Part 1: Chapter 1

This chapter is like a longer introduction. It's just supposed to show off the theme, way of writing and such. Plus I was too excited to wait.

"Scanning... scanning complete," came a robotic voice as soon as they put it on.


The class had different reactions when a ray of blue began scanning them. There were reactions such as tension, awe and confusion. It depended on their personality to be said.

The light disappeared and just as fast as it disappeared a projection appeared.


"Ah!" Screamed Mina Ashido and Kaminari Denki.

The projection showed a young brunette. She had a smile on her face; her voice sounded like those that were heard through a radio. The image wasn't clear, barely being able to show small details like her light brown eyes.

"What the-" A blond haired teen exclaimed, but was cut off by the brown haired young teen.

"Good day. As explained by your teacher, it should be obvious what you will be doing. The present people who were scanned will be shown in alternative worlds they exist in. The machine takes audios, so you may request a specific person to observe. This is based off a quirk that shows illusions, so if there are sudden changes in scenery be calm. If there are questions, I will be answering them."

The brunette smiled once more. "Take note, there will be two types of ways to show you the alternative universes. With both being shown, it will be your choice. Would you like the scenery change or the other? With that being said, the alternative universes will be shown."

Everyone braced themselves at those words. "Cool! I can't wait!"

"Why do you think they used this, kero?" Asked a frog-like girl. It was true to say that people were confused on the purpose of this machine. U.A was used to training others to be heroes. What was the purpose of this then?

"You may call me Re-ika. A reminder: this machine was made to show you different universes of yourselves as you will be more wary of your decisions. It's also something to teach gratitude, appreciation and give you a taste of the real world. A documentary of some kind, one could say."

"Oh, I see," said Iida Tenya looking firmly at the projection.

"That's pretty cool. Isn't it exciting?"

"Though, it just proves that U.A makes everything a way of teaching you. It's just basically watching a movie," said Denki, shrugging effortlessly. Mina, who stood next to him, laughed. "It kind of is."

Kirishima grinned. "Could be fun!"

Jirou calmly spoke, "Though, she has a point."

"Yes, she does. It is a great experience to see this. That said, perhaps one of us done something wrong in our life. Or someone had chosen... the bad side. Possibly we had unfortunate lives in those alternative universes. Then if they were to show that life, the person would be grateful for the lives they have," Momo explained seemingly focused, but she was also reluctant to say such a thing. To have someone be a villain wasn't something they'd react well to. Nonetheless, she was quite accurate. As expected from Yaoyorozu Momo.

Some who were listening were also wary of such a comment, but all the same, they were curious.

"Also, have fun!" Was the last words that boomed through the Class 1 A dorm-lounge.

Katsuki Bakugou crossed his arms, being quite silent through the entire process. He narrowed his eyes. Alternative Universes? His crimson-red eyes averted from the screen, feeling something strange. The scenery blurred as if glitching, which resulted in the room being filled with panic.

Not many were surprised, rather startled being that it was their first time. Others were calm as expected from them, but hiding their shock.

❝ It became clear when everyone saw a police station in sight. The rain had been pouring as everyone, from the illusion, rushed to be inside.

All except one.

"Who's that?" Asked Sero. Mina tilted her head before her eyes grew wide in curiosity. "You think it's one of us?" Asked a still grinning red-head. Bakugou narrowed his eyes at the man that was magically in front of the class. The man didn't seem to notice the class just standing and facing him.

The man was blurred, so no-one could see his face. His head tilted up looking at the sky. His breathing slow.

"This is so stupid," he breathed out and scoffed. The man began walking to the police station, which was behind the class. His crimson-red eyes looked straight at them, but he seemed oblivious to their existence. ❞

"Wonder what's wrong with him?"

"His coming straight towards us!"

"It is most likely that he is just a illusion this machine has made. If I'm right..." Momo paused as the man walked right - quite literally - pass them, "... he will just pass through."

"What the-"

"Bakugou please do not use strong language!"

Iida would've earned yelling from the explosive blond, but he had been staring wide-eyed at the blond illusion that walked pass.

It was him.

It shouldn't have been shocking. Though, it was quite weird to see another him.

❝ The scenery changed to the the now known blond teen, Bakugou. He walked and was obviously soaked. "Bakugou-san, stop beating yourself like this," a voice said slowly. It soon revealed it to be the detective. He had short black hair and black eyes to match, many knew him as Tsukauchi Naomasa. The human lie detector, his alias known as 'True Man'. ❞

"Other you... seems tired or something. I wonder what made Bakugou Katsuki this way...?" Kirishima said, looking at his best friend's other-self worriedly. Katsuki wasn't paying much attention, he had one thing in his mind. That was curiosity and confusion - okay, two things. He was in his own world looking at his double.

"It is unnerving, kero."

Many nodded staring intensely at the scene that was about to unfold.

"Just don't go there. I want to be over and done with this. That idiot's mom is on my case on this," he grumbled as his eyebrows furrowed. "You're worried. Anyone can see. It isn't a lie that you're annoyed, though," said Tsukauchi. If not for his mood one could tell he would've given a light-hearted chuckle. ❞

All were questioning what was going on. Knowing how obviously confused they all were, there wasn't anyone dumb enough to ask what was going on. No-one knew and that was what everyone knew. The reasoning behind no-one questioning.

"..." Bakugou was silent before speaking, "... I just can't take it! After all these years, he was found again. What do I find!?" Katsuki ranted, and felt out of breath. It took him a while to catch his breath as it was quite rapid. ❞

"Who's... he?"

"It might be a friend that had gone missing," Sato said slowly. Momo nodded. "It could be. It might've been someone special," answered Momo slightly amazed at that Bakugou's reaction. The red head nudged the blond, "You're so devastated. I wonder who's it."

Bakugou was taken out of his thoughts. He was ready to attack Kirishima, but was cut off by his counterpart's sudden exclamation.

"What do I hear!? He was found! Where?" Bakugou ruffled his hair in frustration with one hand, "Where?"

His voice was barely audible, but one could hear. "I found him by the league of villains..." He spoke softly and almost sounding defeated. ❞

"League... of villains?" Midoriya repeated, whom was quiet the entire time. He had been analysing everything up to now. Him and Bakugou had the same feeling, a bad feeling. He could tell that Katsuki was also suspicious of this scene. A friend? Gone missing.

The line that Yaoyorozu said, about a bad life. Wrong choices. It had been ringing in his head for a while, hence his quiet behavior. Tsukauchi was also in the scene and he was sure a few would recognize him too. He barely held back his mumbles, biting his lip.

"Deku, what's wrong?" Asked a worried Ochako. She leaned a bit forward just a bit. Midoriya was quite shocked by her sudden closeness. He felt overwhelming warmth engulf and he hid his face. "No, it's nothing!" He exclaimed shyly before pointing a trembling finger to the scene before them. "I'm just-"

"Worried? Yeah I have that feeling too. Though, it's not us."

Ochako gave a reassuring smile and Izuku accepted the kind gesture.

"Bakugou, calm down," the detective said firmly. He had seen plenty enough stuff to be able to keep calm. "Calm down! How can I!? It's..." he trailed off. ❞

Everyone was used to this kind of behavior from Bakugou. Albeit, this felt different to all the other outbursts. It was disturbing.

What is he going to say? That was a big question, not the big question.

"Kacchan, looks... guilty."

"How are you sure of that?" Asked Kaminari. "I don't know. I can just see it...?" Izuku replied, confused by own his answer.

"... It's my fault that he's like this!"

The image disappeared and they were in the the dorm once again.

"Wait, it ended right there!?" Exclaimed Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero in synchronization. Bakugou looked enraged as usual. "Why did it end right there!? I look so hopeless! No way, it should end like that!" He shouted, but of course, not without a few not-so-descent words in between.

"I wonder who this person is," Ochako said, earning nods of agreement from majority of the class. "Maybe it was a childhood friend as said before," commented an invisible teen.

"Shouldn't the next be a different way to show us these universes?"
