Chapter 5: Welcome to Starbucks!

Denis' POV

"Wanna go get some food?" I asked.

She paused for a second then replied, " yeah, that would be nice"

I smiled at her as we walked off. I turned back and saw her dorm open but you know, whatever.

"Where are we going?" She asked looking at me.

"I was thinking Starbucks, unless you want to go somewhere else?" I asked with a shrug.

"No, that's perfect!" She said putting her hands in front of her.

When we got out to my car, I opened her side of he door and got into the drivers seat.

When I looked at her I saw that she was red. I didn't even know why.

"You remind me of a tomato. Your always red. Just to let you know, you don't need to feel embarrassed or anything around me. I'm the LAST guy you should take seriously." I told her jokingly.

She laughed nervously, "yeah. Sorry"


We arrived a few minutes later at Starbucks and found a seat near a window.

"What's your name?" I asked her casually. I already knew her name was Victoria from that day on the beach when everyone was SHOUTING at me like crazy people!

"Oh, my name is Victoria, what's yours?" She asked.

"I'm Denis, I also like you name. It's very... Nice" I said, laughing at myself silently.

She turned red.

She was a pretty girl. I looked away and tried not to smile like a kid who just caught their crush looking at them.

"Victoria, can I ask you something?" I asked, looking at her sideways.

She looked at me for a second, "sure, what is it?" I looked at her seriously, "why did you leave your dorm last night?" I know it wasn't any of my business, but I was curious okay.

She groaned and put her hands in her head. "It's my roommate, Grayson" she said through her hands.

Who was Grayson? I didn't like this guy. I don't know why but I don't like him.

"Why what did he do?" I sounded like an interrogator.

"He started throwing my things out the door and when I went to get them, he locked me out" she sighed.

I couldn't help but cringe at her comment.

What was this guys problem?

"You said his name was Grayson?" I asked in slight frustration.

She paused and looked at me in hesitation. "Yeah" she said slowly.

At that moment the waitress came to take our order.

"Welcome to Starbucks! How can I help you?"

After we ordered, we chatted a little more.

"Who's your roommate Denis?" Victoria asked after taking a sip of her coffee.

"I actually don't have one" I admitted

"What? Really?" She asked, "yeah, they just never showed up" I shrugged.


Victoria's POV

When we got back to our dorms, we said our goodbyes.

I opened my door and I felt Denis' eyes on me. He was making sure I could actually get in this time.

It opened and I sighed. Grayson was staring at me, "their you are! One minute your banging on my door like mad man and the next, your walking off with some guy." Grayson crossed his arms.

I looked over to see Denis was still standing there. He was listening.

I sighed and walked into my dorm. When I closed it behind me, I turned to see Grayson standing close to me.

"You have beautiful eyes" he said, staring at me hard.

"Excuse me?" I looked up at him. He was looking down at me with a serious face.

"Their blue" he pointed out. He turned and walked to his desk. He pulled out a small box and sat in his bed.

As he opened the box, I walked closer to him to see what was inside.

He pulled out a necklace that had a blue gem in it. I personally didn't see him as the type to wear jewelry, but then I saw his face.

He was hurt. He had pain in his eyes, pain from a dark history.

Well I for one was curious what was going on. So I went to go sit next to him on the bed.

"What's that?" I asked softy. He didn't seem to notice my presence at the moment.

"It was my mothers." Is all he said. Come on, you could do better than that.

"What happened?" I pushed the question farther.

He sighed, "she died last year, murdered" he replied, rubbing the gem.

"She had blue eyes," he looked up at me with sad eyes, "just like yours".

I had gotten my blue eyes from my dad.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but, who killed her?" He looked at me again, this time with hate in his eyes,

"My father"
