"The girl knows Adonis, for heaven's sake!" 

The unfamiliar voice woke me, making my head throb. I was not dizzy anymore, but my head felt heavier than usual. "How do you know we can even trust someone like that?!" The loud voice continued. I opened my eyes, seeing nothing but the wide walls of brown and white in front of me. The realization made me feel the comforting warmth from my side and my back. 

"She's my mate." Sam's voice boomed through his chest and the walls but it he did not seem to be shouting, unlike the other man he was talking to. I could now feel Sam's even breathing and smell his scent. His arm was around me, making me even more comfortable in our position. "Though I cannot trust someone like Adonis, I know very well that I could trust my own mate." 

"Don't you think that the cursed warlock sent her here to ruin an important day such as this one?!" The voice said angrily, making me want to face him for talking badly about Adonis. For all I know, Adonis' life could be in danger and here is a stranger talking like he had the right to judge someone he probably does not know.

"I doubt that warlock even knows about this meeting." Sam snapped as softly as he could in order not to wake me. "That man does not trust me either. If he sent my mate to me, there must be danger that came where my mate was." 

I mentally thanked Sam for defending Adonis' actions. 

"I am still the alpha." The voice suddenly became more intense and intimidating. "I will order a team to look at the situation, whether you like it or not." 


"I am your alpha!" The voice shouted in a powerful manner, making Sam tense.

"I will stay here with her." I could feel Sam pull me a bit closer towards him. "Telling me not to go there must mean I have to prioritize protecting her." Sam said, making me think about what Adonis had said before he pushed me into the portal. 

The man he was talking to did not say anything and walked out of the door in anger. It is only now that my senses were back to normal. Sam's free hand reached up to touch my face gently, making me look up to him and away from his shoulder that I had been laying on. 

I was not expecting him to wear a smile on his face.

"I..." He sighed, lightly caressing the side of my face with his thumb. "I missed you." 

I knew what I would have said, but for an unknown reason, I could not voice it out. Instead, I reached up and held his hand in place on my face even when it felt weak. "How did you know I was already awake?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I could feel your lashes flutter against my skin." He stared down at my eyes. "And I heard your heart change rhythm."

"That was your father?" I asked and he merely nodded, clear distaste about his father for now. "As your mate, he does not seem to approve of me." I whispered, feeling a slight disappointment. 

"He will come along." Sam said in a reassuring voice. "In fact, everyone will. So you don't have to worry about it. You were meant to be by my side." 

Those words made my heart throb almost painfully inside my chest. 

I sat up properly, feeling better. I had only guessed that I felt sick because of the portal. Maybe it shocked my senses too much. Sam handed me the glass of water, making me drink all of it. I looked around, taking in the scene around me.

The sky had been inked with darkness but no stars appeared. The wooden walls loomed over us with high windows, the ceiling high enough to accommodate a large chandelier. They were embedded with soft lights, supporting the bright lights spread out by the chandelier. As I stare more on the ceiling, the lights begin to look like numerous candles. I wondered how they replaced ones that already burned out.

The floor was a smooth, matte black but looking closely enough, there were patterns engraved onto them. In the middle of the room was a huge rectangular wooden table that hosted about 30 chairs. Sam and I were seated on one of the chairs at the east side of it. Across one end of the table was large double doors that almost seemed impossible to push, but werewolves do have super strength. Across the other end of the table was a massive banner that hung from the top of the ceiling, its tip almost touching the floor. 

"What does that mean?" I pointed to the banner that held a golden mark that looked like swirling lines around what seems to be a wing. The black banner itself had little intricate designs or symbols that emphasized the golden mark. 

"The mark of the angels." Sam simply answered, turning to me. "What happened to you?" 

I looked at him, seeing his eyes flash with worry. It felt like I could never see him so vulnerable in front of other people except me. He just gave off that authoritative and reliable aura that everyone naturally followed. "Adonis and I were having dinner at the house, then he suddenly said there was someone there." 

"Did he tell you who it is?" 

"No," I shook my head. "He told me he would, after he settled it." I said silently, coming to a conclusion that he would definitely back. I looked at my hands, pale and thin. "He wouldn't disappear, right?" I looked up slowly at Sam beneath my eyelashes. Like my father? I only silently added, but Sam seemed to get my thoughts.

"No." He seemed to hesitate, but I understood. As much as he'd like to assure me, there was no way of telling what will happen. He does not even trust Adonis that much. Sam stared back at my eyes, wanting to show his sincerity.

The room grew quiet until Sam stood and offered me his hand. "I'll show you to my room so you can rest for the night." He smiled lightly as I accepted his hand. I stared at him, for I could not help it. He was gone for days and I wanted to ask but it felt strange to do so. "Oh, don't worry. I will be sleeping on the couch." He assured me with a flushed face, not that it was what I was worried about. I did not even think about it until he mentioned it. 

"Why not take me to a guest room instead?" I ask, feeling guilty if I let him sleep on a couch in his own home. We were in front of the huge wooden doors that opened almost magically in synchronization. Behind it was a huge hall with the same motif as the room we were just in. Only, the walls were decorated with paintings depicting what seems to be demons, angels, vampire, werewolves and warlocks. It was so mesmerizing that I was sure I would have stayed longer observing every single one of them if it was not for Sam's hand.

"I would," Sam paused as he reached for another door that was much smaller this time, but there were three identical double doors. "But I want to keep an eye on you at all times." Opening the doors, a warm feeling rushed over my body. The room was much smaller now, with a lower ceiling. It was still a large room, numerous couches spread around. I had guessed this was the lobby, since there was a big door that seemed to be the entrance to this manor. 

"Won't I be able to go home today?"

Sam hesitated again, trying to find the right words to say. "I will wake you once there is news."

People in the room that I had never seen before, stood as we came and the feeling of coziness suddenly washed out of me. They all had blank looks, or at least they tried to put one over their angry faces. Every single one of their auras screamed 'Intruder!' and it did not take long for Sam to notice. Sam pulsed his huge aura, as if to threaten the others even when they looked older than himself. I looked at him as he set his hard stare upon them. It was like they were communicating. 

Finally, all of the werewolves whimpered and seemed to bow their heads in submission. "This is Alina Imenand, my mate." Sam said with so much authority, but there was something else mixed into his voice. Pride? 

I stepped forward a bit, trying my best to curtsy with my hand still in Sam's. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I said with utmost sincerity and all 30 of them looked quite shocked. 30 seems to be a lot of werewolves, but I was almost certain that the pack was much larger. Sam pulled me gently back to his side and did something that sent a strange feeling throughout my body. 

With a proud smile, he kissed the top of my head softly. 
