Chapter 22

There was a pause on the other side of the phone. "What... What are you asking me now...?"

Ocean groaned before repeating his question for the third time in a row. "I asked you if Error and Nightmare had children!"

There was another pause. "... What are yo-" Ocean cut his interlocutor off. "I swear, if you ask me to repeat myself one more time, I'll make you eat your oversized paintbrush, Ink!"

A loud gasp echoed from the other side of the phone, making Ocean sigh. "How dare you threaten Broomie like this!" Ocean finally moved from his spot, realizing that it was useless to wait since those children most likely wouldn't come back. Or at least not on this particular island. "Just answer my damn question. Do they have children?"

"Why would I know?! And what spiked this question?!" Ocean sighed again, rubbing his forehead tiredly –he swore that he heard Blue answer with a 'Mweh?' at the mention of the word 'spiked'... Probably his imagination–. "You and Dream are the ones who know them the most. And I'm asking that because I just saw two teenagers looking strangely like Error and Nightmare with two fluffy animals. Couldn't really tell which type of animals, but whateva'."

"YOU DID?! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME SOONER?!" Ocean frowned, pushing his phone away from his skull when the artist started to scream. "They weren't doing anything suspect... Besides being on a deserted island. And they clearly didn't trust me, if I did, they would have ran away." Even if in the end, they did go away, but he wasn't going to give an argument for Ink to berate him more.

Ink hummed, starting to pace around the living room under his best friends' gazes. "Alright then... At least they didn't do anything... Do you have any information? We can't have two Errors and two Nightmares on the run; one of each is already chaotic enough." His best friends automatically perked up at the mention of the two dark skeletons, looking now quite curious of Ink's discussion with Ocean.

"Well the Nightmare look-alike said that his name was Torment, the other being Drako. They said that they were from a new AU or somethin', but they went away after I offered them to come on the boat. Pretty sure that they didn't go directly to their AU, probably so I couldn't have information on it. Oh, they also said that they were brothers, which is why I thought about them being Nightmare and Error's kids." Ink hummed, continuing to walk back and forth in front of his friends, who started to get concerned by it.

"Alright... I'll warn the others AUs of those two and tell them to either call me directly or try to get information if they aren't threatening anyone..." Ink paused, thinking. "I'll try to search for this 'new AU' too, but if it really is one, there will be a barrier to stop Multiversal travelers until the AU is old enough..."

"'Bout that. Isn't it weird that two Sanses from a young AU can already go through AUs? Not to mention, most AUs only have one Sans... Not two." The artistic skeleton shrugged, even if Ocean couldn't see it, and stopped walking back and forth. "We already established that some AUs could have two Sanses; Dreamtale for example. But yes, it is indeed quite weird that they can already traverse the Multiverse if their AU is a new one... And I don't remember seeing an AU with teenager versions of Nightmare and Error..."

Ocean shrugged, watching his brother conduct their boat while occasionally turning toward the sea. "Welp, I told you all I knew so bye I guess?" Ink nodded. "Yeah, thank you Ocean, this was really important. Goodbye." And with that, he hang up, offering his allies the occasion that they were waiting for to ask their questions.

"What was that about? And what do you mean by 'teenager versions of Nightmare and Error'?!" Ink sighed and went to sit on the couch, near his friend. He placed his elbow on the armrest of the couch, placing his cheek against his closed fist and looked at the yellow clad skeleton who just asked these questions. "Exactly what I meant. Apparently, Ocean saw two teenagers looking strangely like Nightmare and Error in his AU. They said they came from a new AU, which is surprising but possible... I guess. He was asking me if Nightmare and Error had children."

The blue clad skeleton next to him couldn't stop himself from bursting into laughter at the last sentence. "I want to know who is the mother out of the two!" It was barely heard through his wheezing fit, but Dream heard and let out a soft chuckle in response, while Ink just sighed, even if a small smile appeared on his face, giving away his amusement.

"But we would have noticed if one of them was pregnant? And teenagers? They wouldn't be able to hide their children for so long!" Ink shrugged at what Dream said. "Yeah, that's why I don't understand. Why would an AU have other versions of Nightmare and Error? And why would they be brothers in it?"

Dream frowned. "They... Said that they were brothers? And the 'Nightmare' didn't have a Dream...?" He didn't need to say anything for Blue and Ink to know that he was hurt just by this thought. It was like he was getting replaced. Granted, he and his twin didn't have the best relationship, which saddened him greatly, but being replaced, even if it wasn't really Nightmare, was terrible for the positive Guardian.

Ink sighed and shook his head. "It was only the Nightmare look-alike, the Error and two pets." Blue winced in sympathy at the sadden look on Dream's face, gently rubbing his shoulder. "Other than that, do you have information on them? Were they doing anything special in Oceantale?"

Ink shook his head once again. "Nope, they were just... There, y'know? But Ocean did say their names were... Were..." Blue looked at him, unimpressed. "You forgot."

A rainbow tint appeared on the artist's cheek, while he stuttered in defense. "H-Hey! I-It's not my fault o-okay?!" That managed to crack a little smile out of Dream. Ink quickly grabbed his phone back and texted Ocean, pouting childishly while doing so. "Ah, yes. Teenmare's name is Torment and Little Error's Drako, apparently. Oh and their pets are named Blade and Demise, not sure if this is important?"

Blue and Dream snickered at the nicknames given to the younger versions of the two dark Sanses. "Okay, let me recapitulate... There are now younger versions of Nightmare and Error, named respectively Torment and Drako, who roam around the Multiverse but didn't cause any problem yet. Despite what we may think, they don't appear to be related to our Nightmare and Error. They apparently come from a younger universe and have two pets. Did I forget something?"

Ink shook his head. "Nope, that's all we know about them. I'm going to warn the AUs about them, just in case." That being said, Ink grabbed his loyal Broomie and painted a portal on the floor before quickly jumping in it, the portal closing soon after he went through.

Blue sighed and looked at Dream, who seemed deep in thoughts. "So... What do you think about thses two new Sanses?" Dream looked up toward him and sighed. "I... Don't know? They may look like my brother and Error, but we can't judge them based on appearance... I mean, we are all technically based on Classic, it would be weird to judge like this! Plus, if they don't cause any trouble, I really hope to become friends with them... Perhaps it could help me get closer to Nightmare..."

Blue hummed in response. "Yeah, that's what I thought too. I don't want to judge them without knowing them. Ink probably doesn't either, but he is the Protector of AUs, I guess it's normal for him to be worried... As for Nightmare, I don't think he would care much, sorry...?" Blue tilted his head to the side, seeming curious. "Why do you think that it would make him get closer to you?"

Dream sighed sadly, playing a little with his staff. "Well... If he sees that I get along with another him... Perhaps he would consider giving me another chance? I was not here for him when he needed me, and it hurts me to have to fight him... I just want my brother back..." Blue smiled and patted his shoulder. "I'm sure you two will make up eventually."

Dream only smiled in response. 'I hope so...'


Ink sighed in annoyance and tiredness. Seriously, he should create a group chat with all the Sanses and Papyruses for this type of news! It was such a hassle to go in each AU, find the skeleton brothers –or their equivalents and the other Monsters aware of the Multiverse– and pass the news! Some even passed the news to others before he even entered the AU, and the skeleton brothers hid just to make his work more difficult! Just to say that they already knew in the end! Oh how Ink wanted to smash some sense into their empty skulls with his dear paintbrush... But he wouldn't, he wasn't cruel enough to hurt people like this, just because they annoyed him, otherwise there already wouldn't be any Multiverse anymore.

It obviously didn't stop him from leaving some... Gifts behind him. After all, everyone loves to be colored in neon pink and green paint, right? Of course they do, why wouldn't they? There was only one person who he couldn't use that on, for he would be too happy... Oh well, he wasn't doing anything for Ink to want to paint him back anyway, so it was okay!

"Now... Which AU should I go to...? Hmm... Birdtale maybe? Yeah, let's do this!" The skeleton smiled and opened a portal toward his new destination. 'Let's hope that they aren't flying around or I'll be here for a long time...'

"... I jinxed it, didn't I?" Was all that Ink muttered at the sight of Crow and Carrion playing around in the sky. He was not even surprised anymore. He sighed and sat down on the roof that he was on –he didn't know himself what he was doing there, but it probably didn't matter–, staring at the two skeleton-bird hybrids. The sight was truly beautiful, and their aerial acrobatics were extremely impressive, making him want to paint the scene, but he needed to... What did he need to do again?

He looked at his scarf and hummed once he saw the note about Drako and Torment. Oh, yeah, right, he needed to warn the others. He took his phone out of his pocket, keeping the two birds in his field of view. He called Carrion, knowing that there were more chances for the Papyrus to hear his phone out of the two.

Carrion paused, looking at his phone and gesturing at Crow to come closer before answering. "HELLO WINGLESS FRIEND, HOW CAN THE MAJESTIC CARRION ASSIST YOU?" Ink smiled a little, suppressing a sigh of relief. "Well I need to talk to you and Crow, could you two, y'know... Come back to earth?"

Crow and Carrion looked at each other curiously before Crow shrugged. "ALRIGHT DEAR FRIEND, WHERE ARE YOU SITUATED?"

"Turn around, you should see me, I'm on a roof." They did just that, snickering at the sight of Ink sitting on his paintbrush, that somehow managed to stay up without any support. Carrion hang up and the two of them quickly flew toward the artist. Crow gave him a small wave. "Hey Ink, didn't expect to see you here today." Ink shrugged. "I didn't expect to come either, but I have some... Important news."

Crow raised a brow while Carrion tilted his head in curiosity. "WHAT KIND OF NEWS WOULD BRING THE PROTECTOR OF THE MULTIVERSE TO OUR HUMBLE ABODE?"

"Ocean contacted me earlier today and told me that there was apparently teenager versions of Nightmare and Error roaming around the Multiverse." Both of the skele-birds froze after hearing that, not expecting this type of news. Honestly, they thought Ink was here for something stupid; it wouldn't be the first time after all. "They are apparently named Torment and Drako and told him that they were from a younger AU. We do not know much about them, and for now, they seem rather harmless –well they didn't kill everyone in Oceantale, should I say– but all information are good to take, so if you see them, either try to gain information or contact me if they appear to be dangerous."

Crow hummed. "I think that they came here too..." Ink almost jumped on him. "You think?! Why?! When?!" The bird Sans raised his hands, signaling to Ink to calm down. "Hey, calm pal. The first time was a few weeks ago; I thought I saw tentacles like Nightmare's when I was walking around but when I went to see, there was no one. And some Monsters told me that sooner today, there were skeletons looking like me but with darker bones in the canyon... As you can see; my AU is still here so I'm guessing they had no 'evil' intentions, if it can reassure you. As for 'why' they were here... No idea, but I don't care as long as they don't destroy everything, honestly."

Ink sighed in relief after hearing that they –if it was really them, since in both cases, Crow didn't directly see them– didn't cause any trouble. He didn't need two more threats in the Multiverse! Not like Nightmare's gang was a real threat per say, as Error stopped destroying after he stopped creating too many AUs and they mainly focused on spreading negativity, which wasn't that bad, but still. If those children truly were related to the two, or just similar enough, they could be dangerous.

"Alright... I'm happy that nothing bad happened here then, but in the future, be careful; we don't know what they are capable of." Crow effected a mock salute, gaining a disapproving look from his brother, who only sighed as the smaller skeleton winked at Ink. "Understood chief!"

Ink smiled a little at them. "Well, goodbye, I need to continue warning the others!" He was answered by a common 'Bye' from the two Birdtale brothers before he opened a portal to another AU, continuing his Multiversal warning.

It took him a few more hours, some complications from playful skeletons –or not necessarily skeletons depending on the universe– and a few times going back to an AU that he already warned –he cursed his memory for it– before he was done. He was now slumped on his bed, letting out dramatic cries of agony. It started to annoy Blue and Dream, who were planning on possibly knocking him out just to have a few hours of peace.

Blue sighed and got up. "I'm going, otherwise I think that nobody will be able to stop me from choking Ink with one of my tacos." He said it with a smile, but Dream knew better than to think that he was joking. The threat was real.

He nodded with a smile. "Alright, see you later Blue!" Blue smiled and answered with a nod before opening a portal to wherever his destination was. Dream didn't really care; Blue was old enough to not be watched over constantly, and he could defend himself just fine, otherwise he wouldn't be a member of the Star Sanses.

Dream's eyebrow twitched after hearing a new cry of agony coming from the Creator. Oh, he was going to strangle him with his own scarf if he didn't get out now. "I'm going out, bye Ink, have fun with your drama!" He teleported away before Ink could answer –if he was going to answer, as there was the possibility that he didn't even hear him... Oh well–. He went into a random AU, not caring where he was going as long as it was away from Ink's screams.

Thankfully, he didn't end in a dangerous AU... He will forever remember this time when he landed in front of Horrortale Undyne... It was not a pleasant memory. He almost ended with the same hole as Horror in his skull, and frankly, he would prefer to keep it intact.

Instead, he ended in a beautiful clearing full of flowers. It wasn't nearly as pretty as Life's garden, but it was still amazing. The soft melody created by the chirping of the birds only made the place prettier. He looked up to see the sky, smiling at the sunset that he was viewing and mentally noting that he was currently on the Surface. A content sigh escaped his 'lips' as he laid down on the ground, enjoying the view.

Blue, during this time, ended in a white space and started to walk, seemingly aimlessly but knowing fully well where he was going. It was weird, but after some time in this place, he instinctively began to remember how to get to his destination. He never knew how that was possible and stopped caring long ago. Finally reaching his destination, he smiled and ran toward a black figure. "ERROR!!"

Said skeleton jumped at the sudden scream from his friend and quickly turned around, a small smile appearing on his face at the sight of Blue running toward him. "Hey BlUe, what bringS you Here?" His voice was strangely soft with only a few glitches here and there. "I have important news to tell you, friend!"

Error gestured for his friend to sit on the beanbag next to him, which the blue clad skeleton happily did. "What is So importAnt that thE magnificEnt Blue woUld come to visIt mE?" Blue playfully glared at him before he started explaining... Or rather, he was going to explain, until something came back to his mind, making him smirk slightly. Error knew that this wasn't good. "Tell me, Error... Do Nightmare and you, perhaps, have children that I don't know about?"

... Damn it, he knew that this little skeleton would be the death of him one day! Error choked on his breath, looking at Blue in shock, his face lightening with a soft yellow color. "W-W-WhAT?! No W-we DoN't! Why WoUld YoU ThINk thAt?!" His glitches worsened slightly as he stuttered out his answer, making Blue giggle in amusement. This little shit really caught him off guard!

"Oh thanks Toby Fox, I wouldn't have appreciated it if you didn't introduce me to your children... By the way, I will be their uncle, and I won't take 'no' for an answer!" Error knew that he wouldn't. He sighed and gently passed his hand across his face. "WaS THat the sO CallEd 'ImportanT nEws'?" He wouldn't be surprised if it was. Actually, he was surprised to see that it wasn't the case when Blue shook his head with a smile.

"No... Well technically yes, but no." Error raised a brow in confusion. "You'rE not makIng any seNse." Blue muttered something about how he would have punched him if Error didn't have haphephobia. Oh well. "Ink has been contacted by Ocean, who met two skeletons."

Error rolled his eyes with a small smile. "Oh pleAse Blue, alMost every MulTiversal traveleRs are skeleTons, I don't sEe the probleM." Blue shook his head, with a smile. "The two skeleton were looking strangely like Nightmare and you, apparently."

Oh. All right. Now Error understood why Blue asked that question about Nightmare and him. It doesn't mean that he didn't choke on his breath once again, but now he understood at least. Error looked at Blue with wide eyes, now entirely focused on the blue clad skeleton. "Are You SeRious?!"

Blue nodded in response, before explaining everything that they knew about the two. "The one looking like Nightmare introduced himself as Torment and said that the one that looks like you is called Drako. They are apparently brothers, which made Dream sad, as you can guess. They had one pet each... What did Ink say after... Oh, yeah, they are teenagers too! And they said they came from a young AU! And-Error?"

[Error.exe has crashed.]

"Damn it!"


I think that I will start the fanfic where Error lands in ATLA (Damn it, I wrote that yesterday and now I want to write a different one, I hate myself-) when I'll be done with the one I'm currently writing (I should really name it-). That being said, would you like for someone to fall with him, and if so, which type of bending should they have? If they have one at all-

I can't decide which type of bender should accompany him and if he joins the Gaang (which he will probably do at some point-), and I can't put too many people. But depending on the type of bender, I have a few ideas of people that could follow him, if there is any-

Also, do you want some ships in it, and do you have a preference if so? I'm not sure if I'll even put one but it's still good to ask-

Anyway, everyone now knows about Torment and Drako (Blade and Demise as well, but those two didn't catch as much attention as the two skellies-) and Error is traumatized at the news of a mini him existing.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! ^^

Lunar's out!~
