IV: Blood Sheds

Aurora's P.O.V

Attraction. The action or power of evoking interest, pleasure or liking of someone or something. The exact and perfect definition of what I was feeling towards this human who stood staring at me with those beautiful hazel orbs. I wondered if he would actually come and talk to me but figured that would be a terrible idea. His smell was reaching my nostrils which drove me insane as the burn in my throat grew stronger. My head pulsed as I felt and heard every pump his heart made pushing blood through his veins. Never have I felt such blood have control over me, never have I felt such desire, not even the blood lust I had of him compared to this human's blood who stood in front of me. This was far worse to the point where I felt myself twitch.

I ripped my gaze away from him trying to concentrate on something else. I began breathing in the air of the classroom, which was full of other blood smells, so I decided to stop breathing. I looked back at the boy hoping, just hoping my eyes weren't pitch black. I noticed his gaze was still glued to me, so I gave him a weak smile before I ripped my gaze away from him again. I stared directly in front of me focusing on anything but him when suddenly someone took the seat beside me. Great. Ain't that nice? I'm no longer sitting alone. I remained stiffly on my seat pretending to be unaware of the person next to me. I closed my eyes in concentration letting out a small sigh when a voice right next to me caught my attention. I looked at the boy next to me meeting up with beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"First day?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"Yea." I answered.

"It'll get better."

"I bet." I laughed sarcastically.

"I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"Aurora." I smirked.

"Are you're eyes naturally that gold looking? They're so unique. I've never seen such a thing. Or are you wearing contacts?" He asked.

"Umm. They tend to change colors with my mood." I lied.

"Really? What does gold mean?"

"It means....I'm peachy." I grinned.

Louis burst out in laughter.

"Are you always this sarcastic?"

"Well. I'm constantly experiencing life at 15 wtf's per hour. So I'd say so."

"You're something else Aurora." He smiled.

"Yea...you have no idea." I said flashing him a cheeky grin.

My eyes shifted quickly to meet up with the human I felt attracted to. His gaze still penetrating my senses. Only difference is that now he's sitting on his seat not to far from me. I gave him an intense stare which caused him to cock an eyebrow in confusion. I don't know why he's confused. He's the one staring at me. If anything I should be the one confused. I cocked my eyebrow back at him along with rolling my eyes when finally a hispanic female teacher in her 50's walked in class.

"Ok class. Class has now started and all attention goes to me now. I'm aware that we have a new student. Miss Aurora Knight correct?"

"Yes." I said as everyone turned to stare at me.

"Hello. I'm your paralegal teacher. My name is Mrs. Rivera. Would you like to introduce yourself to your classmates?"

"Umm? Sure?" I said unsurely as I stood up from my seat.

Here I go again. Presenting myself once again. This was getting annoying.

"Well. Umm. My name is Aurora Knight. I'm new here in Collins Town. Uhhh...I tried being normal once...worst two minutes of my life." I said bluntly. "Yea. Ummm. I'm going to sit down now." I said annoyingly as I had done this countless times.

I sat down quietly as everyone stared at me in confusion and awe. It's like they didn't care about my stupid introduction. They were to hypnotized in my appearance.

"Ok then. Lovely speech Miss Knight." Mrs. Rivera said awkwardly.

"Oh Thank You!!" I smiled.

Soon after the boring lecture started and I literally just wanted to bang my head against the wall. I can't take this anymore. This class was too damn quite. Noone talked at all. Either people were paying attention or were sleeping.

"Does anyone know the definition of criminal law?"


"Zayn? Do you know?"

The boy who had been staring at me who unfortunately I felt attracted to perked his head up from his sleep. So Zayn was his name?

"Umm. Can you repeat the question?"

The class burst in laughter.

"What's the definition of criminal law?"

"Oh. Umm. I don't know." He answered.

"Ofcourse you don't know. You're to busy sleeping in my class Mr. Malik. Pay attention."

"Yes Mam!" He smiled.

I smirked. He was honestly adorable. I mean. He practically got in trouble yet all he does is smile about it? I rolled my eyes at his weird ways.

"Criminal Law is law that defines offenses against socity that are punishable by the government in a criminal." I blurt out. This was too easy and by time I wait for someone to answer the stupid question another century would have to pass.

"Correct Miss Knight." Mrs. Rivera smiled.

Class was finally over after 40 minutes of hell. I kid you not. I ran out the door once that darn bell rang. I continued going through the same routine in each class hearing the same things i had learned 14 times. Sometimes I just don't know what's worse. Being dead. Or going through hell as I dye in boredom in every stinking class. It was finally lunch time and so far that was the best news I've had all day. I can finally be away from people. Just me, myself and I for 30 peaceful minutes. I smiled widely as I skipped down the hall my hair flowing along me until I bumped into someone for the second time today. I heard a small 'ouch' as I looked down at the floor.

"Marina!!!" I gasped as I stared at the fragile girl in front of me.

"Aurora! Nice bumping into you." She smiled.

I gave her a hand pulling her up quickly from the floor.

"I'm so sorry Marina. I didn't see you."

"It's ok! I'm used to it."

"Oh? Ok."

"You're really strong. You held me up like nothing." Marina commented.

"Oh. Umm..I lift once in a while. Eat my veggies you know? Them veggies really help! You should eat some. Maybe you won't be as clumsy anymore." I grinned.

"You really think so?" She asked like a 5 year old.

"No." I smiled.



"So I was thinking. You know how you said vampires don't sparkle. I was wondering if they're speed is fake also. Like how can vampires even be so fast. It sounds unreal. They're dead aren't they."

"Actually they're speed is a true fact. You see they're born to kill. Meaning they have the qualities for it. Speed. Strength. Sight. Nocturnal sight. Eardrums that can hear everything and anything from miles away. Smell that can detect it all. Lust that will have no mercy. Beauty that will draw you to them. They're meant to kill. Murderers."

"Wow. You sound like Edward Cullen." Marina said in awe.

"Let's just say Edward Cullen was right for once."

"Then, is it true when he says vampires are souless?" She asked.

"Touchi. Vampires have no soul whatsoever. They're condemned bodies to live in Hell with immortality." I confirmed.


"Do vampires have fangs?" She asked.

"You ask too much." I said annoyingly.

Right before she could possibly answer Marina tripped with something on the ground falling once again to the floor. Can someone really be that clumsy?

"Marina!" I yelled as I bent down beside her.

My hand grabbed her left arm at the same time as I saw another hand grab her right arm. I looked up to meet with hazel orbs staring deep into mine. I blushed slightly as he sent me a smile. I quickly got up pulling up Marina with me.

"Are you ok?" I heard Zayn ask Marina.

"Yea. Thank you. I'm just very clumsy. I trip from my own feet sometimes." She blushed.

"No worries. I understand." He smiled.

He turned to look at me once again eyeing me weirdly.

"Have we met?" I asked annoyingly. I mean. Yea. He's hot and all. But gosh. His stares were pissing me off.

"No but ummm. I'm Zayn." He grinned.

"Yea. I know. I have you in Paralegal." I said bluntly.

"You sure do." He said. That's when I was able to notice he had some type of accent going on.

"Are you British?" I asked. "You seem mixed?"

"I am. My mum is British. My dad is British Pakistani. So I guess you can say I'm mixed with a couple things." He chuckled.

Just then two other boys appeared right beside Zayn staring at me in awe.

"Holy! You're like wow." One said.

I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm Ryder." He grinned cockily and I sware Marina almost fainted at his sight.

"I'm Axel!" The other boy said as he pulled me in for a hug.

Woah. What the hell. I was completely taken aback with this gesture I did not want. Human germs. Great.

"Hi guys! That's Aurora!! And I'm Marina! Her best friend." Marina chimed as I had pushed myself off the Axel human thing.

I made a mental note in my head to tell Marina she wasn't my friend. I don't really have friends for their sake. Then I thought of how I'd hurt her feelings if I told her that. Life is complicated sometimes.

"Wanna sit with us at lunch?" Ryder asked.

"I'd rather not." I blurted.

"Why not?" Zayn asked.

"Yea. Why? Cmon Aurora. Please!!!" Marina pleaded.

Joy. So much for my peaceful 30 minutes of me. I just wasted 5 so far. I groaned as I stared at all 4 who were staring at me intently waiting for an answer.


"YAY!!!" Marina yelled.

How is she so happy?

I followed them in silence to the cafeteria. I didn't feel like talking to them. They ruined me time. Therefore I don't like them right now. I watched as they all grabbed trays placing food on it. I decided to copy them placing a caprisun and a sandwich on my tray. My nose cringed in disgust at the smell of human food. I hate school food. Ever since the 1900's. I continued following them unto an empty table where all 5 of us sat. I heard small talk going on but decided not to join. I simply stared at the food in front of me.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Zayn asked as I zoned out from my little world.

"Huh? Oh....no. I'm not hungry."

"Why not?" Ryder asked as he joined the conversation.

"I already ate."

"Can I have your food then?" Axel asked.

"Go ahead." I smiled weakly.

Zayn stared at me in confusion as he tried to figure me out. I simply looked away from his intriguing gaze and focused on my nails instead.

Once they all finished eating Marina got up to throw away her tray along with the boys trash. My eyes followed her wondering if she'd trip again. But didn't. That's a miracle. Luckily she was walking back nearing the table again when I spoke too soon. I honestly don't know how but Marina came knocking down to the pavement for the third time. We all stood up quickly to help her up when that recognizable smell made me stop dead in my tracks. My throat began to burn uncontrollably, my eyes began to focus crazily towards the smell, as my lust began to overpower me. I watched as the boys picked Marina up from the floor to reveal an open bloody wound on her elbow.

"Marina! You're bleeding." Ryder gasped. "You ok?"

I watched as fresh red blood began to pour out her open wound causing me to take a step closer to her.

Hello readers!!!!! Sorry if this chapter was boring. Its 2am. And im writing!!! Give me some credit. Lol! Jk. Anyway. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for more!! Please be active!!!! Vote. Comment. Share. Follow. Thank you!!!!!! x
