💞Seventh Kiss🕸

Chanhee slammed the door behind him and plopped down the edge of his bed. He was fuming in annoyance at the arrogant boy living upstairs. When did that brat move in anyways? 

Oh, once again, the memory of Sunwoo moving in the week before popped up in his mind. It wasn't his actual memory yet it was his. 

Sunwoo had ignored his request and closed the door but not before giving him a flying smooch. That irked Chanhee very much. He glared at the innocent firefly yellow wall in front of him. 

He let out another annoyed sigh when he heard yet another thump from above. That was followed by a series of clattering noises then something scraping the floor above. Chanhee winced when a loud whump, almost shaking him. 

He looked up with furrowed brows. He tilted his head, looking carefully at the ceiling. Something was wrong. Slowly, the ceiling above him started cracking and small particles of dust floated down. His eyes grew wide in panic and he quickly scooted onto the bed towards the headboard. 

CRASH! Just in time.

Chanhee stared in astonishment. Part of the ceiling and floor had fallen onto the edge of his bed where he was sulking just now. He whipped his head up to see a familiar red head peeking down at him.

"Sorry....." Sunwoo trailed off. 

Chanhee pressed his lips into a thin line and breathed in deeply to calm down. Wrong move. He accidentally breathed in the dust and started coughing uncontrollably. He fanned away the flying dust around him and glared up at Sunwoo who flinched and hid behind his floor. 

"Didn't I tell you to keep it down?" Chanhee gritted out.

Sunwoo's eyes went to his floor piece of Chanhee's bed then back at Chanhee. 

"Well, I did try to keep it down and technically it is down right now." Sunwoo said, pointing at the floor piece timidly. 

Chanhee's jaw dropped open in disbelief. He scoffed and massaged his forehead. 

"Just come down and help clear this mess. We'll call the repairmen tomorrow." Chanhee sighed.

He slipped off his bed and stood up. His hands were on his hips as he stared at the mess. Then he frowned, not hearing any reply. He looked back up at Sunwoo who was averting eye contact.

"Sunwoo? Why are you still up there?" Chanhee demanded.

"You see, I have a client coming by in 5 minutes." Sunwoo started, still not meeting Chanhee's fiery gaze. 

"......Do you expect me to clean this up myself?" 

"I'm sorry but yes."

"Yah! Kim Sunwoo!"

Chanhee put away the plastic bag in the corner of his kitchen. He let out a tired sigh and stretched his back. He sniffed at his pajamas and scrunched up his nose. Chanhee opened his mouth then closed then open and...... and......

"Ai-choo!" Chanhee sneezed. 

He frowned and whined like a baby. He really just wanted to sink into his bed and go to sleep. Maybe once he did sleep, he would wake up from this cupid dream. 

Chanhee knew he'd regret it the next day when he wakes up with a pimple on his face but he was too lazy. He just shook his whole body as hard as he could to get the dust off. Then he trudged to his bed again and plopped on his back. He shut his eyes and let out a happy relieved sigh. 


Chanhee's eyes shot open again. He glared at the cardboard that was covering the hole in his ceiling. The sound was coming from Sunwoo's floor. He had been hearing it since he had been cleaning up the mess. 

Along with that mechanical noise, he could also hear a woman's voice. It must be the client, Chanhee thought. He was scrolling through his phone when he heard another noise.

It was still the woman's voice but it sounded like something else. Chanhee perked up his ear to listen carefully. Then his eyes widened.

"Ah, Sunwoo. I said be gentle!" 

"Well, this is the most gentle I can be." That was Sunwoo's voice.

"I know you're not a gentleman but- ah! Hey~~"

"Ok, ok. I'll try." Sunwoo chuckled.

Chanhee's face flushed red. Wait, Sunwoo said he had a client coming in. And that machine noises and what they just said...............

Ding-dong~~ Choi Chanhee's mind has arrived at an unholy stop. Please replenish yourself with whatever holy item in reach.

At that moment, the cardboard slid open to reveal Sunwoo all sweaty. Chanhee flinched and pulled up his blanket over his head in panic. Sunwoo frowned.

"Hey, I'm sorry for the noises. It'll be over in a bit." Sunwoo said.

"You don't need to tell me those stuff! Just get it over!" Chanhee hissed, still under his blanket.

"Ok? You don't need to get yourself pissed." Sunwoo retorted. 

Chanhee peeked out from his blanket and caught a glimpse just before Sunwoo covered the cardboard again. His eyes widened more when he saw a girl half-naked from the top. Chanhee covered his head and slumped back onto his pillow. 

The noises continued for a few more minutes. But those minutes turned into an hour. Chanhee sat up on his bed with a determined expression. He put on his hoodie again and stomped outside. He went upstairs and stood outside Sunwoo's door. He brought up his fist to the door hesitantly. 

Chanhee gulped dryly. What was he to say? He was already a shy awkward guy. 

His hesitancy was cut short when the door swung open. The girl from earlier smiled at him. She looked very pretty.

"Hi?" The girl said.

"Umm.. hi." Chanhee replied.

The girl tilted her head and turned back. 

"Sunwoo! Someone's here!" She called and turned back to Chanhee, "Nice meeting you." She beamed.

"You too." 

Chanhee waved back as the girl left with a wave at him. He slowly turned back to the door to see Sunwoo standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. 

"What now?" He said.

"Umm... just the noises from before." Chanhee spoke in embarrassment then remembered he wasn't even at fault. He glared at Sunwoo and pointed at him. Sunwoo rolled his eyes and pushed away his finger.

"Pointing is rude." He smirked.

"And you not caring about your neighbor's comfort is also rude! Can't you have moved your- your date to another day if something like your floor breaking down happened?" 

"My date?" Sunwoo furrowed his brows.

"Yes. Think how a stranger would feel if he was hearing sounds of your date with your.......... client. It was so uncomfortable like hell." Chanhee grumbled, hugging himself cause a particular cold wind rushed by. 

"Hold on, what date?" Sunwoo said, his stoic look dispersing for a moment.

"That girl just now and you. By the way, she's really pretty." Chanhee grinned, peeking back at the direction she just went. 

Sunwoo frowned for a moment. He was still trying to make sense of Chanhee's words. Then he looked up at Chanhee and realization hit. He chuckled then started laughing. Chanhee whipped his head at him, frowning in disbelief. Sunwoo wheezed and shook his head.

"I- I'm sorry but you are hilarious." Sunwoo cried.

"That's new." Chanhee muttered, "Now, if you could continue to be quiet, I'll be leav-"

"No. Come in. I want to show you something." Sunwoo said, wiping away his tears.

"But I want to-" Chanhee's words were cut off.

Sunwoo dragged him inside his room. Chanhee reluctantly followed and halted when Sunwoo stopped. 

"There. That's what my 'date' with my client was doing." Sunwoo said.

Chanhee looked at the chair and tattoo tools beside on the table. He looked back at Sunwoo who looked clean of any tattoos. Sunwoo noticed so he took off his shirt to reveal his tattoos on his chest and abdomen. He turned around to show his shoulders as well. 

"Believe me now?" Sunwoo asked, craning his head back.

Chanhee stayed silent for a while. He was rethinking his life decisions. Only then, he noticed the tattoos on the girl's body earlier. Needless to say, Chanhee was dead embarrassed. 


Sunwoo laughed again when Chanhee spoke in a small voice. He turned around to see Chanhee with his head hung down in shame. He tilted his head at him and smiled. He doesn't know what came over him but he just wanted to tease him.

"It's fine. Misunderstandings can happen." He said then added, "I didn't know you'd think of me like that though." Sunwoo continued, purposely slurring his words. 

Chanhee felt guilty. He started doing his little hand gestures whenever he found himself in a difficult position. 

"It's not like that. But I didn't know what your job was and those sounds were very misleading." Chanhee explained.

"I guess so..." Sunwoo said with a sad pout. He turned away to his tools and started fiddling with them.3

Think! Think of how to make it up to him, Chanhee scolded his brain. His eyes wandered to the table full of tattoo tools and.....

"Hey, you think you can get me a tattoo?" Chanhee chirped.

"Hmm?" Sunwoo said, turning around. 

Chanhee' eyes fell on his chest which had a butterfly tattoo. It was vibrant yet dark and alluring. He gulped and nodded, smiling up at Sunwoo.

Sunwoo smirked internally and gestured towards the chair. Chanhee chuckled and sat on the chair hesitantly. While Sunwoo was preparing the items, Chanhee felt nervous. That nervous got mixed in with the dust which was still stuck on his clothes.

Chanhee sneezed again. He rubbed his nose and looked up to see Sunwoo staring at him. Chanhee paused. 

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing." Sunwoo smiled.

Ok, that was weird. But Chanhee shook off that though when SUnwoo slid his chair over to him with the inking took in his hand. He grabbed a book from near and placed it on Chanhee's lap.

"What do you want?" Sunwoo asked.

Chanhee flipped open the book which showed illustrations of various designs. He looked amazed at the tattoos. Then he closed the book.

"Just a small one. Like a cross?" 


"Umm.... here?" Chanhee showed his pinky. 

Sunwoo nodded and grabbed Chanhee's hand. Then he noticed Chanhee's hand shaking. Sunwoo looked up to see Chanhee with squeezed shut eyes. He smiled.

"Hey." He called.

Chanhee peeked one eye open.

"Are you scared?"




Sunwoo chuckled and put away his inking tool. He slid right beside Chanhee and looked at him.

"How about I give you a tattoo that won't hurt?" Sunwoo suggested.

"There's something like that?" 

"Yeah." Sunwoo smirked.

"I'd like that." Chanhee grinned, suddenly cheerful.

"There's just one thing...." Sunwoo said, faking a concerned look.

"What is it?" 

Sunwoo smiled and leant in near Chanhee's face. Chanhee's breath hitched at the sudden action. Sunwoo stared into his eyes and it had the same feel as when Chanhee had when he saw the butterfly tattoo. Dark and alluring. 

"You can only have it on your lips." Sunwoo whispered in a deep voice. 

Chanhee gulped. 

"Wh-Why?" He dared ask. 

Sunwoo smiled wider. He tugged at his lip ring and smirked at Chanhee.

"Wanna find out?" He asked, raising a brow, "How my lips would feel like tattooed on yours."

Chanhee hesitantly nodded. Then, Sunwoo tilted his head and leant in closer as Chanhee fluttered his eyes shut. 

When his eyes opened again, he was back on his bed in his own room. Chanhee felt himself, not knowing what he was making sure. He sighed. 

"I wonder how that lip ring would've tasted like with the kiss." He mumbled to himself. 

Knock! Knock!

Chanhee whipped his head to the door. He quickly dashed to the door and swung it open. There was another box on the floor. He looked out the corridor and saw the delivery man from earlier disappearing at the corner. 

Chanhee picked up the box and peeled off the note on it. It was from Jin.

"He is extra help I requested cause I am also a busy man. This is your next item. Have fun! 

P.S but not too much fun."

Chanhee scoffed. He slammed the door shut with his feet and put down the box on the kitchen table. He opened it up and picked up the next item. 

It was a pair of sunglasses. Chanhee frowned at it and let the item do its work again. Chanhee sat down and waited for something to happen. But nothing did for a good 30 minutes. Well, something did happen.

"I need to get food." Chanhee muttered to himself as his stomach grumbled.

He got on his hoodie and grabbed his phone and wallet. He made his way to the nearby convenience store. Chanhee entered the store and immediately went to the cold section. He grinned when he saw his favorite banana milk. It was the last carton too.

He made a grab for it when another hand also did the same. Chanhee frowned at the hand holding his banana milk. He turned to glare at the person who strangely was wearing a cap and mask at this hour.

"Excuse me. That's mine." Chanhee said politely.

"Well, get it then." The man said, holding the carton up high. 

Chanhee's jaw dropped open in disbelief. The man chuckled at the reaction and pulled down his mask. Chanhee was surprised at the visual of the man. 

He. Was. Handsome.

"Ah, it's always fun to mess with you, Chanhee." 


BOYFRIEND N0.8 - Kim Younghoon


✔Chic and sexy type (Always handsome)


📝 A model who rose to fame for his insane visuals. His posts on Instagram is famous for being boyfriend-like. Likes to tease a lot and will act like a baby for attention. Acts mature but is a softie for his lover.

