chapter 5

The way my eyes see you,
Have not seen anyone else...

Raatib was seated and nuha was in kitchen  preparing coffee or say ignoring the man who was with her and her kids.

She hated the fact that rafif and rafid had to leave because they played. Cherry on the top was saim said this raatib to stay. The one who always stay silent when she is around.

She heated the milk and till the milk heats she started whipping the coffee and sugar in a cup.

Nuha poured the hot milk in cups and kept them in serving tray. She walked to where all were seated and pass him a cup which he took with a nod.

They both did thier work and sip the coffee. Raatib glanced nuha as he taste the coffee. She sure did something in it. It was sweet yet strong. Miracle for him.

Nuha looked towards the door waiting for  sadia and sarfaraz to enter as it was almost the time they should return. She pout and picked her phone to call them but raatib phone rang. She turn to him than glance his phone.

"Dia." Raatib said before picking the phone and answer the call.

"So what?......... Fine." Raatib cut the call and sigh. Nuha got curious and turned fully to raatib.

"Kya hua?" She asked curiously. Raatib looked her way and bent to her.

"They are not coming tonight." Raatib informed making nuha more confused.

"They are staying at afi's place." Raatib elaborate while eye rolling.

"Yeh kya baath hui?" Nuha murmured  irked.

"Kyu, tumhe kya hua?"Raatib asked joining nuha on ground.

"Nahi kuch nahi. Abh bore hoga na." Nuha said with a gloomy face.

"Kyu bore hoga?" Raatib asked.

Aap ho isiliye nuha so wanted to say but gulped the truth and smile.

"Dia aapi ki yaad aati hain na." Nuha lied and Raatib nodded and turn to the kids who were still writing something.

"When are they gonna sleep?"Raatib asked leaning to nuha.

She glanced his face and replied.

"By  ten thirty." She informed raatib nodded and picked his phone.

Nuha peaked in his phone to see what he was upto but he caught her and she turned the other way cursing herself.

"I am calling to raatib nuha." Raatib said mistaking  rameez name's with his.

"Hain?" Nuha turned to him and he looked back in his phone.

"I mean I was calling to rameez to say that I will come by eleven when these kids will sleep." He correct himself making nuha gulp her laugh.

"Haan bhai I  will return home by eleven" Raatib informed rameez over phone after greeting. Rameez said something making raatib laugh loudly scaring the kids.

They talked for some time than he cut the call.

You have a  good relationship with rameez bhai."Nuha said with a smile. Raatib hmm and looked her ways.

He saw how sad her smile was and her eyes speak that emotion.

"Why don't you talk to sufiyan?" Raatib suggestion bought a bitter taste to nuha. She turned to his face.

"Aapke liye self-respect kuch hain ya nahi?" She asked with a smile looking deep in his black orbs. Raatib mirror her and tilted his head to left.

"Hain, lekin family  pehle hain." Raatib's answer silenced nuha which made her to look away breaking the eye contact.

"Let's put them to bed."Nuha said as she stood up.


They were with kids in nuha's room as dia was not with and nuha wanted to sleep with kids.

Nuha was reading a story deeply grossed in it while all the kids were slept while Raatib was listening to her as if he was the obedient boy of school.

An idea strike his mind and he sneak his phone out than clicked her pic but unfortunately the phone was on sound so on click voice she looked up startled.

"Delete it please" nuha pleaded with tired face.

"I won't, but will send it to your brother ."Raatib said as he send the picture to him.

"I said- " nuha was saying but raatib stopped her

"I did miss"raatib said with a victory smirk and stood to leave the room but than they heard  the sound of pit pat and concluded that it was raining out.

"Look I said it might rain shit!"Raatib cursed and and walked down.

He looked out of the window and sigh but heard a giggle from back. He turned to see nuha trying to stuffle her laugh.

"What?" He asked with raised brows.

"Jaisi karni waisi bharni" nuha said and walked  to couch and sat with a smile.

"What did I do miss?" Raatib asked and sat beside her.

"Clicking  my picture  and than sending it to him." Nuha said and current passed through her body on his remember.

"He is your-"

"No one"nuha intrupted him with irritation laced in her voice.

"par kyu?" Raatib asked.

"Ask your buddy! "nuha replied and looked away.

"But you can say than do it" raatib urged her to speak.

"Don't you think you are speaking to me way too much" nuha's word silenced him for a minute but he masked his expression and stabilise his nerve.

"Well, you always wanted this day, don't you?" Raatib question made nuha still.

"Never don't dream about such thing." Nuha said and walked to door and saw that it stopped raining.

"It's not pouring now." Nuha indirctly said him to leave.

"Well, I changed my mind." Raatib said with a smile.

"What?" Nuha asked bored

"I will stay." He anounced.

How easily we let people enter our life and give them all rights to destroy us.

How easily we let that one person rule over our whole life, mind, body and everything which belongs to us.

We let our mind cook imaginary scenarios and smile like a fool. Letting our mind play with our heart.

How we let that person kill and stab our heart.

How we let that person make us cry whole night.

How much we shatter ourself just because either that person got married and you are guilty for not confessing. Or because you confessed and the person left you.

It's complicated we know,but ignoring these all we fell in love and experience the euphoria and misery.


𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴.

𝘋𝘰 𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵

