VII: Forest Predator

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."~ Aristotle

Aurora's P.O.V

A few hours had passed since Zayn had dropped me off. Ever since, I've remained locked in my room, away from my entire family. I wasn't in the mood to be around them, then again when was I? I walked around my room in circles wondering what to do. There was nothing interesting to watch on T.V, so that was pointless. Nor did I feel like watching a movie. Ironically, I grabbed the 'Twilight' book that laid on the end of my bookshelf, opening it to a random page and began reading.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..." he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.

"What a stupid lamb," I sighed.

"What a sick, masochistic lion."

I groaned in disbelief. Seriously? How ridiculous. I think I'm going to be sick. There is no such thing as "love", not for us vampires. Atleast not for me, that feeling died with my soul that night.

"Stupid Edward Cullen." I mumbled, as I skipped a few pages.

"About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."

Ok. Yea...I'm not reading this. Human falling in love with a vampire.

"Who wrote this?" I snapped as I threw the book across the room. "Ugh!!!"

I lay in bed silently, wondering what I should do next. Until there was a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?"

Joy. It just had to be Jasper.

"No Jasper! Leave me alone." I hissed.

Suddenly my door was swung open regardless, Jasper's footsteps walking inside my room.

"Jasper! What the fuck?!" I yelled as I sat up.

"Thanks for letting me in little sis." He smirked.

"I didn't even- oh, what do you want?" I snapped.

"Nothing. Just got bored in this bloody house, so then I was like 'Hmmm...wonder what my beloved forsaken sister is doing. I should go annoy the living shit out of her.'.....So here I am." He grinned.

"Geee! Thanks Jasper. Guess what? Your presence is annoying the living shit out of me. So please do me the favor and leave my room." I smiled innocently.

"Not so fast Aurora. Who's the human?" He asked, obviously referring to Zayn.

"He's a human. No one important." I brushed off.

"That so?" He cocked. "I could've sworn I saw some glow in your eyes when you were near him."

"Shut up Jasper. Those days are over." I blurted. "Ever since him."

"Look little one. I know that Harry's death has been very hard for you. Just, you have to stop blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault. You were still considered a newborn."

"Jasper. Please do me the favor to never say his name again." I begged, my voice cracking.

"I'm sorry. Umm. What's this new guy's name?"

"His name is Zayn. Zayn Malik."

"May I add that he smelled exquisetly undeniably good? I was able to smell him all the way from my room." He chuckled.

"I know right? It was so hard to control my thirst around the boy."

"But here you are, sitting right beside me without having slautered a human." He joked.

I glared at him.

"Too soon?" He asked.

"Yes." I hissed.

"How about we go hunting? It's been a while. Unless you're up for some B positive blood bags?"

"Lord, no. I'm in a diet." I groaned.

"Craving some animal blood?" He asked, his beautiful golden eyes turning to pitch black within a second.

"Definatly." I smirked.

"LAST ONE IN THE FOREST IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Jasper yelled as sprinted past the door.

I giggled at his immatureness and chased right after him, right on his heels, as we exited the house through the back door, running our way to the forest in an undeniably fast speed. I won't lie to you, Jasper was incredibly fast, keeping up to him was a challenge. He was the fastest one in our family, but that wouldn't stop me.

It was now pitch dark as I ran and ran at my full speed, feeling the freedom and longing I had been wanting for a while. It's been a few years since last I ran like this. We were supposed to remain on the low as much as possible, but here, out on the open, with so much space and away from humanity, nothing can stop me or Jasper. We ran and sprinted and leaped, doing back flips here and there, laughing at our sillyness. The forest finally came to view, and big patches of green blobs skimmed past us, as we reached the heart of the forest, causing us to halt.

"I won!!!!" Jasper yelled.

"In your dreams bloodsucker! I'd say it was a draw."

"A draw?" He snorted.

"Yea. You cheated!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"DID NOT!!!!"

"DID TOO!!!!" I yelled. "But fine. Because I don't want you to have your ego hurt, nor ruin your whatever you have of a reputation, I'll let you win." I laughed.

"You're a mean vampire. I won this race fair and square." He pouted.

"Sure you are we related again?" I asked.

"Well you see, before mom and dad were vampires, they were humans. So when they were humans, after falling in love and blah blah blah got married, more blah, then they did something called sexual intercourse where dad's pen-"

"I KNOW THAT!!!!" I yelled, cutting him off to spare the details.

"Your the one who asked."

"I asked how we are related, not how we were born. See this is my point exactly. You know what, nevermind." I groaned.

"I'm fucking with ya." He laughed. "The answer to your question would be, because we share the same biological parents..duh! Gosh Aurora. Since when are you so stupid?"

I let out a low hiss, my body growing heated at Jasper's arrogance. If this were some sort of cartoon, there would most likely be steam shooting out of my ears. I glared at Jasper, who stood a few feet away from me with a stupid smile across his face.

"You're so cute when you're mad."

"Oh shut up!" I hissed. "Oh look. A squirrel!" I pointed.

"I'm not in the mood for squirrel." Jasper whined.

I shot Japser another glare, before shutting my eyes, listening to my sorroundings. My ears picked up the sound of leaves and twigs twitching everywhere. The sound of water streaming downshore in a mile away, birds flying up above us, spiders knitting their webs. I heard it all. I opened my eyes, scanning the night chilly air, waiting for the prey to reveal it's hiding spot.

"I can smell and hear a mountain lion, in less than a mile away." Jasper blurted out, as he sprinted towards the location.

I followed quietly and swiftly behind him, making sure we remain unseen from our prey. The closer we got towards the lion's location, the stronger it's smell grew, the powerful smell of blood, igniting the uncontrollable thirst that aroused from my throat.

"Head half a mile north from here. It should be there." Jasper whispered.

I nodded, as I followed his instructions, reaching our destination in less than a minute, and like Jasper had said, there in front of us laid the mountain lion, hidden in between a small cave. I began to crouch, as I quietly hid my location, preparing myself for a quick swift pounce. I licked my lips, anxious for the taste of blood to reach them. The scent of blood, grew stronger, as my tongue licked my teeth, my fangs at this point at full length, ready for use.

"Don't fuck up. I'll cover you." Jasper ordered, eyes pitch black, mine probably mirroring his.

With one giant leap, I hovered over the lion, and quickly bit into his neck, never letting it awaken from it's sleep. In my opinion I always thought that was the best way for our prey to die. While it slept. That way it feel no pain. That way I wouldn't feel as guilty, as I was the last thing the prey saw before it's death. Jasper soon joined me, crouching over beside me, as he bit into it's neck as well, both of us sucking it's blood. Once done, we continued the routine and by the end of the night we were satisfied with two more mountain lions, 3 rabbits, and a squirrel.

"Let's call that a night." I said as I made sure I remained clean.

"Looks like my baby sister has finally learned. No drop of blood anywhere at all. No longer staining your clothes I see. You're growing up so fast Aurie."

"Jazz, you're a pain in my ass."

"I am THE one and only pain in your ass, little sis." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief as we began to walk back steadily in human speed. Neither of us seemed to be in a hurry to return home, but enjoyed the peaceful tranquility that aroused from the forest air. This was nice.

"You know Jasper. On times like these, it actually makes me proud to have a brother like you." I grinned. "Then again that's only 5% of the times."

"What about the other 95%?"

"I dislike you with a passion." I laughed.

No response. I looked over at Jasper who's face held a unfamiliar expression. One of confusion, disgust, concern, and anger. Was he that butthurt? I was only joking.

"Jasper? I'm kidding. I love you to the most of my capability." I said.

"Aurora. Stop talking." Jasper silenced me harshly.

"What? What's wrong?" I questioned.

"We're not alone.....walk faster." He ordered.

"What? Jasper please. We're invincible. If this is one of your jokes-"

"Aurora. Stop talking and walk." He hissed.

I looked at him in confusion, my brows furrowing in anger as I was now in annoyance.

"Something else is here." Jasper continued.

Before I could say anything else, that's when it finally hit me. A repulsive smell reached my nostrils making me feel nautious. What the hell is that? The vibe and drumming of a beating heart reaching my eardrums, and the heart was certainly not human. A low growl errupted from the forest, causing me to spin around in circles, scanning my sorroundings crazily.

"What the hell is that?" I asked. "I don't see anything!"

"I have no idea. Nothing normal that's forsure. Just keep walking at an even pace Aurie. Don't stop. I'm right behind ya."

I nodded slowly, as I made my way downhill, walking towards home that was miles away. If only we can escape and run at our speed, we'd be home in less than 5 minutes, but the fact that Jasper orders me to walk at even pace hints he doesn't want to risk our cover. I acted human the entire time, climbing down rocks, slipping through the mud, as that awful stench still remained. The cold air was no longer peaceful, but dangerous. I felt watched the entire time, but grew frustrated at the strange new hunter. What the hell is happening.

Jasper followed behind me, somewhat quietly, stepping on leaves and twigs once in a while. I glanced over at him who continued roaming the forest, but found nothing to no avail as he shook his head at me. I began to do a slow jog, until a loud growl echoed through the forest, making me stop, my eyes widening at the sight of the new hunter.

Right in front of me, behind the trees glowed a pair of hazel eyes, mouth gnarling, teeth flashing as it continued growling.

"Jasper?" I whispered.

"I see it."

The moon shined from a full moon up above us, it's moonlight lighting a great part of the forest. I began to walk slowly towards my left, only to make the animal's eyes follow mine. Slowly I watched as it walked forward towards me, his teeth no longer flashing, yet his eyes still glowed, eyeing me carefully.

"Jasper...what do we do?"

"Not sure yet." He whispered. "I don't know what that thing is."

With every step the creature took forward, I instantly took back. I was ready to attack if the occasion called for it, but for some unknown reason Jasper didn't want to attack, but to remain harmless. I kept walking back, as the creature was now stepping into the moonlight, my jaw instantly dropping at the sight and revealance of what it was.

There in front of me stood a huge wolf, bigger than the normal size of a wolf. Bigger than a horse and most definatly stronger than one. The wolf was now fully illuminated by the moonlight, allowing to take in every detail it had. The wolf was pitch black, darker than the night, darker than any shade of black I had ever seen, obscuring it's identity in the darkness, yet his paws were white from all four legs. He had tall powerful legs, with strong muscle around it's form, obviously trained to kill with success. It's nose was black as well, a fine structure the wolf was as a whole, his hazel orbs glowing and staring at mine, never leaving me out of his sight. His eyes held a confused emotion, unknowing of what to do. He inched closer to me, closing the gap there was between us, my so called breathe hitching as my back came in contact with a tree. I watched as his chest rose and lowered in such rythm, fine quality written all over the wolf. As he walked closer I noticed a barely sightable white patch on his chest, like some type of birthmark consisting of some foreign native swirls. Overall, the huge wolf was immensely beautiful.

"Aurora. What are you doing? Get out of that corner. He's closing up on you!" Jasper yelled.

"I don't think he wants to harm us Jasper." I whispered.

I continued staring into his eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes, wondering where I had seen them before. Something about them seemed to look like they too had recognized me. I watched him carefully, as his orbs never left mine, craving deep into my soul, if only it knew I didn't have one. It watched me in confusion yet his eyes held another emotion I was not able to decipher. He stood a few inches away, his snout approximating my face when suddenly the wolf began to growl, fangs gnarling.



HELLO LOVES!!! There goes an update for this lovely Saturday night. Hope ya'll liked it! I'm all pumped and was excited as I was writing it because it was just naturally playing in my head and I just had to transfer my thought to words!! Sorry for my lag! Just been busy! But ill try to update as much as possible! I did have a trailer done for this novel and had it posted on youtube but it got put down for copyright reasons. Ugh! And it was so good! Anyway. Hope ya'll have a good weekend. Until next time! I love you!! Please comment/ share/ vote/ follow/ message me and tell your friends about this novel! It would mean alot to me. Also how is everyone taking the news of Zayn Malik leaving 1D? I know I'm taking it bad..I'm still shocked and wish it was a dream, but only bc Zayn is no longer in 1D doesn't mean he won't be in our hearts. He always will be <3 We loooovveee you Zayn!!!!!!!!~ Ashley xx
