Chapter 13

-Sept 24th-

~Alex's P.O.V~

History class FINALLY ended, and I saw my beautiful girlfriend standing in the hall talking to... a guy? What the heck? I walked over, wrapped my arms around her not looking at the guy, and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Hello princess."

"Hey man."

Austin? I looked up. "Hey Austin, what are you doing here?"

"I was the surprise guest for Deidra's vocal class." Austin smirked.

"He made me sing Say Something with him." Deidra pouted.

I laughed. "Is your voice as beautiful as you?" I teased. I already knew the answer though.

"It's better." She teased right back.

I laughed and rested my chin on her head. "Wanna leave for lunch?" I asked.

Deidra nodded and linked arms with Austin and I. "Shall we be off boys?" She said in a fake posh accent.

"We shall indeed." I responded, mimicking her posh accent.

Austin just laughed.

We hopped into my car and drove off. "Where should we go?" Deidra asked.

Austin shrugged. "Umm... McDonalds?"

"MICKEY D!" Deidra shouted, startling me.

"Ok," I laughed. "McD it is."


Deidra, Austin, and I finished our food. We all ordered 6 piece chicken McNuggets except for Deidra, who ordered 10 piece chicken McNuggets. Don't ask, she was hungry. As Austin went to throw out the garbage, I got a call from my mum. I opened it and smiled. "Hey mum,"

"Alex, I need you to come home!"

"Umm, but I have school..."

"This is more important than school!"

Huh? I hope she's not sick. Since when is ANYTHING more important than school?


"Andrew is in the hospital."

~Deidra's P.O.V~

"WHAT?!" Alex cried. "Why?"

I jumped, startled and looked at Alex. Whoa whoa whoa. He's crying. I put my hand on his hand and squeezed comfortingly. I wonder what's wrong. Alex just doesn't randomly cry. Something must be wrong.

"Ok..." Alex whispered, tears streaming down his face. "Alright, mum, I'm on my way now... ok, I have Deed, and Austin with me... ok, we're on our way. Bye mum... I love you too... it'll be fine mum... alright I'll see you soon," he hung up and turned to Austin and I, who had come to hear the last of the conversation. "Andrew is in the hospital."

It took me a minute to digest this news. Little 13-year-old Andrew... in the hospital. "Oh my God Alex..." I said reaching up to hug him. "What happened?"

Alex cried into my shoulder. "He had a seizure and passed out." He sobbed.

Austin and I exchanged alarmed glances. We all knew seizures were dangerous. "C'mon, Alex he'll be fine, lets go to the hospital." Austin assured him.

On our way out, a bunch of people stopped us and asked if Alex was alright, and Austin and I had to redirect them.

We almost got to Alex's car, when the paps came and attacked us, meaning Austin. "YO!" Austin yelled. Everyone became silent. "I don't have the time! We need to get Alex to the hospital as soon as possible, so can you all, PLEASE, move, and let us get there?"

All the press and paps murmured sympathetically and let us past.


"MOM!" Alex yelled running into the hospital. Austin and I were on his heels.

Alex came to a halt in front of the desk. "I need Andrew Constancio's room!" He gasped.

"Room 613." The receptionist responded with a smile.

Alex nodded and darted away.

Austin and I followed. We found room 613 and saw Alex in a bear hug with his mum. And Andrew...

Laying eyes closed on the hospital bed, barely breathing.


Fan, Comment, and Vote. Thanks!

~Sarah Hines~

P.S. omg, PLEASE don't kill me, you'll understand at the end of the book when I say that it'll be alright.
