adonis disappeared on me as well?

"We searched the perimeter, too." Amon shook his head, further making me worry. "We did pick up a nasty scent." He paused, shuddering lightly. "Greater demon." 

Not entirely sure why, but I wondered if my true self will ever smell that way to Sam. Would it repulse him as much as a greater demon's scent has disgusted Amon?

"Alright. Thanks, bro." Sam stood and tapped Amon's shoulder, dismissing him. Amon nodded to him and smiled at me sympathetically before going out of the door. 

"Do you think he will be back?" I asked in a soft voice, staring at my hands. "He is the closest to a family I know, aside from my father." I realized, not waiting for answer. I felt horrible and afraid that the same thing would happen to Adonis. "Maybe... Maybe I should have stayed. Maybe I could have counted on my true se--"

"No." Sam interrupted, placing his fingers beneath my chin and making me face him. "Your true self must still be sealed away." He explained, searching my eyes. "You cannot use anything of that part of yourself. Just like how pups are, before they start to shift." 

"Shift?" I asked, perplexed. Do they call the young werewolves as pups? 

"That's what we call it when we turn into wolves." 

I merely nodded, unsure of what to do or say. My worry for Adonis fills my head, making my head throb. He was the only one I knew that could help me find my father. More than that, he has been a great friend and company. There was not a moment at home that was quiet with him. I truly did enjoy his presence, although completely opposite from my father's quiet demeanor. 

"Can I go back now?" I asked Sam, who looked very hesitant. He knew I wanted to go because I was worried beyond imagination. 

"Look, I know you are very worried about him." Sam stared into my eyes calmly. "However, that man sent you here because he knew you would be protected here. It only means that whoever, whatever, was coming was great danger to you." 

What he had said perfectly made sense and I already knew that it was what Adonis had intended by sending me here. "Then," I began slowly, staring at the sky from the room that seemed to cage me in. "Who protects him?" I asked with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"We'll wait for a day, alright?" Sam placed his hand lightly on my head. "I'm sure he would be fine. That man's reputation as the strongest warlock is no joke." His serious tone made me look at him and I knew I was almost convinced. 

Seeing the look on my face, he sighed and sat a bit further away from me to give me space. He closed his eyes, as if bracing himself for something he was about to do. 

"Back when I was a child and our pack was only about half the size of it now, a legion of demons crossed our lands. Naturally, it had sparked our territorialism. To make it worse, the demons wanted to crush everything and everyone in their path. We had lost a lot of warriors that day, including my mother." Sam's aura was full of regret and pain. Even with his eyes closed, I could feel everything and my heart have never felt this much pain. 

"...the mother of all demons." The words flashed into my head and I felt an even greater pain. It had finally made sense to me as to why Sam had acted that way. Demons, supposedly my kind, had traumatized his childhood and took his mother away from him. 

I should not have claimed to be innocent even if I could not remember anything. I knew that even if the worlds flipped, I was still Lilith. I could be the root of the evil beings that crawl on the world, possibly hurting every person on its path. I felt ashamed of myself, for being that kind of person before and for allowing such things to happen.

"I'm so--" 

"You do not need to apologize, Alina." Sam looked at me, his eyes still evident of pain. "You weren't there and you never was. It wasn't your fault and I will never blame you for it." He reached up to touched my face, seeing the tears on my cheek. Even with this warmth from him, I still felt immense guilt.

It felt like I did not deserve to be here.

"At the moment that I was supposed to be killed right after my mother, Adonis appeared. The survival of the pack was only possible because he was there to get rid of that legion. The pack was eternally grateful for his help in the pack's survival and its heir." Sam breathed and sent me a small smile. "In exchange, Adonis wanted a home within the pack's territory and to be able to go in and out of it without complications. He had also included your father." 

"Then, is it because he is part demon that you do not like him?" I asked softly, only half wanting to know his answer. I knew that if he answers yes, it would be the same for me. Probably even worse. 

"Yes." He answered, making me feel colder than it really is. It felt like my hope to be friends with them has been lost. "Adonis, although could be really helpful, had proven that he only helps if he wants to. It was clear to me that he had used that chaos as an opportunity to be protected by a pack." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "He manipulated everyone to his desire, which is why my father told the pack to avoid him at all costs. It seemed as if everyone around him is always put in danger."

I merely stared at him, unsure of what to say since Adonis had been entirely a great friend. It felt wrong to think of Adonis as manipulative just because he was part demon. I did not feel anything like that about him. 

"What about me?" I asked, having courage because of the judgements towards Adonis. Sam did not answer me for awhile, leaving me wanting to take it back and disappear. 

"I do not know," He looked at me seriously and my heart dropped. "But you know really well on how different you are for me." 

~~Author's Note~~

Heya~ I deeply apologize for my disappearance. Hopefully I can keep this up this time haha. I had trouble continuing this story for a long while since I realized that I had huge plans for it, but no solid foundation. Please forgive me >.<

Oh, and I re-edited everything because when I read it again, there were SO many mistakes. My grammar and spelling are not perfect, so feel free to call out my mistakes! I really appreciate it!
