Chapter 39: 309

Victoria's POV

"I love you Denis" I whispered to him.

"I love you too Victoria" I stood in shock since I wasn't expecting  an exact response. My heart was beating very fast and butterflies were filling my body.

"How do you like the idea of staying at my place for the rest of the summer?" Denis asked with an offering smile.

"That sounds great, but we need to go back to the dorm first so I could pack. Oh and I also need to get my purse that's in the bushes since My keys are in their" I was getting really exited.

Denis nodded his head and motioned for me to follow him, so I did. We found my purse and got into the car and I took off Denis' sweater since it was damp and giving me the chills, "Sorry" I told him with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine, I have a good handful of hoodies that are still dry" he laughed. Denis started the car and started driving back to our collage.

We got there a couple of minutes later and got off, getting slightly wet since it was still raining pretty bad. The lightning struck across as the thunder cracked like a whip.

We got in and ran up the stairs to our dorms. I looked at my dorm number 309 before turning to Denis, "I'll be right back" I promised him as I grabbed my key from my purse.

I opened the door and silently closed it behind me. One of the first things I noticed was how cold it was due to lack of human activity. It was pitch black besides the natural lighting coming from the window. Before I could find the light switch, a bolt of lightning flashed in front of my window along with the sound crackling thunder that made me jump. I quickly switched the lights on and scanned the room with my eyes. The first thing I wanted to do was shower since my cloths were damp and freezing. After that, I went to my closet and pulled out three more duffel bags that were on the ground. I grabbed some outfits that were hanging above the ground with hangers holding them up. I walked to the bathroom and packed things such as my toothbrush, toothpaste, face cream, and other girl things...

I got out the bathroom and went to my desk but when I opened it, I saw that everything was slightly moved around. I couldn't remember if I had left it this messy or if I left things neat before I left... Oh well.

After I packed, I walked out my dorm and locked it behind me. I turned around and saw that Denis was gone. I started to panic a little but then I saw that his door was open slightly open, so I knocked on it and waited for an answer.

The door opened and I saw that Denis had already taken a shower and had his computer on, "Wow, I took that long?" I asked with a smile. "I know, what did you pack? Your entire dorm?" he teased as he opened the door to let me in. 

"So are you ready?" I asked looking around. Denis grabbed a towel that was on his bed and started drying his hair with it before throwing it back on his bed. He got a combed from the bathroom and ran it through his hair smoothly in a single stroke then set it down. He then pulled another hoodie from his closet and pulled it over his head. "Now im ready" he smiled.

We left the room and Denis turned to lock the door. I looked around and thought to myself that I was extremely lucky to be neighbors with Denis. Crazy how I happened to get dorm 309, right next to Denis' dorm number (I look at his room number) 309.

I froze for a second and double glanced at his dorm number. His dorm number was ALSO 309? No. Thats impossible. I gasped in realization.

"Denis" I squeaked. He looked at me confused as I pointed at our number in shock and confusion. His eyebrows furrowed, then his eyes grew large. He let out a gasp as he slowly walked to my number. He placed a finger on the nine on my number and turned it upside down. The number that was once 309 was now 306. 

"Oh my god" I whispered. someone had turned the number upside down to make it seem like dorm 309 when it was actually 306.

If this room was 306 and my room was 309, then this would explain everything. Including why Denis' roommate never showed up.

Because I was his roommate...    
