

BOYFRIEND NO.11 - Lee Hyunjae


✔Handsome and sexy (Childish at times)


📝 A CEO of a car company and one of the youngest millionaires in the country. Is the perfect bachelor as told by famous magazines. Might be childish and tease very much. Acts like an immature kid to seek attention.


"I prepared it all for you. I thought you'd like it." Hyunjae whispered.

"I do like it." Chanhee whispered back.

"Uh-hum.... that's a relief."

Hyunjae didn't let go of Chanhee. He kept his face hidden in Chanhee's neck. Chanhee hesitantly let his hands fall on top of Hyunjae's which were caressing his tummy. Hyunjae's fingers got a hold of Chanhee's. He entangled them together and held him tight. 

"I am an idiot." Hyunjae spoke.

His voice was muffled up since he was still hiding. Chanhee craned his neck a bit to look at Hyunaje. His lips slightly graved against Hyunjae's head as he did.

"I thought we already knew that." Chanhee teased.

"Only for you though."

Hyunjae lifted his head up. Their faces were close, exchanging hushed breathes as they stared at each other. Chanhee didn't dare speak. Hyunjae tilted his head with a serene smile.

"I'm only an idiot for you."

Chanhee's heart skipped a beat at the words. Slowly, their lips drew closer. The moment was right as Chanhee fluttered his eyes shut. 


Chanhee chuckled when Hyunjae let out a frustrated grumble at the interruption. He reluctantly backed up a bit and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Hyunjae still didn't let go of Chanhee as he picked up his vibrating phone. 

"Hello. Yes, please speak. Faster if you can." Hyunjae added.

Chanhee pinched his side and Hyunjae winced silently. Chanhee untangled Hyunjae's arms around him and walked away. He stood in front of the maze entrance and stared at the view in front of him. 

It looked exactly like it came out of a fairytale. The greenery with white and red and pink flowers blooming all across. The vines which crawled onto the hedges and sprawled down. Chanhee was a sucker for fairytales and he loved it. 

He heard Hyunjae's talking growing louder. Chanhee turned and came face to face with Hyunjae who was still talking on the phone. Hyunjae smiled innocently at him as he trailed his hands up Chanhee's arm.

Chanhee flinched when Hyunjae's fingers rested on his jaw. Hyunjae moved closer to Chanhee, partially hiding behind Chanhee. He rested his chin on Chanhee's shoulder, his hot breath tickling Chanhee's neck as he spoke. 

"Imm... And how did you handle that?" Hyunjae spoke to his phone, his lips dangerously close to Chanhee's neck. 

Chanhee gulped as he felt goosebumps throughout his body. He instinctively grasped Hyunjae's hand lying by his side. Hyunjae smirked. He let out a hum as he pressed his lips against Chanhee's neck, then moving up to the jaw.

"Well, that was a great deal." Hyunjae spoke again.

Chanhee bit his lips and slapped his hand over his mouth. He just about forgot that Hyunjae was still on the phone. He could feel Hyunjae's nose nuzzling into the spot just under his ear. He could feel Hyunjae sniffing him up. 

Somehow, it reminded him of a puppy. And that puppy just licked up his ear. 

Chanhee squeezed his eyes shut as if that would stop him from emitting any noise. Hyunjae smirked as he hung up. He rested his chin on Chanhee's shoulder and tilted his head. Chanhee glanced at him nervously.

"Did you like that?" Hyunjae asked with a mischievous glint.

"I don't know." Chanhee huffed in embarrassment.

"Well, I know I liked it. Wanna try more?" Hyunjae's smile was kind right now. None of the teasing smiles he had before. Chanhee couldn't conjure up an answer. So Hyunjae took it in him to interpret Chanhee's silence. 

Hyunjae closed the space between their lips, engulfing into a hot kiss. Hyunjae let out a satisfied moan as he tilted both their heads to kiss harder. Chanhee followed along, turning his body to face Hyunjae completely. 

Hyunjae's hands were entangled in Chanhee's hair as Chanhee cupped his jaw. The kiss was hot and needy. Hyunjae was literally sucking in Chanhee, pressing in closer. The short breath intakes in between were all they took to continue the kiss. 

Their kiss was far off from the innocent fairytale setting they were in. 

