"I'm so sorry." Adonis whispered as he hugged me closer. We were huddled on the floor of our home, with me crying on his suit. He softly stroked my hair as I cried. I could feel the guilt and anger radiating off of him. 

"What happened?!" A familiar angry voice growled loudly, making me clutch Adonis tighter. I feel a rage-filled aura behind me. I don't want another angry person. I dug myself even deeper into Adonis, not wanting to see anything nor anyone. 

"Stop scaring her," Adonis snapped. "She had gone through too much today."

I feel the aura subside as he took his breaths slowly, calming himself after awhile. "Sorry," His soft voice somehow comforted me. I slowly peeked back at him, his image blurring because of my bloodshot eyes. 

"Sam," I whispered, another wave of tears threatening to fall. Adonis slowly passed me off to Sam, who wrapped me in his arms. As embarrassed as I may be, I knew I needed his comfort. I cried more into his chest, his voice reassuring me that I was safe. I felt myself shut down as I willed myself to forget the terrifying feeling that I felt with the vampire king.

"You should let her stay with you for a while." I hear Adonis's voice talking in a hushed voice behind me. I feel the softness of my bed and the warmth of the blankets. I didn't want to move. The sky was still tainted with darkness, meaning I had not slept much. 

"That's fine with me." Sam replied with an equally hushed voice.

"You need to go, now." 

"Why?" I could feel Sam tense at the sense of urgency.

"One of the princes of hell saw her. Although he did not seem to know who she is, he threatened us to go to the Sanguis Ball." Adonis whispered and I could feel Sam's rage. "He threatened to tell Azazel about her and we never want that. That asshole will come back for her." He continued pointedly.

"Then why the hell was she so frightened?" Sam gritted through his teeth.

"The vampire king took her to dance. The next thing I knew, her lip was bleeding and that prick was about to bite her."

"Why did you let him do that to her?" Sam said rather loudly. I spin towards their voices to let them know that I'm awake. I did not want to hear Adonis' answer. "Alina." Sam greeted me, hiding his anger, and crossed the room to get closer to me. "Do you need something?" 

I shook my head as he held my hand and sat beside me. I missed the warmth from his hand. I sat on the bed, only to feel exhausted again. I fell on his chest, letting me hear his fast heartbeat. I apologized softly and was about to sit back up but he held my head firmly there, making me feel nervous. 

"You're going to stay with us for a while, alright?" Sam asked while softly petting my head. It made me feel at ease, hearing his heartbeat. It slowly registered in my mind that Sam would never do what Simon did. Aside from being different from a vampire, Sam's gentleness makes me trust him. 

I nodded, carefully turning into his chest to smell the fragrance of his shirt. Sam hesitantly wrapped his arms around me, as if I was going to break. I hear Adonis leave quietly. "Can I see you as a wolf?" 

Sam tensed, obviously nervous about the thought of letting me see his other form. "Are you sure? You just went through something horrible." His hand dropped and gripped the sheets of my bed tightly. "Aren't you scared of seeing another monster?" He whispered, voice laced with pain.

"I..." I trailed off, turning to look at his conflicted face. I wanted to tell him that I needed to know if he was also a monster like the vampire king was, but I couldn't. I knew that if I saw something I didn't like right now, I would have avoided him. It would have hurt him and I didn't want that. "No, never mind." I looked down, holding his hand. I decided to trust him instead.

He breathed out in relief, watching me. "We should go." He looked at me like there was something else he wanted to say. "You should take a shower first and pack the things you need." 

I nodded, hearing Adonis come back with a cup of water. He handed it to me and I thanked him quietly before drinking. "Would I be staying there for long?" I asked Adonis, who nodded. I wanted to stay here because it eases me up knowing that my father could come back here, but I was too afraid of either Simon or Ramiel coming back. I knew it would be best for Adonis as well, if I weren't put in danger. "Would you be alright alone?" I asked him with concern.

"Of course," He smiled, but it was not reaching his eyes. Something bothered him and I knew it was the fact that he wasn't able to stop Simon earlier. I stood, thankful for Sam's support when I wobbled a bit. 

I wrapped my arms around  Adonis. "Thank you for saving me." I said into his chest, tears threatening to fall again. I feel him relax as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I told you I won't let anything happen to you." 

"But something did." Sam muttered under his breath and I laughed lightly. I sniffled as I pulled away. 

Adonis rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I kept half of it." He joked, smiling at me. "I'm really sorry, Li." He apologized again and I nodded. "But something good did come out of my disappearance." 

"What is it?" I asked curiously, sitting down beside Sam again.

"Jane," He started and I nodded stiffly, remembering the woman's intent to kill me. "She told me she saw one of the princes of hell in Los Angeles." 

"Who?" I asked, getting nervous but also thankful that Adonis got information.

"That, I'm not sure. I couldn't ask further," He replied regrettably. "But I will go there to see for myself. That's why you should stay with Sam's pack." He added, making me nod slowly. 

"I want to go." I voiced out, feeling Sam go rigid. 

"It would be dangerous for the both of you, Alina." Sam pointed out.

"He's right," Adonis nodded. "It would be less suspicious if I went alone as well." 

I merely nodded, still not fond of having everyone around me do things for me while I can't do the same for them.

"Don't worry about it, alright? I would feel better knowing that you're safe." Adonis patted my head. "Besides, Asmodeus would have my gorgeous eyes for golfing if you were ever in danger." He laughed, pacing towards the door. "Prepare your things, I'll portal you to Sam's pack house when you're ready." He exited with a flamboyant wave of his arm, leaving Sam and I in my room. 

"I guess I'm returning to your pack house." I say with a faint smile as Sam helped me fix my stuff. 

"Oh, if it's alright with you, we're not staying in the pack house." He suddenly remembers something and smiled at me. 

"Where then?" I ask, tilting my head to the side slightly. I set down the folded clothes on my bed. 

"Our pack's main house in Vancouver."
