💞Sixth Kiss📸

Chanhee slammed down the books, but gently since he was still in the library. He glanced at Hyunjun who was sitting by the window, fiddling with his camera. 

It didn't seem like they knew each other that well since Hyunjun didn't continue to talk after.......... seemingly flirting with him. Chanhee didn't know if he should feel flattered or not. Hyunjun's words gave him mixed feelings. 

Chanhee whipped his head back when Hyunjun looked up at him. He clutched onto the books and briskly walked away. Hyunjun chuckled at the sight. He picked up his camera and snapped the back view of the librarian. 

Then, he checked the picture he took. 

"Still looks cute." He mumbled to himself.

Hyunjun was smiling and busy staring at the picture that he didn't notice a person lurking behind him. Chanhee looked over Hyunjun's shoulder and squinted at the picture.

"Hey, that's me!" Chanhee hissed.

He snatched Hyunjun's camera away and proceeded to take a proper look. Hyunjun froze for a while in panic. Then he quickly chased after his camera but Chanhee kept turning away from his reach. 

"Give it back. That's my camera." Hyunjun grunted.

"And this is my picture. You can't just take-......... what are these?" Chanhee asked. 

Hyunjun went frigid when Chanhee showed him. He averted eye contact, scratching his neck sheepishly. 

"Umm.... that is- uh-" 

"Aren't these all me?" Chanhee swiped more, "That's my hands. That's my feet. That's my eyes. That's my lips. You!" Chanhee gasped.

"Me?" Hyunjun pointed at himself, "Look, I can explain."

"Explain what? Why you have pictures of my body parts?"


"You are a pervert! I am reporting you to the police!" Chanhee started to run away.

"What? Wait, no! I'm not a pervert." Hyunjun huffed, grabbing him back.

Chanhee gasped again, quite dramatically, and yanked off Hyunjun's hand. He took a step back and guarded his chest, staring at Hyunjun with high alert. Hyunjun sighed. 

"I'm not a pervert."

"Says you! The evidence here says otherwise." Chanhee hissed, shaking the camera at Hyunjun's face.

"Don't shake it like that! Ok, look. I'm a professional photographer-" 

"Oh ho, that's what every pervert says." 

"I said I am not a pervert and will you hold the camera properly!" Hyunjun snapped.

He grabbed both the camera and Chanhee's hand. Chanhee gasped and started pulling back. Hyunjun also pulled onto his wrist to get back his camera. 

"Let go of me, you feet flushing perv!" 


Both of them paused for a while and stared at each other. Then after a couple of silent seconds, Hyunjun learned not to put down his guard. 

"I'm sorry." Chanhee said, giving Hyunjun a cold drink he got from the vending machine.

Hyunjun snatched the can and stuck it to the thigh, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"I told you to let me explain but no~~~ you just had to over react and kick me right at my thigh like that." Hyunjun snapped.

"Well, you had body pics of me. Of course I'd think you were-" Chanhee stopped himself when Hyunjun glared at him.

Chanhee had kicked Hyunjun and yanked the camera away for evidence. It wasn't until Seonghwa arrived at the scene that Hyunjun was miraculously saved. Hyunjun was an actual professional photographer that Seonghwa had called in for charity work. They were going to have a volunteer story time that week and Seonghwa had called in Hyunjun to record the event. 

"He didn't even tell me anything." Chanhee mumbled to himself. 

"What?" Hyunjun asked.

"N-Nothing. Do you feel better now?" 

"What do you think?" Hyunjun asked sarcastically.

"Now, we were both in the wrong. What was I to think when you had those pictures of me?" Chanhee whined.

Hyunjun controlled his expression. The sulking Chanhee was being very cute and looking delicious right now but he controlled himself. 

"I did shoot you for a reason." Hyunjun said, opening up the can.

"See? Wait, why?" Chanhee said in confusion.

"I have a habit of taking random pictures. I see something pretty, beautiful and snap! I take a picture to keep it without even knowing."

"Hmm.... so why'd you take a picture of me?" 

"I just said it." 

Chanhee smirked with an unconvinced look. He leant in near Hyunjun with a creepy expression and shook his finger in front of his face. 

"You don't believe me?" Hyunjun asked.

"Hey, I'd believe it if it was believable." Chanhee shrugged. 

"Well, would you believe it when I say that this is the first time that I ever wanted to keep in my heart and not the camera?" 

Chanhee stared blankly as Hyunjun turned to him. Hyunjun smiled at him and booped his nose. 

"You don't even know me...." Chanhee mumbled.

"I can get to know you. You said you were sorry, right?"


"Then come with me now. I need a model." 

Chanhee awkwardly stood in the middle of the field with long tall reeds. He turned around and heard another snap. 

"That was nice." Hyunjun said as he checked his shot.

He smiled at the wandering look on Chanhee. Hyunjun looked back up to see Chanhee with a sulky pout.

"Aren't you finished yet?" He asked. 

"No." Hyunjun answered.

He laughed when Chanhee grumbled and plopped down the ground. He walked up to him and snapped another picture from above. 

"Does taking pictures usually take this much time?"

"Only if the subject is too beautiful." Hyunjun replied, snapping another picture.

"You keep saying that." Chanhee muttered.

"Cause it's true." Hyunjun said, aiming another shot.

But he paused when he saw Chanhee frowning and looking at the grown. He was fiddling with a stray strand of reed. Hyunjun knelt down in front of him and tilted his head.

"You don't believe me?" Hyunjun asked.

Chanhee shook his head. Hyunjun smiled again and hooked his finger under Chanhee's chin. He made Chanhee face him properly. Hyunjun also took the opportunity to stare at his face as much as he wanted.

"Chanhee, you are such a beautiful creature." Hyunjun whispered.

Then, trailing his fingers up to Chanhee's ears, he tapped on it. Chanhee unknowingly leant into his touch. He stared back at Hyunjun whose eyes were following the way his fingers moved. 


Hyunjun touched his small ears. 


Hyunjun touched the corner of his eyes.

"And this...."

Hyunjun tapped on his nose and smiled.

"And finally this...."

Hyunjun's fingers hovered over Chanhee's parted pink lips. Hyunjun gulped as he stared at those inviting lips. He looked back up at Chanhee and smiled.

"How can you not look beautiful?" 

Chanhee blushed red and hard. The feather-light touches of Hyunjun's finger felt electrifying. The sensation of almost touching yet not quite made Chanhee frustrated. And it seemed Hyunjun notice too since he was grinning cheekily.

Chanhee huffed and turned his head away.

"Get on with the shoot." he said, covering up his embarressment. 

Hyunjun nodded and picked up his camera. He snapped a few bust shots of Chanhee facing away. He peeked from behind his camera to see Chanhee shutting his eyes. The slight breeze was rushing against him and he looked ethereal under the sunset gleam. 

Biting his lips, Hyunjun clicked on the last shot. After that he put his camera down and stared at Chanhee who didn't notice. After a moment of silence, Chanhee opened his eyes again and turned to see Hyunjun staring at him intensely. 

Hyunjun put away his camera. Chanhee's eyes followed his movements the whole time. He backed away in panic when Hyunjun leant in on his knees. But the distance between them was still close. 

"I really wanna keep you." Hyunjun whispered. 

Chanhee gulped. But then, he decided to be daring in the field for once. 

"Then keep me." He replied.

Hyunjun smirked at the reply. He pounced onto Chanhee, pining him against the ground. His hands slithered into Chanhee's and it felt hot. The breeze was doing nothing to cool the two's heated moment. 

Hyunjun swooped in, He nudged his nose against Chanhee's neck and breathed in his scent. Chanhee felt chills run along his arms at the action. Hyunjun grazed his lips along his neck up to his ear and chuckled.

The deep chuckle did things to Chanhee's mind. He whimpered and squeezed Hyunjun's hands. Hyunjun smirked and looked back at Chanhee. After locking eye contact, Chanhee nodded and Hyunjun let out a smile. 

Slowly but without hesitation, Hyunjun came in to kiss Chanhee.

Chanhee closed his eyes and then opened them again. He was once again greeted by the library. No breeze, no grass, no reeds. 

Chanhee pinched his cheeks and slapped them twice for good measure. He swalloed hard and his eyes wandered elsewhere out of embarrassment. He got up and turned around to be greeted by a smirking Jin. 

"Well, well, well. Have you changed your thoughts about younger guys?" He asked.

"Most likely." Chanhee replied weakly. 

"Ho ho ho. My choices are impeccable. As expected of me." Jin praised himself as he crossed off again in his purple book. 

Chanhee stretched out his hands wordlessly. Jin looked at in confusion before realization dawned on him.

"Oh, I'm not giving you the next one."

"What do you mean? Is it over?" Chanhee's eyes twinkled. 

"Now that would indicate your work hour is over right? You're done for the day." Jin said, pointing at the clock and avoiding the question.

"It's already time." Chanhee nodded to himself then turned to Jin, "What do I do now?" 

Jin flicked his purple book back into invisibility. He smiled at Chanhee with his hands tucked behind his back. 

"You go home." Jin said, gesturing towards the door.

Chanhee looked at the door then back at Jin. Except that he wasn't there. Now, call it sixth sense or whatever but Chanhee felt chills. Something was wrong. It was tingling in Chanhee's mind.

But Chanhee went home anyways. He waved to Seonghwa and made his way back. Chanhee was half-expecting Jin to appear on the bus or at his apartment. 

But he didn't.

Chanhee tilted his head in confusion. He kept frowning to himself as he waited for the elevator. Then, a delivery man walked up behind him.

"Excuse me, Is there a Choi Chanhee at this building?" He asked.

"That would be me." Chanhee replied cautiously.

"I have a package for you."

"But I haven't ordered anything."

The delivery man shrugged and shoved the small box into Chanhee's hands. With a short bow and a toothy rabbit-like smile, he walked away. Chanhee was left with the box, a confused look and an elevator which arrived just now. 

Chanhee dried his hair as he stared at the mysterious box. After throwing his towel into the laundry corner (just a room corner with an unwashed clothes pile), he sat on his bed. He dragged the box onto his bed and started opening it. 

"What is this?" Chanhee wondered aloud.

He held it up to shed more light on the item. It looked like an ear ring or maybe a lip ring? 

"Might be a lip ring." Chanhee decided.

Just when he had said that, a light started glowing around the item. Chanhee gasped and blinked. Then, he heaved a sigh.

I'm gonna kill you, Jin, Chanhee thought as the light dispersed. He looked around and saw he was still in his bed. 

Who was it going to be this time? 

Just then, a thud came from upstairs. Chanhee didn't mind it at first. That changed when loud rock music blasted from the same place. Chanhee glared up at the ceiling. 

He shoved the lip ring into his pocket and got on his hoodie. He shuffled out the door and went upstairs. Chanhee banged on the door without much thought. The door opened to reveal a red-haired boy with a stoic look.

The boy looked him up and down with a grumpy pout. Wait, nope. His lips just looked big and full. 

"Can I help you?" The boy asked.

"Yes. Keep quiet. I live under you and your music is disturbing me. And what are you doing that makes those loud thud noises?" Chanhee complained.

The boy smirked and leant against the door frame. He took another quick scan and leant in closer.

"How about no?"


BOYFRIEND NO. 7 - Kim Sunwoo


✔Tsundere type


📝 A tattoo artist who does specialized custom requests. Can come out savage and cold but is a total sweet heart. Is the wretched combination of annoyance and cuteness. 


A/N: I decided to change up the place since it's getting to be too repetitive. Anyways, how is it? 😄
