Part 1: Chapter 5

There were groans from those who weren't tired or too excited to acknowledge their tiredness. "What? But it's not done yet!" Whined the blond electric quirk-user. Just as he said that, the screen went black and slowly morphed. The colors changed from black to brown with hints of the black.


Iida had been lecturing them about the importance of sleep, health and school. Like he needed that lesson when the one who really needed it the most was his green haired friend. The guy was always up way too early to train and way to late thinking of training. The ruckus they made had changed to silence once they heard Re-ika's voice. "You've acquired choice," she said, as if it were a practiced speech spoken without feeling. "Choice?" Ashido repeated. "What's that?" Sero questioned.

"You've acquired the opportunity to choose whichever style you would like to observe other universes in. It also allows an automatic quality scan to make it easier to choose between the hallucination and the cinematic version."

Momo nodded at the explanation. "It was mentioned before, but it seems we had an early experience to this," she observed. Todoroki stared at her, seemingly in a daze. Albeit, he'd always seemed to be in a daze at this time of day as he was quite tired. An early bird he was, but he would stay up for his classmates' happenings. He tore his gaze off Yaoyorozu and looked at the female on projection.

Yaoyorozu is right. We did get an early experience at the acquirement. Todoroki side-glanced to look at Izuku who was deep in thought as well.

Bakugou watched that projection-girl with furrowed eyebrows. There was something... off and he was sure others had concluded that much. If not, why are they even in the hero course!?

That was his point of view anyway.

"Cool, so it's like level-ups then!" Kaminari grinned. Jirou shrugged, "I guess it is. Could be convenient."

Momo nodded in agreement.

"Is there more," Izuku contemplated his word choice, "things we can acquire?"

"Yes, kero." The fellow green-head seemed eager too. "Having just one of these would be boring at this point." She put a finger on her chin. "This is for educational purposes!" Iida chopped into the conversation.

"Yes, there are more 'level-ups' in the future."

"It is near the curfew, so I will proceed to shut down for today."

There was now time to comment and converse; the projection of their 'host' had disappeared like a light flicked off by a switch. The heros-in-training hadn't immediately left, but eventually, they went to get ready for bed. It was a school night after all.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka called with a smile. The said green haired teen looked over to face her. "Yes?"

"You were in a lot of those universes. It's almost like you're a main character!" She suggested. Her cheerfulness was actually very cute - of course, he wouldn't admit that out loud. "You... think so?" He asked shyly. Midoriya wasn't sure if he should take it as a compliment or not.


Tsuyu approached the two, adding her own thoughts. "It does seem so."

Izuku blushed at the idea. Me, a main character? No way! "Who do you think those other two with you were, though?" The hardening quirk-user asked.

Midoriya was startled by the question, but as he thought about it...

"I think the smaller one looked almost like Kota?" Izuku's eyes widened in realization. The looks were uncanny once one thought about it. They were probably the same person, just Kota being older!

"You think so?" Kirishima seemed to be thinking deeply about it, "Then, who's the other one?"

Todoroki walked passed the four, hearing the jist of their conversation. He stopped midway, "He looks almost like my older brother."

The group looked at him, but that was all he said before leaving. The three were left dumbstruck, while Asui stared blankly as she always done.


It was late enough to be able to see the sky lit by stars and the full moon. A beautiful sight to stare at as you were left with your thoughts.

"It was mentioned before, but it seems we had an early experience."

"Yes, there are more 'level-ups' in the future."

Izuku's eyebrows knotted due to his his concerns being thought about.

"Hey, Re-ika! Do you think we can keep both?"

The said girl smiled, "I do not understand the question."

And when he had tested his theory with uncharacteristic slyness.

"What if Re-ika made the choice for us?"



"Well, Re-ika knows what alternatives there are going to be right? She can tell us which one will have a better quality for the next two universes."

"Though, she said that we can only get that option when we reach a certain amount."

"I can do that if requested. Machines, after all, have a recommendation option."

Something didn't add up. It couldn't just be him, right? It was obvious she wasn't a regular projection from the start, but...

Izuku sighed, ruffling his unruly - soft - green hair. Maybe I'm over thinking this. I'll go to sleep then.

Movements agreeing to his thoughts, he went to bed and tried to fall asleep. The school day would be filled with much work.

And, he was right on the mark. The day was the day they met the Big Three. The whole class had been pitted against one single member of the Big Three - except Todoroki and Bakugou - and he remembered he met one briefly before this.

He had everyone soundly beaten. The strength of someone who would've potentially been All Might's successor left Izuku in awe. Someone who was close to being a pro-hero, that was Mirio Togata.

Amazing. That's the level I have to reach. He stared at the blond with pure admiration. He had become even more determined after this fight.

Midoriya, however, had another idea in mind. Something nagging him to speak to the blond third-year. "Togata-san?" He approached the blond. The said male looked over his shoulder and hummed. He then smiled, "Oh, hey! What's up!?"

Midoriya smiled sheepishly. "Hey," he greeted, "I've got a question."

"Shoot, I'd be happy to answer as best I can!" He exclaimed. Wow, he reminds me of All Might.

"Well, um," he dithered, "Aizawa Sensei said that the machine for watching alternative universes was used before. I just... wanted to know if you ever used the machine in any of your previous years in U.A."

Simultaneously, Todoroki and Bakugou had approached Yaoyorozu and Jirou for the same reasons.


Kaminari plopped onto the couch with a huff. "Third-years are strong," he stated and groaned. "I'm going to have to take time to recover from that."

"Yeah," Sero agreed. He grinned his toothy grin that might've or might not have resemble their teachers a little too much. "I think it just got everybody fired up, really," said Kirishima as he too sat down. He pointed beside him, "See."

Next to him, was Bakugou looking more angry than he usually was; a dark aura was surrounding him. "And he didn't even fight."

A few surrounding the couch - but mostly the people known as the bakusquad - laughed. It was nice to see everyone could still be cheery after that battle.

Todoroki looked at the time; it was six in the afternoon. He just had to watch out for the time - he and Bakugou both had to. They had classes to take for their licencing exam. "Hey, guys. You all want to watch a few universes before it gets too late?" Kaminari suggested, keeping in mind that Iida was close enough to hear their conversation.

"We have homework to finish, first!" Iida Tenya countered. Sero gave the blond a thumbs up, "Nice try!"

Denki responded with a glare.

"How about we finish one universe and then go do our homework? We can even help each other out. Each universe is about twenty to thirty - or less - minutes anyways."

Everyone looked over at Mineta with surprise or stares of confusion and wonder.

He mumbled creepily, "There might be some beautiful ladies or-"

Oh, that's why. They understood the reasoning now and weren't surprised. "Well, I for one, hope there's something more on the action side."

"I don't know. I kind of want something a little more on the romantic side," Hagurake said with a tone of voice that suggested she was up to something. "Oh, yeah. Since it's universes on us, we would be able to see some romance happening between classmates." Ashido grinned evilly. "I've already got some blackmail material on Kirishima, but a little more would be nice. Especially on others."

I'm kind of scared now. Uraraka and Kirishima shivered.

"Okay, so we'll watch one and get to work afterwards!"


Kaminari quickly got up from his seat to turn on the machine and there appeared the brunette projection in all her glory.


"Scanning complete. Good afternoon, I will immediately scan the next universe." There was a long pause of silence from both projection and students. Abruptly, a bar was shown labelled 'loading'.

"Quality is low in hallucination and high in cinematic. Which would you like to watch?" Once she asked this, something popped in front of each student. Two different colored squares.

"Tap on either colored block; that is your vote. White represents cinematic and red represents hallucination."

"Oh, okay." Izuku stared at the poll in wonder, his eyebrows lifted. "Cool, it really is like a game," Kaminari said, grinning.

"It does."

Everyone voted on their choice or discussed it before making a choice. Thereafter, the votes came in and the majority voted for the white.

"Screen will automatically generate and play the next alternative universe." Just as said, the projection morphed into a big screen.

The room naturally went quiet and the screen lit into a grayish-black. It remained so as they heard a woman's voice - voice rich in wisdom and experience.

"All Might. When he stole from the mother island, darkness fell."

"Todoroki awoke."

Todoroki looked at the screen in perplexedly. "First All Might is some thief and Todoroki 'awakes'," Sato mumbled. "It is a bit odd," Iida admitted. We should be grateful that All Might is a hero in our universe.

"Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back."

"To protect our people, the ancient chiefs forbid voyaging and now we have forgotten who we are."

"And the darkness has continued to spread, chasing away our fish. Draining the life from island after island."

"That's awful," Momo said, significantly concerned.

"But, one day, someone will journey beyond here. Find All Might. Deliver him across the great ocean, to restore the heart of Shouto."

"Todoroki lost his heart?" Denki asked with a smile. "Come on, he isn't that heartless," Mineta joked.

"Why are you both like this?" Jirou face-palmed. Momo chuckled, "I would say that you have a very kind heart, Todoroki."

"Yes, it's true! Have you seen how the guy stays up just to keep us company!" Mina exclaimed. "Yes, I praise you for your kindness too," Tenya complimented.

"Thank you, I suppose." The teen looked away, overwhelmed by all their compliments. A small tint of pink, very faint but there, had crept onto his cheeks.

As they spoke, the screen became a light color until it was showed the blue-sky. The sound of waves brought there attention.

A young man laid unconscious on the shore. His face dirtied by the sand as well as his bare chest. The only thing covering him was traditional wear from a tribe of some sort.

"Polynesian village-boy vibe," Sero commented.

"I love the material used for the outfit. The patterns are lovely too," chirped Momo, genuinely interested.

His face was revealed, the male's emerald eyes opening groggily.

"See," Ochako pointed out. "It's you again. It's like you're a main character Izuku."

"Now that you mention it," Todoroki said, pondering over the new information.

"Please stop with the conspiracy theories," Izuku pleaded, but it didn't seem to effect Todoroki.

"That clothes though," Mineta pointed out, "I wish it-"

"Don't finish that sentence either," Jirou warned, while Sero prepared his tape.

"What happened?" He questioned, ruffling his hair filled with sand. He stood up, but not without significant struggle. It took him some time, albeit he remembered.

Right. His eyes widened. He expressed nothing but realization. Grandma. She passed away. And... she gave me the heart. Izuku thought bitterly. He was still shaken up by his grandma's death. His father wouldn't be happy with everything that happened either. ❞

"Oh," Izuku looked significantly surprised, although he couldn't relate to his counterpart's pain.

❝ All might! I was looking for All might and then the storm-

His first instinct was looking around. It was a small island with nothing but rocks and little greenery.

"Shipwrecked?" Tsuyu mumbled.

"And All Might's mentioned again. If I'm correct, he was mentioned to be a thief and Midoriya must help him right his wrong," Momo pointed out. "Let's hope he isn't some crazed villain like the other one," Sero said.

"Yeah." Many agreed, shivering at the previous image of the former number one hero.

Izuku and Bakugou didn't look too well either, having had an... unpleasant experience.

Izuku let out a small gasp before checking his necklace. He opened the locket only to see the green stone with a pattern carved smoothly into it.

"Oh, wow. That's pretty!" Tooru exclaimed. "Beautiful." Yaoyorozu nodded with a smile.

"It has beauty, yes," Aoyama admitted.

He sighed in relief, which was enough for other emotions to set in.

He looked at the sea with new found anger; Izuku stomped over towards it. "Um," he exclaimed abruptly, "What!?"

"I asked you to help me!"

"Midoriya," Mina, stone-faced, turned around to look at the said boy, "Why is your counterpart shouting at sea water?"

Izuku frowned with the same look of bemusement as others. "I... wouldn't know," he answered. In the background, a certain blond held a hand over his mouth as he tried not to laugh, "You're trying to pick a fight with H20."

"His one to talk," Sero whispered.

In frustration, he tried kicking the water - tried. The water unnaturally moved away from the boy's foot, which resulted in him tripping. "Ugh!" He pouted.

Bakugou let out a laugh, still trying to hold it back. A few laughed - also amused that Katsuki even chuckled, while the others processed what happened.

"Is everyone not going to mention how the water just moved on its own? It wasn't a quirk?" Ojiro questioned, sweat-dropping.

"I decided not to question it," Shouto said, stoic.

The water flowed naturally again. Calm, unlike the forest green haired male. "Fish pee in you, all day! So..." He grunted to emphasize his futile insult.

Bakugou lost it. "Pffffft-" The explosive blond burst out laughing, "This is gold!"

Izuku blushed in embarrassment, "Oh, um."

"Your counterpart is terrible at insults," Tsuyu stated, making Izuku chuckle sheepishly.

Izuku soon calmed down after seeing his chicken - that somehow survived the storm - being... weird again. He wasn't surprised.

"What's with the chicken?" Jiro raised an eyebrow. She looked at Koji, but only got a shrug in response.

His eyes landed on the rock where markings of the days spent on the island was carved into huge hooks shape.

His lips parted as another small gasp escaped his lips.

"Wow, who has the time to do that?" Mineta asked. "Someone's who's shipwrecked," Izuku answered with realization.

"All Might?"

"I knew it!" Mina and Kaminari exclaimed.

The sea water moved once again, this time forming a lump. It nodded and returned to its natural form. In that moment, Midoriya heard footsteps.


"Talk about mind of its own."

"Wouldn't it be something like dark-shadow?" Izuku asked. "Yes, but it seems that this isn't something being activated by someone," Tokoyami answered.

"All Might." He grabbed a hold of both his oar and chicken by the neck, and hid away behind his canoe.

"What did the chicken ever do to you!?"

"All Might, shape-shifter; demigod of the wind and sea. I am Izuku Midoriya. You will board my boat," he recited and pretended to be pointing as the said demigod, "No. You will board my boat."

He nodded in satisfaction, "Yeah."

"Wait, All Might is a demigod here?" Kirishima exclaimed, shocked. "Not surprised," Bakugou shortly said, which made Denki smirk. "Yeah, you and Izuku are fanboys, aren't you? You'd definitely think of him as some kind of God at one point."

"Quite spewing nonsense!" Was the nice way to put what he said. While, Izuku averting eye contact in the background.

He repeated again, but his nerves were showing - his voice cracked in the beginning. The boy peered through the boat's gaps, and soon trailed off once seeing the shadow of the so called All Might gone. "You will board my-"

"Boat!" The aforementioned transportation was lifted up to leave Izuku exposed. "A boat!" The voice exclaimed again, "The Gods have given me a-" Before the blond could finish his sentence, he saw Midoriya Izuku. What was his first instinct?


Then letting the boat, he picked up with inhumane strength, fall down.

"Oh my-" Uraraka's eyes widened, she glanced - along with others - at Izuku as confirmation that he was alright. Silly of them, but it was pure instinct.

"That... was something," Ojiro said, breaking the fraught silence, while watching All Might's counterpart calm himself.

"I have to say I wouldn't have imagined All Might screaming like that," Koji Koda said softly.

Once he recovered from his shock, he lifted the boat up and peek under, only to see a chickens head pop out.

He heard the clearing of a throat and turned to see the boy - the boat almost hitting the green haired teen. Izuku had his oar pointed warningly at All Might.

There were multiple sighs of relief. "How did you get there so fast?" The question earned a 'I don't know' from the freckled teen.

"Seriously," Tooru said, "that poor chicken though."

"All Might, shape-shifter; demigod of the wind and sea," he addressed the tattooed blond, "I am Izuku Midoriya-"

"Hero of men," All Might interrupted.

There was a pause.

"Well, that back-fired quickly," Mina stated, blinking at the many tattoos All Might had. "I feel bad. He probably practiced that a lot." Yaoyorozu frowned.

"What?" Izuku looked confused.

"It's actually All Might, shape-shifter, demigod of the wind and sea and hero of men."

"I interrupted, sorry. You may continue from the top. Hero of men. Actually, hero to all - not a guy-girl thing. Hero to all."

"He's too confident; it's blinding." Denki and Mineta squinted their eyes. "No, that's just Aoyama," Ojiro said, sweat-dropping. He pointed a thumb at the shining blond.

"Why is he suddenly so shiny!?"

The teen looked hesitant for a moment. "I am Izuku Mi-"

Unfortunately, he couldn't finish his practiced declaration, because he was interrupted yet again. All Might, unexpectedly and abruptly, deflated as he coughed out blood.

"Ah!" Izuku's eyes bulged.

"Ah!" Most of the Class 1-A shouted along with Izuku's counterpart. Midoriya's face reflected the same expression as his counterpart. I will never get used to that! It's always so sudden!

"Why is he suddenly so shiny!?" Yes, I did that. And I swear that wasn't intentional at first.

Can't believe it took more than five months to finish the next update. But in my defense, I kept on switching universes. And because of that, I might be able to finish the next update sooner - keyword might.
