chapter 17

Now that I have found you
I will never leave you...

It was time of farewell which bought tears in every girl's eyes .

Nuha and raatib stood and walked down the stage raatib forward his hand for her.

She kept her small cold hand in his warm one. The contact erupt the butterflies in nuha's tummy.

"You are so cold." Raatib whispered. Nuha nodded.

They walked to the doors, sadia came and hugged nuha this did something to her and she breakdown in tears.

They both stood hugged each other and cried for few minutes. Sadia pulled back. Nuha wipped her tears and hugged safi who patted her head with unshed tears in eyes.

They walked out with sadia beside nuha and raatib in other side.

Raatib helped nuha to settle in car than shut the door, safi hugged him while everyone settle in other cars.

"Take care of her, best of luck." Safi said

"It's not like I am going to write some exam for you best of luck." Raatib mumble and walked to his side and revive the engine.

Every car was followed out of the hall, nuha was still sobbing. Raatib drove to the high way where it was dark

He took out some tissues and passed nuha. She was so busy with crying that she didn't saw him gaving tissues.

Raatib peeked to see her face but failed. He stopped the car on a side and switch on the car light.

Nuha was on hiccups by now, raatib turned to his wife kept his head over her head which was covered with ghunghat. Inaayat stiff and stifle her sob but couldn't which lead to her crying, she shake and cried harder.

Raatib sighed and waited till she stopped crying and wiped her face with tissues kept in front of her by her husband.

"It's all because if you, you made us all cry, you did all if these you are the solely responsible for our broken heart." Nuha said with anger laced in her voice.

Raatib fold his hands and listen her with patience while looking at her.

"Don't look at me, you made all of us sad and now you need-"

"Have some water."Raatib Intrupted her and forward a bottle of water.

She took the bottle and sipped slowly while raatib kept gazing her. She turned pink under his gaze.

"Now listen, take few breathes and calm your nerves stop crying. We will talk when we reach the room." Raatib said and revive his car nuha nodded.

But who knew tonight was only filled with games and fun.

When they reach the mansion everyone were already present and waiting for them.

Saher and dua helped the bride to come out of the car. She was so tired with the dress but though that they will anyway sleep but this was not yet.

Raatib walked in first while girls walked behind them.

Raatib walked and looked around the huge living room which was all set and screamed that they are plenty of games to be played tonight.

"Come sit here first." Rafid welcomed the couple in dramatic way

"You all do play I will sleep" raatib tried to walk to his room but a glare he sat on the chair beside nuha.

So we all know this game, a ring will be tossed in this milk and the one finds the ring first will be superior." Dua announced and tossed mixed the ring in the bowl of milk.

The couple played with all leftover energy in them.

In first round raatib won. While in second round nuha won. Now in the last round everyone kept thier eyes over the bowl while the two hands move around in bowl in search of ring.

Raatib smirked when he found the ring, he glance nuha who was searching for the ring.

"Nuha look what I got."Nuha looked up to see raatib having the ring with a victorious smirk. Nuha narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"you both have known each other for five years now right? So Now the next game is both will turn to either side and for this give me your sandel and shoes. "Dua asked.

Nuha and raatib removed their footwear and turned to either side.

"You will be given each shoes and Now we will ask some questions and you have to answer who is gonna do what by raising the footwear." The couple nodded, rafid gave them the footwear.

"Who will say sorry first?"

Both raised nuha's footwears.

"Who cries more at movies?"

Both raised nuha's footwear

"Who doesn't believe in organising the wardrobe?"

Both raised raatib's footwear.

"Who is the crazier one?"

Both raised nuha's footwear.

"Who has a cuter smile?"

They both raised thier own footwear.Everyone laughed.

"Who needs more pampering?"

They both raised nuha's footwear.

"Who is poor with directions?"

They both raised each other footwear.

"Who is more self-obsessed? Or Who checks themselves out in the mirror the most?"

They both pointed at rafid. Who was setting his hair in mirror.

"Who skips bathing the most?"

They both shook their head in deny.

"Who is more dominating in the relationship?"

Both raised each other's footwear. And laughed.

"Who is the first one to fall asleep? "

They both raised raatib's footwear.

"Who is needier and acts like a baby when they're sick?"

"They both raised raatib's footwear"

"Who dances better?"

Both raised nuha's footwear.

"Who is more romantic?"

Both raised nuha's footwear.

"Who can't keep a secret?"

"They both raised raatib's footwear."

"Who cracks the lamest jokes?"

Both raised raatib's footwear.


Who has a better style sense?"

The both raised thier own footwear.

"Who is moodier?"

Both raised raatib's footwear.

"Who flirts the most?"

Both raised nuha's footwear.

"Now last,Who is always hungry?"

Both raised each other's footwear.

Everyone clapped as they both stood.

"Now let's sleep they are tired "razia announced and nuha was taked to the room.

Which was decorated with balloons and fairy lights were hung around the bed.

It was the looking so beautiful and simple too.

Nuha walked in admiring the whole room, she was in awe with the decorations.

As she walked it then dua helped her settle on bed.

Nuha sighed and waited for her now husband.

Raatib was here outside the room with all his cousin and twins standing in front of the door for money.

"I won't guys move away."Nuah heard how irritated raatib was.

But his cousin were as stubborn as he after all they are cousin for a reason. They stood there.

Raatib stood there as well without uttering a word a cold eyes war began between rafif and raatib.

"Bhai dete bhai please." At last rafid grasped his hand

"Bro the wallet is in I will bring it from in wait here."They all shook thier head knowing raatib won't.

"Credit Or cash."Raatib sighed and took out his some cash and credit too.

Everyone picked the credit card and open the door wide for him and bowed.

"Kamino."He muttered and walked in
