Chapter 1

This takes place 5 months later, after their move. Just letting you know. 


-Sept 1st- 

I wake up to the warm San Antonio sun shining through my window. I yawned, stretched and stood up. I squinted against the sun and groaned. I stood up and slowly made my way downstairs. I have school today. Perfect.  

"Hi darling," my mum smiled. "How was your sleep?" 

"Terrible." I muttered. 

"Sweety I know you didn't want to move here but you'll make new friends. It's not bad down here. It's a lot warmer here then it was in Boston-" 

"Mom you said I'd make new friends soon five months ago. I don't HAVE any friends yet in case you haven't noticed." 

"Deidra, you have to try. Promise me you'll try to make new friends today?" 

I shrugged. "Whatever mum." I stood up and grabbed an apple. I raced to my room so I could get changed. I slipped on a long sleeved checkered blouse, jeans, and some braided sandals. I trudged down the stairs eating my apple. It was the first day of school and I was not looking forward to it. School, is horror. "Bye mom!" I called and slammed the front door closed. 


I now sat in Mr. Martin's homeroom class. I took a seat and waited for class to start.  

A guy about my age with chocolate brown hair that was styled like Justin Bieber's hair. I sort of liked it. 

I watched as he placed his bag beside the desk and turned to me. "You're new aren't you?" He asked. 

I opened my mouth to reply, when the bell rang and the teacher came in. "Hello class," he said. "I am Mr. Martin, as you all should know. Today, we are going to welcome a new student to the school. Welcome Deidra Mellannie. I hope you enjoy your few years here." 

I nod sort of embarrassed. I could feel a bunch of eyes on me as the homeroom dragged on. 

I couldn't have been happier to hear that bell ring... ever. 


I took my tray to the nearest table and sat down. I looked uncomfortably around the cafeteria and silently began eating my lunch, trying hard not to gag on it. It was gross. 

Finally, I was finished my lunch and decided to head for the bathroom. 

I got to the girls bathroom and checked my reflection in the mirror. I looked fine.  

I turned when I heard two girls giggling in the corner. I saw them pointing at me and laughing uncontrollably. I shot them a glare and stalked out of the bathroom.  


Everywhere I went that day, I was laughed at. "That girl is new." "That girl has no friends." "That girl isn't like us." Ugg! I was sick of it.  

That's why, when school let out, I darted to my locker and snatched my things. I slammed my locker closed and turned, bumping right into the boy from homeroom.  

I let out a gasp as I dropped all my books. The homeroom boy bent down to help me pick my things up. He handed them to me and smiled. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." 

I smiled nervously. "Nor did I." I said. 

"I'm Alex." He stuck out his hand.  

"I'm Deidra." 

"I heard. Do you need a ride?" 

I shook my head. "No I'm fine." 

He shrugged. "Alright. I'll see you in class tomorrow." Then he walked off. 

In a huff I made my way out of the school and down the street. As soon as I got out of sight of the school, it started raining. "Great." I muttered as I made a desperate attempt to keep dry, which I failed miserably at. 

Just them I heard someone call out to me. "Hey, need a ride?" 


Vote, Comment, Fan. Thanks! 

~Sarah Hines~

BTdubbs the pic on the sideline is Deidra's younger sister Emery, I will be posting what her older brother Zach looks like in the next chapter, ok??? Bye!
