Chapter 9: Disaster

Denis' POV

I wasn't happy about Grayson tagging along with us to breakfast, but Victoria thought it was fine so I just went with it.

We decided to go to Starbucks again. I ordered a hot coffee as well as Victoria and Grayson.

I know I said I was starving and all but, I just lied because I knew Victoria was going out alone after the news about her friends.

"Denis, tell me about yourself" I snapped my head up at the sound of my name that did NOT come from Victoria.

"Hmmmm, well-"

"That's nice. So Victoria, tell me about yourself."

I couldn't help but look at him in annoyance.

Victoria just looked at me in confusion.

"Oh uh, life was good I guess....before I met you" she mumbled with her coffee to her lips.

I leaned back in my seat and broke out laughing.

Grayson looked at me with anger in his eyes, "how was that funny?"

He didn't hear her! I only laughed harder.

I was looking at Victoria, who was covering her mouth with her sweater, giggling.

"Sorry, I just like to laugh at absolutely NOTHING" I shrugged holding back a laugh.

"So Denis, what do you do on your free time?" Victoria asked, breaking the tension.

"Oh, just hang out with friends and family" I responded, grabbing my coffee to take a sip.

"You know what I do? I spend my time running from the police" Grayson added.

I almost spat out my drink trying not to laugh again.

"You think everything is funny, don't you?" Grayson asked frustrated.

"Look, any time I want to laugh at someone, I'll look for you, okay?" I replied, taking another sip.

It was Victoria's turn to laugh. Grayson just ignored my comment.

Their was a long silence.

I looked at Grayson. He was staring at Victoria, who was drinking her coffee. I could tell Victoria was getting uncomfortable.

I was going to ask if she wanted to leave when Grayson said, "you know you have beautiful eyes Victoria?"

She looked at me nervously. "Yeah, you kinda told me that already" she said awkwardly.

I gripped my coffee to keep myself from KILLING Grayson.

"I just wanted to remind you" Grayson added softly.

"Wow. Someone has it for ya" I leaned over and whispered to Victoria, making her giggle again.

After a while of silence, I asked Victoria if she wanted to go.

"Why? Are you uncomfortable?" Grayson smirked.

"Actually, yes, I am, and so is Victoria" she looked more uncomfortable than me to be honest.

"I don't think she is" Grayson added.

"If you want to stay, we could stay Victoria, it's no problem" I shrugged.

"Yeah, I bet Denis isn't making this much fun, is he?" He looked at me.

"I'm not the problem here if were being completely honest" I shrugged.

It happened so quickly.

I actually SAW Grayson tip over his coffee in my direction.

It spilled all over my lap. I felt the steaming hot coffee seep through my pants. I let out a gasp as the liquid burned my skin.

"GRAYSON!!" I heard Victoria shout.

"What on earth is WRONG with you!! What part of no problems did you NOT get!!" I looked up at Grayson in pain and anger. He had a smirk on his face.

"Sorry" is all he said.

I got up along with Victoria, who ran to get napkins.

Grayson walked up to me and patted me on the shoulder, "tough break" he said, pushing past me.

Victoria's POV

I walked off to go get a load of napkins. A few seconds later Grayson came up from behind me, "GO AWAY!" I yelled at him. I didn't care if I was making a scene.

He had a stupid smirk on his face. "It was an accident"

I was so angry I blurted out, "YOUR AN ACCIDENT!" He took a step back at my insult with pain in his eyes.

I looked at Denis, who was frozen in shock.

The store got quite and Grayson turned for the door in silence.

What did I just do...
