chapter 18

Now that I have found you
I will never leave you...

Wedding season is all about happiness, joy, love, alliance and broken hearts too. It's a beginning of many innocent love story, or those love at first sight.

But it's also a new journey of trust love and respect too.

When we enter this journey we need to think about many circumstances and we need to understand what might lead us if we do something and we should take our responsibility seriously.

Not all love stories end with nikkah some end with breakup too.

Nuha sat on bed with a shy smile on her lips dreaming about how this night will end.

She heard the door open, to say she was happy would be understatement. She was in some other world.

Nuha mansoor will now be addressed as mrs. Ansari, oh! how lovely it sounds.

She was so excited to say those feeling she wanted to say but couldn't, now but now she talk her heart out to her raatib.

She always wanted raatib to dress in her choice, she always dream to pick an outfit for raatib every morning and he would steal a kiss.

She landed on earth when raatib cleared his throat. She looked up to see raatib seated on th dressing table's chair.

He might feeling shy. She concluded.

"Urm..... What to say."

Yeh raath bolne ke liye nahi yaar. Nuha wanted to say but control the urge and looked around.

"Beautiful decorations." Nuha complement in shy low voice.

"I said them to keep only flowers but they kept this balloons." Only raatib knew how difficult it was to utter such words.

"You don't want all these decorations?" Nuha frowned

"I just wanted to end all these as soon as possible and you helped me." Raatib said with a smile and sat on the couch.

"Why you wanted to........."Nuha inhaled she was getting confused, raatib looked so not like raatib.

"Why don't you change first this all must be heavy."Raatib changed the topic and tried to cover his facial expressions.

"No! No...... It's fine please elaborate yourself."

"What's there to elaborate?" Raatib asked all relaxed which irked nuha she was boiling by now. She blinked her eyes as if processing this new side of raatib. She climbed down of the bed and walked to raatib.

Raatib gulped, he is not that powerful to see nuha broken who always consoled him and was there at his bad time.

Nuha kneeled in front of raatib, her eyes we're filled with unshed tears. Raatib fisted his hand. The light of candle viewed how nuha was trying not cry in front him. Raatib clenched his jaw. A flare could be seen in his eyes.

There was a moment of silence between them. They kept looking each other trying to read each other.

"You didn't want this all?" Nuha asked with a fear and a heaviness on her heart. Raatib sighed.

"I never wanted these all, atleast with you. "Nuha felt like she was being stabbed with a sharp dagger.

Her lungs and throat were cloaked, she looked in his eyes with tears fell freely. She felt numb , she felt hurt, she felt broken she felt betrayed. She was feeling suffocated being with him now. She can't force him to love her.

Nuha stood and walked out of the room, she didn't want to breakdown in front of him.

But he heard her sobs, he couldn't help but sit there helpless. He never felt this way. But life bought them here.


Dua and rameez entered the room with smile.

Dua walked to vanity table, she was removing her earrings. Rameez walked in to take a shower.

They both change in night outfits Dua was grinning all the time. Rameez knew the reason so he was all cool with no curiosity.

"Want a cup of coffee?" Dua asked rameez shook nodded. Dua walked out.

Dua was preparing the coffee when she saw nuha walked out of raatib's door. She frown and looked carefully.

Nuha walked to the terrace while wiping her face, Dua got confused but let it slide.

Dua with two cups of coffee went to her room.

"Nuha walked to terrace. "Dua informed with concern in her voice. Rameez who was waiting for the cup looked at his wife.

"What do mean?" Raatib asked taking the cup from her.

"I saw nuha walking out of the room and was climbing the stairs." Dua said what she witnessed sitting beside him. Rameez went in deep thoughts.

"Might be she asked for some time? She must be missing her family."rameez tried to guess. Dua rolled her eyes.

"She refused us when we asked. Why will she miss them?"

"Who knows,she must felt like that then and now she must be missing." Rameez explain Dua nodded.

"You are getting smart by days." Dua patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Aapki mohabbat ka asar hain." Rameez replied which made Dua laugh.

"But you sure she is fine should I go and speak? "Dua stood from her place but rameez held her wrist and made her sit.

"Let's give her space." Rameez suggest Dua nodded.


Sadia sat on her bed with a tissue box with tears.

"She is fine righ? She was looking so beautiful. Nazar lagai hogi nai?What shall we do now. The house is looking so empty without her. She was the heart of this place. What will we do without her.Whom will I wake every morning now. What will these kids will do now." Sadia was crying and missing nuha.

Safi with all kids were looking at her after trying to calm her but she kept crying.

"What will we do without her now, what will she do tomorrow morning. Who will wake her now. Will she be happy there. Will she cook for them?"

Sadia will you stop this? She is in better palce, everyone will take care of her, you will get used to this." Safi said gently and sadia look up with hopes.

"She will na safi? "She asked with hope safi nodded with a smile.

"But who will wake tomorrow morning?"Sadia asked. All the kids and safi sigh.
