VIII: Screaming Wolf

Aurora's P.O.V


Jasper's words echoed through the forest, his yells being enveloped by the night chilly air, but for some reason they did not process in my brain very well. I stood there, my back pressed tightly against the tree behind me, staring in awe at the growling wolf in front of me, who's snout was a few inches away from my face. His eyes continued to penetrate on me, conveying a message I simply could not make out, as his tongue flicked over his gnarling fangs.

Aurora. Run. Just move. It's going to kill you. Run. Now.

But I couldn't. I couldn't move. For some strange reason I felt like it wouldn't hurt me. Something inside of me told me it wasn't yet instead I actually felt myself attracted to the wolf. Slowly, I began to stretch out my hand toward's it, inching closer. The wolf looked taken aback, snorting, until finally his breathing began to slower, his upper lip relaxing over his teeth, as he moved closer to me, accepting the palm of my hand to touch his nose.

"Aurora! What are you doing? That thing is going to kill you!" Jasper yelled.

"No Jasper. I don't think it wants to hurt us."

Suddenly, from the end of my eye I watched as Jasper ran towards us, punching the wolf right on the ribs, causing him to stumble to the side in pain, his piercing cry running shivers down my spine, as a tight grip took ahold of my wrist pulling me into a run.

I let out a small gasp, as I looked back at the wolf who was slowly picking himself off the floor, regaining himself in confusion from the blow, as I followed Jasper's tracks quietly, running as fast as possible through the darkness in silence, leaving the wolf behind us.

Jasper's grip on me never loosened, yet instead, his grip grew tighter to the point where it was hurting me, but before I can possibly protest, he stopped running, hiding us behind a large boulder, that was hidden amongst the trees.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Aurie. What the hell were you thinking back there?" He whispered angrily. "Were you trying to get yourself killed?"



"I'm sorry Jasper, just I thought-"

"You thought it didn't want to hurt us. Ok, listen up. As your older brother it's my responsibility to protect you. That thing back there isn't just a wolf."

"I realized that." I snorted.

"Now is not the time to be sassy." He hissed. "That thing isn't from here. It's not human Aurora. Do you fucking realize that? It's a monster."

"So are we." I growled.

"No, you're not getting the point. Whatever that thing is, it's meant to kill us, dad told me legends about them.....I-I never knew they actually existed."

"Kill us?" I asked in confusion.

"I'll explain when we're home. We have to get out of here and now." He sighed.

"Why can't we just run home. I think we've lost it anyway."

"No. It's too risky. We can't risk it following us, leading it towards where we live, we have to confuse it. We can't have it confirm we're vampires. I think it believes we're humans. Let's keep it that way."

"Pretending to be human is easy. Oh. Jasper, you're ridiculous. I can't hear anything. I'm sure we've lost it." I spat.

Or so I thought.

A piercing dangerous howl and the sound of leaves rustling betrayed my statement, signaling that indeed the wolf was near. This can't be good.

"Fuck. We have to loose the damn thing. We can't lead it to mom and dad." Jasper growled.

"What do we do?"

We looked around the forest everywhere thinking of an escape, a possible way to loose it and leave no trace of us, until both mine and Jasper's eyes landed on our only option.

"The river." We whispered in unison.

The sound of dirt getting padded off the ground grew louder, the deathly howl became more menacing, the disturbing smell penetrated my nostrils much more stronger as I began to feel weak.

"Aurora. We have to go. Now."

"I-I can't. I feel so weak Jasper." I mumbled drowsily.

My head began to throb as everything began to spin. I almost crashed unto the floor if it wasn't for Jasper who swung his arm's under me, hoisting me up, pulling me against his chest as he ran. I watched the trees skid past us as we made our way to the river. I closed my eyes in weakness, the smell still present, until suddenly my skin came in contact with cold chilly water. My eyes opened immediately to see we were now in the river, Jasper carrying me in his arms as he walked to the deepest end of the water, drowning us. The water being the only barrier to our hide out.

I clung to Jasper as we were now underwater, doing the only thing we can possibly do....wait. The water was cold, but we sufficed. We've been through worse. Way worse. If anything we were used to this. The darkness. The frigid piercing coldness. The lack of life. Unless you want to count the fish that accompanied us underwater. Anything we can surpass, anything was better than the feeling of when you're bitten.

Tension grew as we waited. What felt like hours were actually minutes. What felt like an eternity were actually seconds. I looked up, staring at the moon who's moon rays still shone over the forest. Everything was silent. Not one sound. It was quiet. Too quiet. Suddenly a black shadow appeared up above us, illuminating a figure that stood in the river shore. The wolf. The moon shining up above him and his pitch black coat of fur.

There it stood, eyeing it's sorroundings carefully, in search of it's prey. It's beautiful hazel eyes glowing in the darkness, as it's ear's twerked around every angle, listening carefully for any possible sound, but found none.

Then, it looked right at me. Or so it looked like it from my angle. His head cocked to the side, as if trying to figure something out, and this time I sware his eyes met mine from underwater, as if knowing that's where we hid. He found me. I watch as it takes a step forward, stepping into the river, his eyes never leaving mine. He took another step, his four paws now visible from underwater at the shore. Then another step, and another. My eyes grew wide as I turned to stare at Jasper, who held a serious expression on his face. His golden eyes met mine, as if telling me to not move.

Another piercing howl is heard from somewhere else in the forest, catching the wolf's attention as he turned his head to listen towards the trees. I watch as his eyes meet mine once again, his teeth gnarling in anger, he too lets out a loud howl my direction, before disappearing into the dark shadows of the forest, the sound of thumping fading with him, his figure no longer in the river, the glowing hazel breathtaking eyes no longer there to make an effect in me. It's gone.

The morning light of dawn began to creep on the opposite side of the river, signaling the night had officially ended. I looked over at Jasper once more underwater, who gave me a slight nod motioning we can now walk up to shore. Once out of the water, I felt the slight warmth of the sun touch my cheek, as a small smile crept on my face. This felt good. I embraced the warmth for a little while longer, as I was drenched, until Jasper grabbed ahold of my hand, reminding me we had to go home.

"Where do you think it went?" I asked.

"Not sure. Probably left off to wherever the other howl came from."

"That means there's more than one."

"Yea, and the problem is we don't know how many." He said. "C'mon, let's go home. It's been a long night."

We sprung on a run and made it home in three minutes, to be met up with a pair of angry parents.

"Aurora! Jasper! Where have you two been?!" My dad yelled bewilderedly.

"We were worried sick!! We thought something bad happened to you both! Oh the thoughts were horrible. The possibility of knowing I could have lost my two children was unbearable." My mom cried.

"Mom. It's ok. We're here. Aurora is safe like I promised." Jasper said.

"My poor boy. Sweetie are you ok?" My mom asked.

"Yea. Just I think we got a bigger problem now." Jasper hissed.

"And what's that?" My dad barked.

"Dad. The wolves. They're real."

"What?" He laughed.


Our parents looked at us dead in the eyes before their eyes grew wide.

"Come inside you two." My mom ushered.

Once inside, all four of us huddled over to the living room, my father pacing back and forth.

"Jasper. Explain." He said is a hard tone.

"Aurie and I went hunting for animal blood. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, until a few hours later once we were done we felt someone or something else's presence in the forest with us. Turns out that it was a wolf. But not an ordinary wolf dad, but the one's you've told me legends about. He was huge and strong. There is no way a wolf can have a structured body the way this one did. This one is a killing machine, built to kill anything that's out of the reach of human normality, in other words things like us."

"So you're saying that the whole Twilight stuff is actually real?" I hesitated.

"Honey, I'm afraid Twilight doesn't even cover it." My mom said bluntly.

"How many were there?" My dad asked.

"Not sure."

"This family must blend in and remain low-key. We can't have anything out of the ordinary happening. We can't risk it at all. If those wolves are here, that means we're in their boundaries. If they're in search of vampires and there job is to kill them, that means we are there target." Dad informed.

"But we mean no harm! It's not like we're the others. We don't murder." I said.

"But they don't know that." My mom responded.

"Well it shouldn't be a difficult task. I mean we've been doing this for centuries, to remain undiscovered by humans. We can easily continue the same routine. The wolves wouldn't even know." Jasper snorted. "We're invincible."

"So are they son. Look how well they've maintained to keep themselves hidden."

"Not so well." Jasper smirked. "Because we're one step ahead of them. Unlike them, we actually know of their existence. They don't know of ours."

"I'm just glad you two are both safe at home." My mother cheered.

"Me too mom." I smiled weakly. "Well I'll be up in my room, it's been a long night."

I quickly sprinted to my room, without letting them say a word to me. I locked the door behind me, and threw myself on the bed, with a sketchbook and pencil in hand, thinking of those beautiful hazel eyes that simply wouldn't leave my mind. Something about them. Just something about that wolf. Then it hit me, back in the forest, when I had followed Zayn. The vampires. The clan had captured two vampires and were going to kill them until I stopped them. Does that mean that the clan works for the wolves? Did Zayn know about them? I mean, there is no way Zayn could be a wolf right? No. That's ridiculous and stupid. I continued drawing every little feature and detail of the wolf from my memories, mirroring the way it looked at me in paper. When done, I ripped it out from the sketchbook and stared at it curiously.

"What are you?"


