Chapter 22

-Oct 2nd-

Austin and Rio got here in about 10 minutes.

"How is he?" Rio asked me sitting down next to me.

I shrugged. "They haven't come out yet."

Austin glanced at the door. "Should we go in?"

I sighed getting up. "Let me go first."

I gently opened the door and peeked inside. His mom was sitting in a chair, crying her eyes out, and Alex sat in a corner, not moving at all.

"Hey," I said. "Someone's here to see you Alex."

Alex looked up at me and nodded without say and word.

I gestured for Austin and Rio to come in.

Austin made his way to his best friend. "Alex, I'm SO sorry. I wish I could do something for him." He said.

Alex nodded.

Austin sighed and hugged Alex.

"Deed?" Rio whispered into my ear.

I turned and blinked. "What?"

"Can I talk to you?"


Rio lead me out of the room, and turned to me. "Do you think Andrew will be ok?"

I sighed and looked away. "He has to be. Alex will break if Andrew dies."

Rio nods. "I know. But-"

Before Rio could continue, I interrupted her. "But are you going to be ok? I know you have a bond with Andrew."

Rio shrugs. "I'm really upset, but I know he wouldn't want me to give up. I'll find another bond with some- oh who am I kidding, he's different."

I laughed. "Rio, you're talking like you have a crush on him."

For the first time in a while, Rio laughed a little. "Heck no, I just see him like a little brother... he reminds me so much of Justin..."

A tear slipped down her face. I am so confused. Who is Justin?

"Rio?" I proceeded with caution. "Who is Justin?"

That's when Rio just broke down. "Justin was my little brother. He-he was exactly like Andrew in personality, they're so alike it wasn't even funny. B-but he was kidnapped one day, and we don't even know if he's still alive. When I'm with Andrew, I sort of feel like Justin is still with me. Deidra, I miss him SO much!"

I froze. "Oh my God! Rio, I didn't know! How long has he been missing?" I engulfed her in a hug.

Rio sobbed into my shoulder. "Three months!" She said.

"So he's been missing for not that long?"

"Well..." she sniffs. "I guess."

"Well, then you still have a chance of getting him back! Never give up Rio, and Justin will be fine. You'll find him. I promise you."

Rio smiles at me. "Promise?"

"Promise," I smiled and hugged her tighter. "You could have told me though."

"I wasn't-"

Alex burst out the room, crying uncontrollably, and headed for the elevator. "Alex!" I cried. "Alex what's wrong?!"

Alex just kept going.

I caught up to him and grabbed his wrist. "Alex, what happened?" It didn't even cross my mind what the reason for this probably was.

Alex turned to look at me. "It's over." He declared angrily.

"WHAT?!" I thought he was talking about us. "What did I do?!"

Alex sighed. "No, not us."

"Then what is it?" I sighed with relief.

"He's dead."


"You heard me," Alex said, turning to leave. "Andrew is dead."


Vote, Comment, and Fan. Thanks!

~Sarah Hines~


And sorry for the extremely short chapter, I didn't exactly know what else to do.
